Chapter 434 Don't Retreat!

"Could it be those guys again?!"

The movement of the feet caused the people sitting on the ground to stand up one after another.

"No, it has nothing to do with them this time."

Ya Shayan narrowed her eyes and looked into the distance.

At a distance of more than 100 meters, a huge white ship was breaking through the ice and approaching.

The three letters on the bow of the ship attracted everyone's attention.

"[MRS]. Lijian Country's Modern Awakened Research Center?"

Shang Zi immediately revealed the background.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became delicate.

In today's world, there are two behemoths.

They are Yan Kingdom and Lijian Kingdom.

Any other country, region, force, or organization.
In the face of these two behemoths, it was a little bit meaningless.

Also because of this pattern, competition inevitably emerged between the two behemoths.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer.

Once Yan Kingdom and Li Jian Kingdom fight, other forces will be forced to stand in line.

Gradually, the competition between the two countries quietly evolved into an open and secret struggle between the two major groups.

However, fighting back to fighting, the two sides still refrained from launching a war, but just engaged in a secret game.

Coincidentally, the vast East China Sea happened to be between the Yan Kingdom and the Lijian Kingdom.

Therefore, the resources and environment of this sea are very important to the two countries, and every inch of land must be contested.

There have been countless small frictions around the East China Sea in recent years.

And the people of the two countries naturally dislike each other.

Now in this delicate environment, a group of awakened people from Yan country met the official awakened organization of Li Jian country, making the atmosphere even more delicate.

"Be careful, MRS is not a good thing."

After all, Caishiyan listened to Wu Mo's words and obediently put on her coat.

At this time, he was wiping his nose and reminding everyone.

As the world's number one hacker, she also tried to hack into MRS.

Although the other party built a powerful firewall, Caishiyan still discovered part of the information after all.

MRS, full name Modern Awakened Research Center.

This is an awakened organization officially established by the Li Jian country after the change of heaven.

But Caishiyan discovered during the invasion that MRS is not a brand new organization at all.

The entire organization is based on the foundation of another organization, a shell organization that inherits most of the members and structure of that organization.

And that former organization is a notorious human experiment organization!

Therefore, MRS is also quietly carrying out human experiments.

And their claws this time have shifted from the ordinary people to the awakened ones!
Compared with other countries, it is better to respect, protect and manage the awakened ones.
MRS has always had only one attitude towards the awakened, and that is research!
The entire organization is committed to transforming the awakened through scientific means, so that the awakened can obtain stronger awakening power.

Caishiyan has seen this transformation process through some photos obtained during the invasion.

Each one is shocking.

Every transformed awakened person has to go through an extremely painful process.

However, through this crazy transformation, a large number of [Artificial Awakeners] successfully appeared in Lijian Country, a country with no history and culture.

You must know that the number density of awakened people is closely related to the length of local history.

Just like the famous ancient country like Yan Kingdom, which was also the orthodox seat of the Tongtian Dynasty in ancient times, so awakened people emerged in endlessly.

In ancient times, most of Beizhou was barren.

The modern Lijian country has been established for less than 300 years, so there is no historical inheritance.

The number of awakened people has always been less than that of the other three continents.

Using this crazy method, the number of their awakened people is almost equal to that of other regions.

In the entire world of the awakened, it has a strength that cannot be underestimated.

Most importantly, the Awakened transformed by MRS has strange abilities that ordinary Awakened do not have, so we have to guard against them!
While everyone recalled the information about MRS, the ship never stopped.

With a bang, it bumped towards where everyone was.

"They did it on purpose!"

A group of gnashing of teeth.

From their distance, they could already see people standing on the front deck of the ship.

So you can definitely see them on the other side.

But the ship didn't even have the slightest thought of slowing down or stopping, as if it was going to crush them.

This scene immediately angered everyone!

"They don't stop, we don't retreat!"

Wu Mohuan's eyes were cold and angry, and he stood proudly in the wind and snow.

The unyielding spirit of the ancient Marquis Wu traveled through time and space and descended on her.

"act recklessly."

On the deck, an old man in a white coat sneered at the group of Yan Kingdom people who were blocking the way.

He was very old, and his beard and hair were all gray.

The top part of the head is bald, forming the famous Mediterranean hairstyle.

Dense age spots stand out against his loose white skin.

A pair of gray eyes, full of indifference.

And behind him stood a group of people from Beizhou who also wore white coats.

The most striking thing is a large cage more than three meters high.

The cage was covered with a black cloth, but the roar of the beast kept coming from inside: "Hiss——"

The voice was like a snake, creepy.

"It's still a group of Yan people.

People from Yan Kingdom, the dirtiest race in the world, deserve to die! "

A young researcher walked up to the old man, grinning and looking at the front of the ship.

"Dr. [Odap], I have informed them to speed up, hehe."

There was another voice, even more exaggerated.

The old man known as Oudapu always had only indifference in his eyes.

Suddenly, the whole ship shook violently!
As if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, the group of people on the deck who were caught off guard fell to the ground.

Even the cage was thrown to the ground heavily.

A corner of the black cloth was lifted, revealing a tail of the ferocious beast in the cage.

The entire ship was forced to stop.

"what happened?!"

Odap stood up again and roared angrily.

"Report!" A man dressed as a crew member hurried to the deck, "A beast sneaked into the bottom of the ship and destroyed our hull from the sea!"

"What beast? Do you have a photo?" Odap asked with a frown.

"Yes!" The visitor hurriedly handed the photo to Odap.

Oudapu took it and took a look, only to find that the photo only captured a blurry shadow of an animal.

What appears to be a black monkey is also holding a stick in its hand.

It was that stick that broke the hull.

"A beast that can use tools"

Odapu's pupils shrank suddenly.

The reason why their MRS is not afraid of the ancient giant beasts in the iceberg, and even caught one, is that they have various means to deal with these beasts without IQ.

But what does he see now?
I even saw a monkey who can use a stick!

(End of this chapter)

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