Chapter 49 Actually I Like Men

Wu's Manor.

Alsophila spinulosa and rabbit ear grass put the black sack on the ground.

In front, Hua Ji turned her back to the two and looked up at the sky.

"Master, fortunately, he did not disgrace his life, and has successfully brought the target back."

The two knelt on one knee, looking forward to the compliment.

"Thank you for your hard work, let him out."

Hua Ji said lightly without turning her head.

"As ordered."

Alsophila spinulosa and Rabbit Ear Grass stepped forward together and untied the sack.

However, halfway through the solution, both of them turned to stone on the spot.


Hua Ji noticed something strange, and when she frowned and turned around, she also petrified in place like the two of them.

In the sack, Wu Henan just happened to show his head.

They met Hua Ji's eyes, and they were all stunned.

Alsophila spinulosa and Rabbit Ear Grass gasped, looking at their hands in amazement.

"I just said something seemed to be wrong. It turned out to be heavier than I thought." Jiaqie's eyes were dull and he muttered to himself.

Rabbit Ear Grass thought of the two people's "evaluation" of Wu Henan's body on the road, and felt like dying.

After a few seconds of silence in this weird atmosphere, Wu Henan struggled more violently.

The face blocked by the cloth ball was flushed red.

Hua Ji glared at the duo: "Why don't you let go quickly?!"

The two woke up like a dream, panicked and hurriedly removed the cloth ball from Wu Henan's mouth, and released him from the sack.

"Ha ha--"

Wu Henan took two big gulps of fresh air first, then pointed at the duo, and questioned Hua Ji angrily, "Mom, what's going on?!"

His mouth was gagged, but his ears were missing.

While in the sack, I heard the relationship between Hua Ji and the duo.

That's why he was even more frightened and angry, not understanding why his little mother kidnapped him.

Hua Ji felt as if her head was about to explode, she rubbed her sore brows, thinking about how to get over this matter.

Because she couldn't admit the fact that she wanted to kidnap Duanmu Xianya but kidnapped the wrong person.

That would not only anger Wu Henan, but also make her two men look as stupid as pigs.

Under Wu Henan's angry eyes, she slowly said: "Well, Henan, things are not as simple as you think.

The reason why I asked the two of them to bring you is actually because I received information that someone wanted to harm you, and I specially sent them to rescue you. "

"Rescue?" Wu Henan laughed angrily, pointed to the sack on the ground and said, "Is there such a barbaric way of rescue?

Do you know, I was almost smothered to death! "

Embarrassment flashed across the faces of Cymphila spinulosa and Rabbit Ear Grass.

Hua Ji stared at the two of them again with cold eyes, but still smiled at Wu Henan and said, "That's because the two of them have strange ways of doing things, and their methods are habitually rude.

I will ask them to change this habit later. "

"Really?" Wu Henan was skeptical, "But they beat me on the way, called me a chick, and threatened to take me to bed, bed"

Wu Henan couldn't continue, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Hua Ji had the urge to tear the two of them apart.

The back of the spinosa spinosa was cold, and the whole body shivered.

Because that sentence is what he said.

"Eldest, young master, listen to my explanation!"

Alsophila spinulosa's eyes flustered, and then she didn't know what to think, and said with a strange face: "Actually, the reason why I treat you so well is because I, I like, like men.
And you are more in line with my aesthetics."

Every time Cyanola spinosa utters a word, she wishes to commit suicide [-] times in her heart.

The rabbit ear grass on the side was also shocked.

Then don't start to go, weep silently.

'Partner, your sacrifice will definitely be rewarded! '

Wu Henan was dumbfounded at first, but the more he listened, the more goosebumps he got.

"Stop, stop! Stop talking! I believe you!"

Wu Henan looked at Cymbidium spinosa in horror, subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

Hua Ji watched from the side and shook her head again and again.

What's this all about.

"Wait, I still have a question!"

Wu Henan didn't dare to look at Jiaocheng again, but looked at Hua Ji displeasedly: "Mom, since you want to send someone to rescue me, why don't you rescue Xiaoya too?"

Hua Ji didn't panic at all, but said calmly: "She's just an outsider."

"You..." Wu Henan was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

"No, I have to save Xiaoya immediately!"

He flicked his sleeves and left in a hurry.

After Wu Henan left, Hua Ji's face turned cold instantly.

Alsophila spinulosa and Rabbit Ear Grass knelt on the ground in a panic, trembling.

"If you don't give me an explanation today, I don't mind two extra bags of human fertilizer in the garden!"

Hua Ji's voice was not loud, but they almost peed their pants in fright.

"Master, you may not believe it, but we really went for Duanmu Xianya.

I just don't know why, but the young master was arrested in the end.

Just like the last time we slept on the street, it’s very evil.”

Rabbit Ear Grass explained in a panic.

"Evil door?" Hua Ji snorted coldly, "Do you think I will be satisfied with this explanation?"

"Drugs! It must be drugs!"

Cymbidium suddenly yelled.

He recalled the odd feeling he'd had when he caught the wrong guy.

Dizzy, like drunk.

Clearly, it was a similar feeling to the last time I fainted outside the bookstore.

He said firmly: "Master, I suspect that there is an expert who is good at using psychedelic drugs by Wu Mohuan's side!

Our two failed actions should be due to that expert! "

"Psychedelic drugs?" Hua Ji was a little convinced, she glanced at the flowers in the garden, and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he frowned and said: "I will arrange for a doctor to check your body later to see if there are any traces of drugs.

During this time, all activities are temporarily suspended. "

"As ordered!"

Outside the Wu family manor, Fu Bo came back from the outside with a tired face.

Just ran into Wu Henan who was anxious to go out.

"Master, where are you going so late?"

Faber asked curiously.

"leave me alone!"

Wu Henan, who was in a hurry to go back to find Duanmu Xianya, replied irritably, without any intention of stopping.

"Eldest young master, master him."

Uncle Fu wanted to say something, but Wu Henan left without looking back.

Looking at Wu Henan's leaving back under the dark night, Uncle Fu sighed heavily.

When Uncle Fu returned to Hua Ji's side, Hua Ji immediately ordered: "Uncle Fu, help me to invite a neurologist with good medical skills tomorrow."

"Okay, ma'am."

Uncle Fu agreed, but hesitated to speak: "That lady, sir."

"Oh, by the way." Hua Ji seemed to have just remembered this matter and asked casually: "Master, how is he?"

Uncle Fu looked sad, and sighed deeply: "The doctor said the situation is not optimistic, and he needs to be hospitalized for long-term observation."

"Okay, I understand." Hua Ji smiled like a flower, "You can rest assured the master, I will take good care of the family for him."

(End of this chapter)

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