Chapter 529 Rain Flower Sect

Liang Mu's intention in naming the book is very simple, that is, to make it cool and cool.

Only in this way can people be attracted to buy.

It's like the first scroll book he sold to Feng Jun. Although the content was adapted from "Ancient Spearmanship", Liang Mu took the name "Ancient Spearmanship".

Ancient times, it sounds older than ancient times, more cool and crazy.

So Liang Mu's second book continued the naming format of the first book.

Just because the content was adapted from the "Ancient Sword Art" sold to Mo Sisi, it was named "Ancient Sword Art".

Thinking of Mo Sisi, Liang Mu's hands paused, and complex emotions surged in his heart.

If someone asked him when was the closest he got to being single in his life, he would definitely answer - when he was at Beijing University.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to have a beautiful roommate.

As long as Liang Mu is given some more time, he will surely muster up the courage to confess his love.

But it's a pity that it's the system that tricks people.

"Mother's brain-damaged system, teleports me back and forth all day long, do you dare to teleport my roommate to me?"

Liang Mu complained alone.

But when he looked down, he was startled.

It turned out that without knowing it, he actually took a pen and drew a portrait on a blank piece of paper.

It was Mo Sisi's.

It seems that I drew it unconsciously when I recalled it just now.

"No wonder some people say that when you think by day, you can draw by night!

Um?What seems wrong?

Forget it, keep drawing. "

Liang Mu muttered, but couldn't help but draw other people on his hand.

From Bai Xi, Wu Mohuan, and Sima Bo in Wucheng to Ding Peilan and Mars in Kyoto to Huolong, Fengjun, and Lanyan in Sanhuo Village.
Faces flashed in the mind, and then evolved into agile lines under Liang Mu's pen.


When Liang Mu woke up, he suddenly found that he had already painted dozens of portraits, and it was almost dawn.

"Why am I wasting my time drawing? I should hurry up and write a book!"

Liang Mu was very upset.

Now he wants to finish the second book as soon as possible, and then leave Tianren Village as soon as possible, and return to Tianyingzong to complete the unfinished dream of cultivating immortals!
"But, it's almost dawn anyway, so let's get some sleep first."

Liang Mu yawned, returned to the bed, and fell asleep not long after.

A breeze blew into the room, blowing the portraits on the table to the ground.

A few pieces of paper followed the wind to the outside of the house, and swayed into the sea of ​​trees.

In the sea of ​​trees in the middle of the night, a team is camping to rest.

There were about twenty people in this group, all from the Tianren clan.

But the patterns of their clothes are different from those of the villagers in Tianren Village.

At this moment, around the bonfire, a group of people were whispering about something.

"Why has Tian Renzong been huddled in this sea of ​​trees for thousands of years, and still be neighbors with Lord Fox of Lanqiu Fox Mountain?!"

"The dignified No. [-] sect in the Tianren world does not rule the entire Tian Ren world, but chooses to carve up the Tian Ren world with alien beasts. What a bunch of cowards!"

"Why should our [Yuhua Sect] be managed by such a weak and timid sect?"

"When we get to Tianren Village tomorrow, we must question these cowards!"

Everyone was very upset.

"How about our Yuhua Sect become the number one sect in the world today?"

Suddenly, someone said such a sentence.

The scene instantly became tense.

Everyone looked left and right, afraid of something rushing out of the sea of ​​trees.

"Are you going to die?! How can you say such things here?!"

"Yes, yes, I will definitely go back to our Yuhuazong, hide and say it secretly!"

"Yes, I'm sorry"

"Forget it, I hope Tian Renzong didn't hear what we just said."

As soon as the words fell, a piece of paper was suddenly blown by the wind to the campfire.


Someone screamed loudly.

"Paper! It's paper!"

Beside the bonfire, everyone was startled and subconsciously jumped up.

Everyone looked at the piece of paper on the ground with horror in their eyes.

"Is it possible that the Tianren Sect is warning us?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt chills behind their backs.

It always felt like there were pairs of eyes spying on them in the dark forest.

Someone had the courage to pick up the piece of paper on the ground.

When he unfolded it, he found that it was a portrait.

There is a beautiful woman painted on it, but she does not look like the Tianren clan in appearance.

"Tian Ren Zong is going to expel us from the ranks of Tian Ren Clan?"

The people from the Yuhua Sect had a wry smile on their faces.

They came from afar this time, aggressively.

Unexpectedly, before seeing the true master, he was already warned that he lost all momentum.

If this arrives at Tianren Village, why don't you kneel down on the spot?
"Elder, what shall we do now?
Go back or continue? "

Someone asked a woman.

The woman looked around thirty, and seemed to be the leader of the team at the scene.

Hearing this, the woman also fell into a tangle.

She looked at the painting in her hand and kept biting her lip, obviously struggling in her heart.

"Go!" After a long time, the woman made a decision.

"We didn't come here to do bad things, we came here for the future of the entire Tianren Clan, why should we be guilty?
Enter Tianren Village with your head held high tomorrow, don't be shy! "


"Also." Pointing to the painting in her hand, the woman confessed with a serious face, "Be sure to pay attention to the owner of this painting.

This person can send paintings to us without anyone noticing, he must be the top master of Tianrenzong!
Be careful when you see him! "


Before Liang Mu fell asleep for a long time, he was awakened by movements in the village.

When he walked out of the house sleepily, he found that in front of the house on the tree trunk under his feet, the man with slanted bangs was already looking there with his little feet raised.

"What happened?"

Liang Mu looked into the distance, but found that all the villagers gathered at the entrance of the village.

Occasionally there is the sound of festive playing music, which seems to be not a bad thing.

Is there a happy event happening in the village?

"It seems that there are guests coming."

Slanted bangs looked curiously into the distance, his little head tilted this way and that.

Liang Mu, on the other hand, had no interest in it, yawned, and went back to the house to sleep.

At this time, the people coming to the village were the practitioners of the Yuhua Sect.

"Welcome, welcome. On behalf of Tianrenzong, I welcome the compatriots of Yuhuazong to be our guests."

Lan Mumu looked enthusiastic.

The practitioners of the Yuhua Sect remembered the elders' instructions and walked into the village with their heads held high, as if they were the masters of the village.

"Ha ha sneeze!"

The slanted bangs on the tree couldn't help but sneezed.

At this time, she didn't realize how big a consequence her little sneeze would have later on.

(End of this chapter)

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