Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 526 The Legend of Lord Fox

Chapter 526 The Legend of Lord Fox

"What the hell is this?"

Feng Jun looked suspiciously at the dark spoon in front of him.

"It's not a piece of crap, it's a treasure left by me and Suzuha-chan from the previous life to us in this life.

It contains the magical power left by Mr. Liang, and we used it to keep up with Mr. Liang's pace all the way! "

Caishiyan put her hands on her hips and glared at Feng Jun unhappily.

Jindai Suzuha on the side also nodded vigorously, and also glared at Feng Jun.

Being stared at by two little ones whose strength is far weaker than his own, Feng Jun felt terrified for some reason.

It seems that in the bodies of these two little ones, there is a terrifying mysterious power hidden.

Just out of face, I had no choice but to curl my lips and turn my face away.

But just as he turned away, he suddenly turned back with a stunned expression: "Wait, last life?"

"Ah, I seem to have forgotten to tell you." Shang Shang patted his head, only to remember that the strange beast did not reincarnate.

So he explained a bit, and grandly introduced Shang Zi, the reincarnation of the first suzerain of Tianyingzong.

When Feng Jun learned that the group of people opposite had two or three previous lives, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Why do alien beasts die when they die, but human beings can be reincarnated again and again?

"Anyway, reincarnation is a weak chicken"

Feng Jun felt hurt and couldn't help but muttered.

But this mouth caused the eyebrows of someone on the opposite side to raise.

That person was Zhao Huan.

"Why are we weak now? We were even weaker when we were born!

Being able to cultivate naturally is the advantage of your strange beasts.

But continuous growth is the advantage of us humans!

Hedong in 30 years, Hexi in 30 years, no one should look down on anyone.

Now I can only talk to you, maybe in the future it will be your turn to talk to me. "

Zhao Huan was notoriously thorny when he was in Peking University.

Although he has restrained himself after entering the Yan group, his heart is still upright.

Feng Jun is not happy to see them, and he is not happy to see Feng Jun!
If you are upset, speak up!
This is Zhao Huan's way of dealing with the world.

But as soon as he said this, the faces of everyone at the scene changed.

Finish the calf!
Sure enough, Feng Jun's face turned cold immediately.

It is true that Zhao Huan is the biggest thorn in their side.

But Feng Jun is the biggest thorn in the entire Celestial Kingdom!

Zhao Huan, Wei Heng, Shang Zi and others occasionally pull the rope, but only Liang Mu can control Feng Jun.

Therefore, hearing Zhao Huan's words, Feng Jun's temper suddenly came up.

He glanced at the wooden gun on Zhao Huan's back, and said with a sneer, "See, you're also a gun player, do you want to come and make gestures?

Don't worry, I will only fight you with physical strength. "

As he said this, Feng Jun seemed to have remembered something, and the corners of his mouth curled up uncontrollably: "I learned physical training methods from Mr. Liang."

"Who is afraid of whom!" Zhao Huan brought the wooden gun in front of him, pointed at it braggingly and said, "I'll fight you with the gun that Mr. Liang gave me!"

"What?! Sent by Mr. Liang?!" Feng Jun was even more upset.

Seeing that the two were about to make an appointment, some people couldn't help it.

"Have you two childish fools enough?
Is it time to fight?

Hurry up and find Teacher Liang! "

Wen Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled at the two of them.

The rest of the people also stood up to persuade the fight.

The final result, of course, ended with the two snorting coldly.

Just as everyone was about to go to the castle in the air, a woman from the Tianying tribe ran over.

She is rotten smoke.

"You are going to find Mr. Liang, can you take me with you?" Lanyan begged everyone.

"She is.?"

Everyone from Blue Star didn't know Lanyan.

Only Feng Jun lazily introduced: "You can treat her as Mr. Liang's personal maid."

"Post, personal maid?!"

For some reason, the voices of many women at the scene suddenly became louder.

Feng Jun didn't expect his words to make them react so strongly, but was taken aback, thinking that he had said something wrong, and asked in a daze, "Is there a problem?"

A group of women did not speak, but looked at Rotten Smoke with strange eyes.

Lan Yan was also seen at a loss, with a chill behind him.

Of course, in the end everyone agreed to bring the rotten cigarettes together.

"Try to see if Simon has any effect."

In front of the gate leading to Tianren Realm, everyone took out Si Nan.

But Sinan, who is always in danger, did not respond at all this time.

"Tch! You brag so much, it's nothing more than that."

Feng Jun showed a sneer.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the bodies of nine people suddenly shone with light.

Impressively, it is the God of the Nine Wars of the Tongtian Dynasty in the previous life.

The nine people took out the bright things, which were the nine secret keys of the Nine Palaces.

At the same time, the light of the nine keys shone on the door.

The originally closed door was slowly opened.

It is exactly the same as the picture when entering the Tower of Eternity.

"It turns out that these nine keys can open more than one door"

Everyone suddenly realized.

"The door is open and we are ready to go.

Here in Tianying Realm, I will leave it to you for the time being. "

Shang Zi warned Shang Shang.

The latter led the disciples of Tianyingzong to salute together: "Please rest assured!"

But when Shang Zi was explaining matters to Tian Yingzong, Feng Jun looked at the key in Zhao Huan's hand: "Hey! Did Mr. Liang give you this too?"

"Yeah." Zhao Huan chuckled, "Are you jealous?"

"Huh, nonsense!" Feng Jun turned his head sternly.

He wanted to show off that he still had the book Liang Mu had given him, but when he thought that Zhao Huan not only had books, but also wooden guns and keys, he lost all thought of showing off.

Even the time spent together is not as good as others.

'Crazy boy, sooner or later this deity will beat you up! '

Feng Jun gritted his teeth and thought.

"Let's go."

With Shang Zi's order, everyone stepped into the portal to Tianying Realm one after another.

On the same night, the conversation in Tianren Village continued.

"Sect Master, even if that person is from the Tianying Sect in the Tianying Realm, why did [Fox Lord] follow him?"

A practitioner asked the woman holding the long staff in puzzlement.

The woman did not answer immediately, but took out a simple book from the patterned robe on her body.

After flipping through it, he read out the content of a certain page: "According to ancient book records, since the creation of Tianren Realm, the strange beasts in Tianren Realm have respected [Fox Lord].

Only Mr. Fox can transform into a human being.

And each generation of fox kings was born from [Lanqiu Fox Mountain] next to Tianren Village where our Tianrenzong is located.

But this year's Mr. Fox is quite special."

(End of this chapter)

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