Chapter 464 Ten!eleven!twelve!
Under the East China Sea, a small black spot first appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the black dot got bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger
There was a "bang", just like when the stone monkey was born, there was a loud noise in the world.

Observers from all over the world were shocked to find that when the black spot rushed out of the sea level, it had already become a vast black area.

I don't know how many million square kilometers it is, but judging from the satellite images, the area of ​​this black area is no less than the combined area of ​​the two superpowers on the east and west sides of the ocean!

That is to say, this area rushing out from the bottom of the sea is even larger than the land territories of Yan Kingdom and Li Jian Kingdom!
It's like a country under the sea that has been covered in dust for countless years suddenly rushed out of the sea on this day and occupied a huge territory in the East China Sea.

But when observers from all over the place thought that this was the end of the matter, they realized that they were too naive.

Because after the black area rushed out of the sea, it went straight to the sky without stopping!

And it rises higher and higher, and it rises higher and higher, with an astonishing momentum that is on par with the sky.

When the entire area appeared between heaven and earth, the whole world was shocked and speechless.

This time, not only the observers, but even ordinary people all over the world can observe the behemoth between heaven and earth with naked eyes.

Some people say that it is a black tower that runs through the sea and sky, from the bottom of the sea to space.

Some people also said that it was a giant Titan from the age of mythology, who was bound with countless black chains because of God's punishment.

There are different opinions and endless debates.

But everyone realized that on this day, at this moment, the geographical environment of Blue Star has undergone earth-shaking changes.

A tall tower in the shape of a giant stands above the East China Sea, running between the sea and the sky, attracting the attention of the whole world.

However, before the people all over the world recovered from the shock of the tower, someone discovered something strange in the sky.

The sun, which was already missing a quarter, actually started to shrink again at this time.

From more than a quarter of its volume, it was swallowed by the darkness bit by bit, turning into half a half day!
When people were still surprised, the temperature of the entire blue star dropped again.

All over the place, regardless of north and south, regardless of east and west, it is snowing all over!
And in the depths of the sea that no one noticed, icebergs began to surface.

Densely packed ferocious beasts broke out of the iceberg one after another.


On this day, the roar of the alien beast resounded all over the world.

Lucheng, Yemao Group Building, in the secret laboratory of Yeyi.

In today's laboratory, there are more than Ye Yiyi.

Instead, there was a blind man leaning on a bamboo stick, and a young monk with a bare head.

They are Li Shi and Monk Twelve.

Although the three of them have different appearances, they are all handsome and handsome.

And there is a vaguely similar mysterious aura that wraps around the three of them.

At this moment, the sky outside Heron City is slightly brighter.

Li Shi, Ye Shiyi, and Monk Twelve stood side by side in front of the laboratory window, silently looking at the tall black tower that pierced the sky and the earth.

"How many times is this?"

"Can not remember."

"How many more times?"

"It can only be the last time."

After the unintelligible conversation, the laboratory fell into silence.

"Welcome back to the ancient times."

After a while, someone murmured something.

In melancholy, but also with some kind of expectation.

That night, the world turned upside down.

Some awakened people entered a wonderful dream that night.

This time, what they dreamed was not the memories of the ancient times from the previous life.

It is a more primitive and magical era.

There seems to be a voice in their ears, telling them the name of that era——

ancient time!

And when they woke up, the world had quietly changed into another one.

"beautiful, beautiful"

Sima Qingjian, who was in a coma, heard a familiar voice.

Is this the teacher [Yeguxi]'s voice?

When Sima Qingjian struggled to open his eyes, he felt that his eyelids were as heavy as his body.

A sense of weakness and exhaustion envelops the whole body.

Even the small matter of opening his eyes took a lot of effort.

In the blurred vision, a figure in a hood and a black robe came into view.

As usual, I couldn't see the whole face under the hood, only a pair of thin lips.

It was Ye Guxi, an ancient medical teacher whom Sima Qing met.

After claiming to appear briefly in Yangcheng Mountain and helping Sima Qing see that they saved someone, Yeguxi never appeared again.

Why are you in front of Sima Qing at this time?

and many more!

Isn't he in Donghai?

Sima Qingjian looked blankly at the white ceiling above his head, his lips moved: "Teacher, where is this?"

"Lucheng." Ye Guxi went back to Sima Qingjian.

But this answer made Sima Qingjian even more confused.

When did I return to Heron City?

Amid a convulsive headache, Sima Qingjian finally recalled the scene that happened at that time.

She vaguely remembered that it was exactly twelve o'clock in the East China Sea at that time.

The group of them was suddenly pushed away by a huge monster rushing out of the seabed, and then washed into the sea by the waves.

The whole team was also blown to pieces.

Before he fell into a coma, Sima Qingjian only remembered seeing Liang Qin and those people being washed away by the waves, and then he didn't remember anything.

Sima Qingjian's heart suddenly trembled!
Where's the big guy? !
Are you okay? !

Sima Qingjian was about to speak, but Ye Guxi guessed what she wanted to ask from her anxious face.

He said lightly, "Don't worry, your friends are all fine."

When Sima Qing heard the words, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But what followed was full of doubts.

"Teacher, are you sure this is really Lucheng?"

After the initial feeling of weakness dissipated, Sima Qingjian spoke more and more smoothly.

But she still didn't understand how she suddenly came to Lucheng from the depths of the East China Sea thousands of miles away.

"A man named Hu Yanzhi brought you back."

Hearing Ye Guxi's words, Sima Qingjian's eyes widened instantly: "Captain Hu?!"

Hu Yanzhi, the captain of the Four Seas Flying Swallow under Mo Yan's command.

Because of the Riyue Island incident, she was successfully recruited by Mo Yan.

All along, he has been dedicated and responsible, and has made great contributions to the research of the entire team.

But no matter how powerful he was, Sima Qingjian couldn't imagine how he brought them back to Lucheng from the East China Sea.

It seems that you have to ask yourself about this matter!

(End of this chapter)

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