Chapter 506 I Understand
Ming Yanzong!
Isn't this the destination of Liang Mu's trip?
If these two Mingyan sect practitioners are saved, they might be introduced to join the Mingyan sect!
But there is a serious problem ahead.

That is, how to rescue these two people from the siege of a dozen alien beasts?

Liang Mu glanced at the group behind him and shook his head.

Rely on soft and cute jelly?

Relying on the down and out son and his childhood sweetheart?

Or rely on a dumb girl who can't even speak?

In Liang Mu's view, these people were there to deliver food to the alien beasts.

So he still has to rely on himself!

After thinking for a few seconds, Liang Mu walked into the valley.

From Feng Jun and Lan Yan's point of view, Liang Mu's shaking of his head was signaling them not to intervene, just let him solve it.

Originally, the two of them didn't know why Liang Mu suddenly mentioned the strange beast, but now they finally understood.

Sure enough, Liang Mu didn't say it casually, but had a purpose long ago.

His goal is this valley!
"Could it be that these strange beasts have something that Mr. Liang wants?"

"Maybe it's those two Mingyan sect practitioners."

Fengjun and Lanyan, who were idle and bored, began to guess Liang Mu's goal.

The current situation may be very difficult for other practitioners, just like the two Mingyanzong practitioners who could not escape.

But with Lan Yan's strength, he could easily deal with these dozen or so beasts, let alone Feng Jun.

And Liang Mu, who was stronger than them, would definitely be able to settle the situation on the spot without any effort.

So the two didn't feel nervous at all, they just chatted comfortably.

It is worth mentioning that the two called Liang Mu the big brother Liang without a teacher.

After all, Liang Mu is the most powerful boss in their eyes.

The faceless dumb girl was squatting on the ground, poking her finger at Jelly's soft body, as if she wasn't worried about Liang Mu's safety.

But no one knew that Liang Mu's heart was about to jump out of his throat at this time!

Strictly speaking, this was the first time Liang Mu had faced a strange beast head-on, if it wasn't counted as jelly.

Moreover, he was still facing more than a dozen alien beasts at the same time!

Among those strange beasts, there were pangolins as big as Liang Mu, and wild boars with a row of tusks.

From a long distance, Liang Mu could smell the fishy smell coming from the strange beasts.

And that chilling evil spirit.

Liang Mu had no doubt that these strange beasts had the ability to kill him.

But Liang Mu still stood up.

In order to cultivate his dream of immortality, he must take a risk to rescue those two practitioners!
'I hope that you will repay the kindness of dripping water and introduce me to Mingyan Sect.

It would be even better if you could give me some magic weapon for cultivation'

Liang Mu was imagining in his mind the scene where the protagonist saves the supporting role in the novel, while silently picking up a handful of stones on the ground.

'System, it's time to test the eighteen abilities you gave me! '

Liang Mu cheered himself up in his heart, but without hesitation, a stone flew out of his hand.

"call out!"

Like a meteor, the stone hit the back of one of the beasts hard.

He smashed the beast to pieces and roared angrily.

'Nice! '

The blow worked, and Liang Mu couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Even though he simply threw a stone just now, he used the "Ancient Shooting Technique" and "Ancient Throwing Technique" among the eighteen abilities

That is, the two books sold to Wei Heng and Mars.

Therefore, a small stone contains two major projection abilities at the same time.

Can hitting a strange beast not hurt?
However, Liang Mu hadn't been excited for too long, and all the strange beasts had noticed his arrival.

Seeing that their companion was injured, the beasts became furious and launched a group attack on Liang Mu!
'You don't talk about Wude! '

Liang Mu wanted to cry but had no tears.

He originally wanted to fight a guerrilla attack outside to give the two Mingyan sect practitioners a chance to get out of trouble.

After the two were out of trouble, he was choosing an opportunity to escape.

But Liang Mu far underestimated his hatred.

It's like the shooter in the game, who is the farthest away from the enemy, but has become the target that the enemy most wants to kill in seconds.

At this moment, in the eyes of those strange beasts, Liang Mu is Luban No. [-] and Teemo!
Team battles can be lost, but shooters must die!
Amidst the roar, the strange beasts all attacked Liang Mu.

Liang Mu's scalp tingled, he turned and ran.

But he didn't run to the entrance of the valley when he came and went, because that would kill the faceless dumb girl and the others.

Although Liang Mu is sometimes quite wicked, he has a bottom line.

Since he started the battle himself, he decided not to implicate other innocent people.

So Liang Mu ran around the valley.

But he didn't just run away, he could throw stones behind him while running.

During this chasing and running, the stones accurately hit the beasts one after another.

So while running, the strange beasts suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Why are there fewer and fewer companions around me?

When they realized this, they were horrified to find that their companions had poured a large piece at some point.

Without exception, they were all hit by Liang Mu's stones.

That insidious human being threw stones at the eyes and other weak parts!
The beasts were frightened and angry, but stopped chasing Liang Mu.

If they continue to chase like this, if no one catches them, they might be wiped out first!

With unwilling roars, the remaining beasts ran out of the valley from the north side.

They don't play with this sinister human!
When all the dust settled, the valley returned to calm.

Two Mingyan sect practitioners, a man and a woman, have been dumbfounded for a long time.

They were all prepared to die, but they never expected that Liang Yaojin would come out halfway!

But before they could be happy, they found out that Liang Mu was just an ordinary person with no breath, and their mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

But just when they were about to yell for Liang Mu to leave for life, they were shocked to find that this ordinary person was not ordinary at all!
With only a few stones, they defeated the alien beast team and fled in embarrassment.

Where the hell is this person? !

Also dumbfounded are Feng Jun and Lan Yan.

They had fantasized about ten thousand ways for Liang Mu to balance the situation, but they never thought that Liang Mu could shock the alien beasts back only by relying on physical strength.

Several times during the period, the situation seemed dangerous to the two of them, but Liang Mu saved the day from danger time and time again.

The scene was obviously not as gorgeous as the battle between practitioners, but it made the two of them feel their hearts tremble up and down, and it was difficult to calm down.

"I get it, I get it"

"I understand too!"

"Between life and death, there is a great realization!

Mr. Liang is deliberately sealing his own strength, exercising his body in a dangerous situation, and forcing out his potential! "

At this moment, both of them had infinite respect for Liang Mu.

No wonder they don't have such powerful strength and realm as Liang Mu, it's because they don't have Liang Mu's consciousness of exercising themselves between life and death!

Brother Liang, it is indeed worthy of their following and learning!
(End of this chapter)

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