Chapter 451 Nemesis
"Why are you not afraid?"

The relaxed look of the group on the opposite side made No. [-] a little incomprehensible.

Glancing at Bailong, he was still being treated.

So where did they get their confidence?
The eyes of No. [-] swept over one by one.

Shang Zi, Wu Mohuan, Sima Bo
Suddenly, No. [-] pupil shrank.

He finally found out what was wrong!
There is a person who has never appeared in his field of vision!
However, that person is the guy who deserves the most attention in the entire Tongtian Dynasty Awakened team in No. [-] Eye!
"Where's that damn little one?!"

No. [-] gritted his teeth and asked.

"Come here~"

A playful voice suddenly came from behind Marshmallow's huge body.

Immediately afterwards, Caishiyan appeared with a smile on her face.

It turned out that she had been hiding behind Marshmallow's body before, so that no one discovered her existence.

So what was she doing sneaking around there?

At this time, Caishiyan was holding a laptop with a yellow sticker in her hand.

He smiled at No. [-], and pressed heavily on the computer keyboard: "I heard you miss me very much?

Then I will give you a present! "

"no no"

No. [-]'s lips trembled suddenly, and his pupils shrank to a point.

However, just as he opened his mouth, a series of explosions came from behind.

At this moment, No. [-]'s expression turned extremely ugly.

Appeared appeared!

This damned, powerful world's number one hacker, Caishiyan, who has deflated him several times!

In the past several fights, No. [-]'s robot was about to succeed several times.

But every time he meets Caishiyan, his nemesis!

The core of his robot technology is the smart chip.

But in front of Cai Shiyan, a legendary hacker, as long as she is given a little time, the most powerful chip can only be turned into a useless chip!
No wonder I didn't see this guy just now. It turned out that he hid and cracked the chip of the S-type robot.

No. [-] didn't need to turn his head, he could already guess what his precious robots looked like now.

And the truth is just as he thought.

All the S-type robots fell to the ground in pieces at this moment.

There were even curls of black smoke coming out of their bodies.

That was the reaction to the chip being brute force cracked.

The robot army that No. [-] was proud of was wiped out.

The three major organizations that were fleeing in embarrassment were also stunned.

It seems that they did not expect that the invincible robot army in their eyes would be wiped out in this way.

They looked at Caishiyan and the group of awakened Tongtian Dynasty with awe in their eyes.

Although this group of people seems weak, like a group of old and weak women and children.

But judging from today's performance, from Shang Zi to Cai Shiyan, everyone has a powerful means to change the situation.

And what makes their scalps tingle the most is that so far, other people have not shown their abilities!
No wonder the previous lives of this group of guys could unite to control the No.1 dynasty in history!

"mission completed."

Caishiyan snapped her fingers, rushed to Wu Mohuan, raised her head, and looked at the latter like a kitten: "Praise me, praise me!"

Wu Mohuan pushed this annoying head away, and said calmly: "Don't rush to reward your merits, the battle is not over yet."

She looked at No. [-] from a distance, without any relaxation in her eyes.

Although the robot army has fallen, there is still a more difficult guy here!
The scene where No. [-] knocked down the Jiang family brothers and sisters in three or two strokes was still imprinted in everyone's minds.

"Huang Mio!!" No. [-] stared at Caishi Yan, clenched his teeth, and his eyes were full of disgust, "You damn guy, you are still as annoying as before!"

Hearing this, the others didn't feel much, and only thought that Yihao was angry with Caishiyan, the natural nemesis.

However, Shang Zi noticed the weird sense of familiarity when Yihao called Caishiyan's real name Huang Mio.

Just like the feeling of calling her Ah Zi just now.

She looked at No. [-], and her brows became more and more wrinkled.

"You can't be furious here if you have time, why don't you come and fight."

Ya Shayan, who said this lightly, walked towards No. [-].

The red-patterned sword in his hand was dragged on the ice, and the scratches reflected cold light.

Like the cold light in her eyes.

After eliminating all interfering factors, Ya Shayan finally had the chance to fight No. [-]!

This person who casually knocked down the Jiang brothers and sisters aroused Ya Shayan's strong fighting spirit!

As Yashayan approached, the members of Yongjie who were loyal to No. [-] began to come out, ready to stop it.

But No. [-] waved his hand and said flatly: "Back off.

Just let me feel the strength of the famous Red Leaf Sword Master for myself. "

Seemingly respectful, but actually ridiculed.

In an understatement, Yasha Yan was not taken seriously at all.

But his words did not disturb Yasha Yan in the slightest.

When it was less than 20 meters away from No. [-], Ya Shayan began to sprint.


The raised red-patterned sword sliced ​​through the ice, bringing up ice dust all over the sky.

The Yashayan in red clothes and the red long sword seem to blend into one.

In this world of ice and snow, a waltz of sharp blades danced.

Just like Ya Shayan's appearance, hidden in its beauty is a murderous intent!

The blade pierced through the ice dust and pointed directly at No. [-]'s head!
This time, No. [-] did not remain motionless like before facing the Jiang brothers and sisters.

But there was no panic on his face.

Instead, he casually took a step to the side, allowing Ya Shayan's sword to brush against his body.

The quick reaction and the precise dodge made Yashayan's pupils froze instantly!
Masters fight, the most important details.

Just this simple dodge made Ya Shayan realize how powerful this guy is in front of him!
Its level of strength is close to the number one master in Yashayan's heart - the black face!
As soon as this idea came to Yashayan's mind, No. [-] showed her a creepy evil smile.


With a kick that was as fast as thunder, Yashayan, who had just unleashed her sword, had no time to dodge, and was kicked firmly.


Amidst the muffled groan, Ya Shayan rolled backwards.

Rolling face to face on the ice several times, it was only then that the terrifying strength of Yihao's kick was relieved.

But even though the internal organs were protected, the appearance was forced into a very embarrassing situation by this kick.

In the eyes of outsiders, No. [-] completely suppressed Ya Shayan's performance.

"Even Hongye Juggernaut is not his opponent?"

"Who was he in the previous life?"

People from the three major organizations discussed in shock.

And those Yongjie members who were loyal to No. [-], their morale was greatly boosted, and the cheers were deafening.

"Chivalrous bones can't be found for thousands of years, green blood and red leaves are drunk with autumn wind.
Ji Hongye, you are not worthy of this poem. "

The corner of No. [-]'s mouth twitched into sarcasm, but the words in his mouth surprised Ya Shayan and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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