Chapter 35 Who Are You?

Wucheng, Lu's family.

Lu Pinao, who saw the light of day again, finally returned home.

And Lu Zijun, who had been waiting for a long time, hugged each other and cried.

Brother Kui leaned against the door, lit a cigarette, and watched the father and son cry and laugh.

"Our eldest young master is capricious, maybe he will go back on his word and take you back at some point.

So take advantage of this time to leave Wucheng and find a place to hide. "

After saying this, Brother Kui took a cigarette and was about to leave.

"Please wait!"

Lu Pinao called to Brother Kui.

In the latter's fierce eyes, he said weakly: "I also accidentally read about that secret in an ancient book.

It said that in ancient times, there was a tomb robber in Wucheng who accidentally found a tomb related to the ancient dynasty on [Sun Moon Island] outside Wucheng.”

"Why are you telling me these silly things?" Brother Kui glared and was about to curse.

"I, I told you to tell the person behind you, so that he will not send anyone to arrest me in the future!"

Lu Pinao stuttered in fright.

The reason why Lu Pinao covets the research results of the archaeological team is actually to verify the authenticity of this secret.

In his opinion, the reason why Liang Mu helped the archaeological team to complete the research should also be for this secret.

Now that he has released the secret, he naturally hopes that Liang Mu will stop torturing him in the future.

After saying this, Lu Pinao urged Lu Zijun to quickly pack his luggage and prepare to leave Wucheng immediately.

On the other side, Brother Kui scratched his bald head.

The person behind him?

This four-eyed boy doesn't know that he has betrayed, so he should be talking about Wu Henan, right?

But in Brother Kui's perception, Lu Pinao was originally Wu Mohuan's person.

So what he's doing now is betraying Wu Mohuan?

'Well, you four-eyed boy, I just joined this side, and you joined that side.

How about playing polar reversal with Lao Tzu?

I'll report you later! '

Brother Kui looked at Lu Pinao's back gloomyly.

Lu Pinao, who was packing his luggage, shivered suddenly.

"Sun Moon Island?"

Hearing Brother Kui's report, Wu Mohuan frowned slightly.

"That's what the four-eyed boy said!" Brother Kui opened his mouth and sneered, "Miss, I can take care of that traitor for you!"

Wu Mohuan glanced at Brother Kui coldly, and said flatly: "From now on, without my order, you are not allowed to make your own decisions."

Although Wu Mohuan is younger than Wu Henan, the pressure brought by his eyes far exceeds that of Wu Henan.

Seeing Wu Mohuan like this, Brother Kui's scalp suddenly went numb.

Shrinking his neck, he obediently shut his mouth.

After Wu Mohuan warned Brother Kui, she was puzzled alone in her heart.

traitor?What traitor?
She didn't know that Brother Kui took Lu Pinao as a calligrapher and took him away.

I was just thinking, is this matter related to Liang Mu again?
"Boss Liang, do you know about Sun Moon Island?"

When practicing calligraphy that day, Wu Mohuan pretended to be casual and asked tentatively.

Liang Mu, who was tinkering with a pile of wood, said without raising his head, "Sun Moon Island? Of course you know."

Riyue Island is a sandbar island to the east of Wucheng.

The entire island is submerged by sea water during high tide during the day, and the sandbar is exposed during low tide at night.

Because of the different landscapes during the day and night, it has the reputation of Riyue Island.

In another parallel world, Liang Mu was lucky enough to visit Sun Moon Island once.

But Liang Mu has no chance to appreciate Sun Moon Island in this world.

“I don’t know if the landscape there has changed much.”

Thinking of the original world, Liang Mu felt something in his heart, looked out of the window, and murmured something with a relaxed expression.

For some reason, a cold air suddenly rose from Wu Mohuan's back.

In her eyes, Liang Mu's figure became unreal for a moment.

It was as if suddenly, there was an incompatible sense of separation from the whole world.

'who are you'

Wu Mohuan stared blankly at Liang Mu, repeating this question over and over in his heart.

The hotel where Duanmu Xianya stayed was leaked out immediately.

All of a sudden, reporters, paparazzi, and fans crouched around the hotel.

However, few people noticed that some gangsters with black feather tattoos on their hands also pretended to be wandering around the hotel as if nothing had happened.

"He's really staring at me"

In the room, Duanmu Xianya drew up the curtains and put down the binoculars in her hand.

She has already recognized those gangsters, they are people from the Crow Feather Club.

Recalling the scene of meeting with the Wu family father and son, Duanmu Xianya gritted her teeth secretly: "The atmosphere, obviously knowing something inside, but not daring to tell me.

Grandpa's disappearance must have something to do with them!
No, I must find Grandpa myself! "

A few minutes later, a woman wearing a peaked cap, sunglasses and a mask came out of the hotel.

The crouching people all recognized that it was Duanmu Xianya's female assistant, and didn't take it seriously, continuing to wait for Duanmu Xianya.

However, no one knew that the female assistant was dressed as Duanmu Xianya!

"Hee hee hee, the camouflage technique that grandpa taught me is really amazing!"

Duanmu Xianya glanced back at the people from the Crow Feather Club, and smiled triumphantly.

But when he thought of the missing grandfather Duanmuyan, he couldn't laugh again.

"Where should I start looking?"

The dazed Duanmu Xianya was walking aimlessly on the street.

In a daze, I came to a certain school gate of Wucheng University.

"Campus life is really nostalgic."

After staring blankly at the school gate for a while, Duanmu Xianya shook her head and was about to leave.

Now is not the time to reminisce about the past.

However, just when she turned around, she found a familiar figure in a group of people.

It was her grandfather's good friend, Sima Bo!
"Grandpa Sima, is he also in Wucheng?"

The more Duanmu Xianya thought about it, the weirder she became.

First his grandfather, and then Sima Bo.

What did these two people come to Wucheng for if they had nothing to do?
Duanmu Xianya rolled her eyes and quietly followed the team.

"Everyone has worked hard these two days, but I still haven't seen the information I want, so I can only trouble everyone to continue tomorrow."

After Sima Bo said this to the archaeological team, he asked everyone to disband.

However, he himself planned to go to the library of Wucheng University to look through the materials again.

"Where does it correspond to the ancient location?"

Sima Bo lowered his head, muttering to himself, thinking about that archaeological research.


"Grandpa Sima!"

A hand protruding from his shoulder scared Sima Bo a lot!

He clutched his heart and staggered in fright.

"Grandpa Sima, don't be afraid, it's me, Xiaoya!"

Duanmu Xianya pulled off her mask and smiled apologetically at Sima Bo.

(End of this chapter)

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