Chapter 457
Mammoth, an ancient creature that has long been extinct.

The average height can reach three meters, and the weight is more than ten tons.

The fur on their backs can be up to fifty centimeters long.

There is also a large hump on the top of the camel, which is used to store fat and deal with the cold.

It is a veritable super giant beast, a tyrant on land.

It is also the largest iceberg creature that everyone at the scene has seen.

It's just that no one understands how Liang Qin summoned this behemoth?

Could it be related to the black smoke wrapped around Liang Qin's hands?


The mammoth raised its head to the sky and roared, and its sharp ivory slammed into the falling dragon's claws.


The impact of the two behemoths stopped the surrounding wind and snow.

In the next second, there seemed to be an invisible ripple spreading, and even the iceberg trembled.

The mammoth didn't budge from the impact.

However, the marshmallow seemed unable to withstand the huge force from the ivory, curling and flying backwards in the air.

Along the way, dragon blood splattered everywhere.

With a shrill howl, it fell onto the ice.

"Don't let the marshmallow move anymore!"

Sima Qing saw that his eyes were tearing apart.

This collision deepened Marshmallow's already torn wound.

However, the cotton candy that fell to the ground showed an unyielding look at the mammoth.

King of the Sky, how could he just fall down? !
"hold head high--"

Enduring the pain by force, Marshmallow struggled to fly into the sky again.

Once again launched an attack on the mammoth.


The ending hasn't changed.

The injured marshmallow was sent flying again by the mammoth.

But this time, more blood flowed from Marshmallow's wound.

But the more so, the more Marshmallow did not admit defeat.

Instead, they flew up again and again, launched attacks again and again, and fell from the sky again and again.

The clean ice surface is gradually dyed milky white.

That is the color of dragon blood!
"Don't go anymore, you will die!"

Sima Qing was so anxious that he almost cried.

"Xiaobai, hurry up and persuade Marshmallow!"

Just when Sima Qingjian wanted Bai Xi to move out, he turned around and saw that Bai Xi seemed to be unable to hear the outside world.

Holding his head, he curled up tightly into a ball.

Well, there's another autistic one here.

"hold head high--"

Marshmallow struggled to get up again.

But falling to the ground again and again has already left it scarred.

The wound deepened and tore again and again.

So this time, Marshmallow failed to stand up.

The dragon claw standing on the ice trembled weakly.

Only the pair of dragon eyes were still staring unyieldingly at the mammoth opposite.


Compared with the unwillingness of the cotton candy, the mammoth is like a ten-ton baby, happily wagging its nose.

"I said a long time ago that you shouldn't follow a group of trash who can't play your role."

Liang Qin stared at Marshmallow with cold eyes, then scanned the other eight animals, and said calmly: "Since you nine can replace the secret key of the Nine Palaces to open the seal, it means that this is the arrangement of the Lord of Eternal Tribulation.

He is the one who sent you to me.

So instead of following a bunch of trash, why not break the seal with me and become a loyal believer of the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cult. "


What responded to Liang Qin was a dog's saliva.

Of course, the only dog ​​on the scene was the yellow-haired husky Zhenhai.

His "smart" eyes and his natural expression of disdain made this saliva even more lethal.

If Zhenhai could speak, he probably said those four words——

【Climb for me】!
"As expected of my dog, it vomits well!"

Caishiyan patted Zhenhaigou's head in praise.

After the latter spit, he walked to Marshmallow step by step.

The guard, who looks like a loyal minister, stands by the cotton candy and stares at the mammoth.

Not only Zhenhai, but also other big and small animals made surprising movements.

Wu Hou, Chi Wen, Si Qing, Zi Xue.
Even Mao Mao, who timidly shrank behind Lan Xiaoli's back, also came out at this time.

The eight animals guarded the marshmallow together, glaring at the mammoth.


This touching scene made Sima Qingjian and others' eyes wet.


Liang Qin just shook his head in disdain.

He looked past the nine animals, and looked at Wu Mohuan and the others behind them: "It seems difficult for you to understand the truth that good birds choose trees to live in.

That being the case, I can only destroy the [wood] you are living in so that you can come to me. "

The words were not long, but every word he said deepened his murderous intent.

In the end, Liang Qin looked at the group of people as if he was looking at a dead person.


Liang Qin's eyes made everyone aware of the danger.

The injured Yashayan and the others fought back to protect everyone.

"Be careful? If you were careful, you wouldn't have died in my hands in your last life."

Liang Qin mocked and sneered.

Then he suddenly looked ahead, raised his hand wrapped in black smoke towards the sky, and shouted through gritted teeth, "【Familiar summons】!"

This is a word that is unfamiliar to everyone.

But this slightly secondary action, paired with the secondary word, has a different kind of momentum.

At that moment, the black smoke in Liang Qin's hands spread rapidly, covering other parts of his body.

The weirdest thing was that the huge woolly mammoth also turned into black smoke.

The two puffs of black smoke merged instantly.

Together, they twisted and twisted on the surface of Liang Qin's body, writhing like maggots, and emitting a disgusting stench.

But when the black smoke dissipated, Liang Qin's body had a new change.

A pair of gray half armor covered his left half body.

This bust looks like iron but not iron, it looks as hard as steel, but it stretches freely with Liang Qin's movements.

The uppermost part of the half body armor is the face armor covering the left half of Liang Qin's face.

This half of the mask is tightly seamed, but there is an ice-colored pupil embedded in it.

It contrasted strangely with Liang Qin's black eyes on the right.

It seems that they are not human eyes, but those of the mammoth just now!

When the visor comes down, there are arm armor and breastplate.

The armor on the chest and abdomen is covered with the long black hair of a mammoth.

On the other side of the arm armor, there are two long ivory sticks extending out.

Not to mention the leg armor, it's like putting mammoth legs on it.

Looking at it as a whole, it seems that Liang Qin and the mammoth are spliced ​​together.

On the left is an elephant, on the right is a human.

This weird picture made everyone present, no matter what kind of power they were, feel horrified.

"This is the power that ancient creatures should have."

After the transformation, Liang Qin smiled proudly.

Even his voice seemed to smell like a mammoth.

Loud and deafening.


The ivory on the arm armor, like a sword blade, extended from Liang Qin's left arm.

Liang Qin, who was carrying an ivory blade, began to walk towards Wu Mohuan and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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