Chapter 51 Jealous
"What are you doing?"

Wu Mohuan looked suspiciously at Duanmu Xianya who was lying on the ground.

He cast a questioning look at Duanmuyan and Liang Mu who were astonished.

The atmosphere of silence was suddenly broken.

Duanmuyan, who woke up like a dream, hurried towards Duanmu Xianya: "Xiaoya, are you okay?!"

With Duanmuyan's support, Duanmu Xianya stood up from the ground.

Touching the chin that hit the ground, the pain was so painful that tears were about to come out.

But compared to the physical pain, the mental blow made Duanmu Xianya go crazy!

She suppressed her tears, turned her head and glared at Liang Mu with eyes that were about to burn: "Liang! You actually watched me fall?!"

Liang Mu looked away a little guilty, looked around and said, "Well, Mo Huan, let's choose a wood carving!"

"Don't try to change the subject!"

The grief-stricken Duanmu Xianya wanted to drag Liang Mu to continue his theory.

But Duanmuyan stopped him and winked in Wu Mohuan's direction.

Duanmu Xianya was taken aback for a moment, then looked up, only to find that there seemed to be something wrong with Wu Mohuan's expression.

With tiredness and loneliness.

"Junior Sister seems to be in a bad mood. Could it be that something happened yesterday?"

Duanmuyan is the only one who can call Wu Mohuan like that.

He thought of the infighting in the Wu family he had witnessed, his eyes flashed, and he asked tentatively.

As long as it is confirmed that Wu Mohuan was also in danger yesterday, then it is almost possible to identify who their enemy in the Wu family is.

"It's okay, I just went to the hospital."

Wu Mo smiled happily, but looked pale and feeble.

I added a sentence in my heart: standing outside the ward, watching a certain annoying old man all day.

Hearing Wu Mohuan's words, and seeing Wu Mohuan's pale face, Liang Mu felt sad.

It seems that this little girl's terminal illness has worsened again.

Compassion suddenly arose in his heart, and he stepped forward to stroke Wu Mohuan's head.

Comforting softly like a kitten: "It's okay, everything will be fine.

Remember those four words I gave you? "

Wu Mohuan's eyes trembled, and he stared blankly at Liang Mu: "Spring comes with a dead tree?"

Liang Mu smiled and nodded.

"A dead tree meets spring" A dead tree meets spring"

Wu Mohuan murmured and repeated these words, and the scene of that person being sent to the hospital appeared again and again in his mind.

Forbe's desolate cry seemed to still be echoing in his ears.

But at this moment, there is a vitality sprouting quietly in the bottom of my heart.

Dispelled the gloom and coldness in Wu Mohuan's heart.

And this vitality comes from those four words.

Withered trees come in spring.

Or rather, from the
A man touching his head.

and many more!

scratching your head? !
"You put your head on my hand without my permission! Bah! Put your hand on my head!"

Wu Mohuan moved his head away from Liang Mu's hand like a kitten with fizzy fur.

While arranging the hair messed up by Liang Mu, she stared at Liang Mu with a blushing face.

And the angrier she was, the happier Liang Mu was.

Because Wu Mohuan's spirit seemed much better.

It seems that the trick of touching the head is very effective.

He secretly decided that if Wu Mohuan was still in a bad mood next time, he would use the same trick to comfort her.


Duanmu Xianya did not know when she became quiet.

When she saw Liang Mu touching Wu Mohuan's head intimately, she touched her own head too.

He murmured in a voice that he could only hear: "She said again? More than once?"

Then he curled his lips and gently poked Duanmuyan with his elbow: "Grandpa, what does it mean that a dead tree is in spring?
Is it a confession? "

However, Duanmuyan didn't seem to notice her granddaughter's small movements, but fell into deep thought alone.

He was thinking about Wu Mohuan's going to the hospital yesterday.

From Wu Mohuan's description, it seems that he was not hospitalized by himself, but more like visiting someone else.

As far as he knew, Wu Mohuan's father, Wu Tianxiong, was not in good health.

Combined with Wu Mohuan's expression, it is likely that he went to visit Wu Tianxiong.

So in that case, yesterday's kidnapper should not be sent by Wu Tianxiong and Wu Mohuan.

And Wu Henan will not direct and act on his own, and let people kidnap him, right?

But after excluding Wu Tianxiong, Wu Henan and Wu Mohuan, who else in the Wu family might be hostile to their grandfather and grandson?

The more Duanmuyan thought about it, the more confused she became. Even though Duanmu Xianya almost pierced her elbow, she still didn't react.

Duanmu Xianya rolled her eyes fiercely in anger.

"Can I have two of these wood carvings?"

Wu Mohuan looked at the wood carvings on the table and asked suddenly.

"You want to get one for Xiaobai, right?" Liang Mu smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I'll keep hers."

"It's not for Xixi, it's an old man." Wu Mohuan shook his head.

"Old man?" Liang Mu didn't ask carefully, and said indifferently: "You can take whatever you want, and I can carve it when it's gone."

"Thank you." Even though Liang Mu said that, Wu Mohuan only took two.

Seeing Liang Mu's completely different attitude towards herself and Wu Mohuan, Duanmu Xianya's eyes became more and more resentful.

"Hmph! What's so great about it, isn't it just that you can write some music and carve some woodcarvings?"

"There are so many people who want to chase after my aunt that they can line up all the way from Yangcheng to Wucheng!"

"Grandma shouldn't have been so mad at the beginning, and confessed to you in front of so many people!"

In the hotel room, Duanmu Xianya, who had returned to her original appearance, was so angry that her mouth bulged.

He touched his chin, and it seemed that there was still residual pain from the knock on it.

"Even if it's not a princess hug, just reach out and pick me up!"

"Damn Liang Mu! Smelly Liang Mu! Hateful, hateful and shameless barbarian!"

She touched her eye socket suddenly, startled.

Then he scolded himself bitterly: "Duanmu Xianya, what's the matter with you? How could you cry because of a man?"

At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Duanmu Xianya quickly wiped away her tears, stood up and opened the door.

"Xiaoya, something serious happened, something serious happened, you should look out of the window!"

The assistant danced excitedly.

Duanmu Xianya was full of doubts, and was dragged to the window by the assistant.

When the curtains were drawn, she finally saw the scene outside.

I saw several luxury cars parked directly below her room, on the street in front of the hotel.

Every luxury car is covered with flowers.

On the car in the center, Wu Henan stood on the roof, holding a bouquet of roses.

Facing Duanmu Xianya's direction, he said affectionately: "Xiaoya, I'm sorry to let you have an unpleasant dinner last night.

These flowers represent my deep apologies to you.

Can you please forgive me and give me another chance to have a candlelight dinner with you? "

(End of this chapter)

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