Chapter 437

Hearing Sima Bo's words, combined with the abnormal behavior of the previous Glyptodon, everyone nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, that glyptodon actually knows how to attack the enemy's interior. Its IQ is really different from before."

"However, people who look at MRS are devastated. I think these glyph-toothed beasts are much more pleasing to the eye."

"Hahahaha, an enemy's enemy is a friend."

Amidst the roar of laughter, Shang Zi and a few others were not so optimistic.

Because they knew that Sima Bo's words seemed simple, but they had deep meaning.

Throughout the history of the biological development of Blue Star, why all kinds of overlords of the biological world were destroyed in the long river of history, but the human beings with the poorest physical conditions survived and became the top of the planet's food chain?
That's because compared to other creatures, humans have one of the greatest advantages, that is, they know how to use tools.

From the crude stone tools at the beginning, to bronze ware, iron ware, thermal weapons, electrical appliances.
As tools become more and more advanced, human dominance becomes more and more indestructible.

But what if there is a biological group in the world that is better than humans and whose IQ has caught up with humans?
This point seems to have begun to appear in the glyph-tooth herd.

They have a faint intuition.

These ancient creatures may become a huge hidden danger in the future!




The glyphodonts who overturned the ship roared to the sky, as if they were celebrating this feat.

The glyptodont that ran into the ship earlier walked back to the deck, stepped on the railing, and looked down at the countless fellow creatures on the ice.


At this moment, it made a different sound than before.

Thick and strong, the gas shakes the mountains and rivers.

All the glyph tooth beasts on the ice knelt down together, as if they were worshiping the new king born in the group.

As for the MRS people, they could only shrink aside tremblingly, not daring to move.

As the evening approached, Liang Mu and his party finally arrived at Wei Heng's home.

Wei Heng's home is located in a certain community on the west side of Kyoto.

It's not a big villa, nor is it an ancient mansion.

It was a seemingly ordinary house on the first floor of the community.

This is related to Wei Heng's professional characteristics.

As the director of the Second Division of the Yan Group, he often encounters situations where he needs to go out urgently.

So when choosing a house, I deliberately chose the first floor, which is convenient to go out.

But because it is the first floor, there is also a large underground space downstairs.

Therefore, even if many guests come at once, it is not crowded.

"Welcome everyone to the Humble House."

It was a gentle and intelligent young woman who greeted everyone.

She is Wei Heng's wife and Dongdong's mother.

I don't know if she received Wei Heng's notice early, or if she is used to this kind of scene, so she didn't show any embarrassment about the arrival of everyone.

Welcoming everyone into the house calmly, and receiving them in an orderly manner.

Generous and generous, neither humble nor overbearing, fully showing the demeanor of a family heroine.

"Director Wei married a good wife!"

Even Isabella couldn't help but praise Wei Heng's wife.

"It's a prize! It's a prize!"

Wei Heng waved his hands modestly, but he couldn't hide the smug smile on his face.

"Dongdong! Don't hold the guest's hand all the time, it's very impolite."

Wei Heng's wife saw that her son had been holding a young man and didn't let go. She was as surprised as Wei Heng, but she couldn't help showing a stern look at Dongdong.

But Dongdong, who has always been obedient, unexpectedly ignored his mother's words this time.

Instead, he pulled Liang Mu with a smile and said, "Big Brother, I'll show you my secret base!"

Saying that, without waiting for Liang Mu to agree, he pulled Liang Mu away with a wry smile on his face.

Seeing this, Isabella also said to Wei Heng: "Director Wei, can we visit your home?"


However, the house is a bit messy, so let Wei personally show you around. "

Although Wei Heng agreed, it was impossible for Isabella to act alone.

You must know that there are many confidential things in his home.

Afterwards, Isabella, together with Zhao Huan and others who came together, began to visit the entire house under the leadership of Wei Heng.

But on the way, Isabeta quietly winked at the "Left and Right Guardians" who came together.

So when they turned a corner, two old men in red robes disappeared silently into the visiting team.

They turned in another direction, heading towards the underground space.

Because Dongdong dragged Liang Mu to go there just now.

And these two people were ordered by Isabella to take advantage of this rare opportunity to go and find out Liang Mu's reality!
Walking in the dark stairs, the eyes of the two were as cold as frost.

Liang Mu, who was pulled into the underground space by Dongdong, found that there was something else going on here.

I don't know who Wei Heng and his wife are military fans. The environment of the entire underground space is arranged like a battlefield.

In the underground space, unexpectedly, there are three rooms in total.

The exterior walls of each room are painted with various camouflage paints to make the battlefield environment more realistic.

The combat belts criss-crossing back and forth on the open space in front of the room give people an immersive and realistic feeling.

"Big brother come here!"

Dongdong excitedly dragged Liang Mu into a room in the center.

In the dim light, I saw that the house was full of boxes of various sizes.

Each box has a note attached to it, marked in crooked characters.

[Airplane], [Car], [Gun].
At first glance, these immature handwriting is from Dongdong's handwriting.

And these boxes are obviously filled with various toys from Dongdong.

"Dangdangdangdang, this is my secret base!"

Dongdong proudly announced.

"Wow, that's great."

Liang Mu smiled perfunctorily.

Secretly it has turned into a lemon.

He is sour!
Look at this kid, he actually has his own toy room!

This is the dream scene that Liang Mu has been dreaming about for his entire childhood!

No, even though he has become a big boy now, he still wants to have such a room.

"Dongdong, does our father still lack a son?"

Liang Mu asked suddenly.

Dongdong didn't understand how immoral these words were, he just tilted his head and looked at Liang Mu suspiciously.

"Ahem, when I didn't say it, you can continue to introduce your secret base."

Liang Mu picked up his integrity with tears in his eyes.

Dongdong didn't think too much, and began to rummage through the boxes excitedly.

Then he dragged out the box marked "Gun". After searching for a while, he found a rusty toy gun.

"Big brother, teach me how to handjob!" Dongdong held up the toy gun, admiringly said: "I know you are good at handjob!"

The gun in Dongdong's hand was the one Liang Mu used to kill the thief.

After that incident, Dongdong picked it up again and kept it in the toy box.

Now that Liang Mu is here, of course he has to take it out and ask Liang Mu himself for advice.

But when Liang Mu heard this, he was so frightened that he quickly covered Dongdong's mouth: "Don't talk nonsense, little brat!"

(End of this chapter)

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