Chapter 294 The Fifth Apostle
"Of course it's a book, otherwise what do you think?"

Liang Mu looked at Jiang Nuoshi strangely.

It's rare for Jiang Nuoshi to come to her door, and he will definitely not let go of this sales opportunity.

First, it might be another key object.

Secondly, it can also deepen the psychological suggestion and increase the probability of Jiang Nuoshi appearing in dreams.

The reason for closing the door is, of course, to prevent others from finding out that they are selling banned books.

On the other side, hearing Liang Mu's words, Jiang Nuoshi was even more ashamed.

She bit her lip and glared at Liang Mu with a red face.

She seriously suspected that Liang Mu was deliberately teasing her, but there was no evidence!
In Jiang Nuoshi's shame and anger, Liang Mu handed her the phone.

"Choose slowly."

Liang Mu left a word, walked aside, and silently waited for Jiang Nuoshi to choose a good book.

Looking at Liang Mu's back, Jiang Nuoshi frowned.

He looked suspiciously at the phone screen.

’ Speaking of which, those two guys also mentioned the e-book thing to me.
Could it be that the e-book here is the cause of their strength change? '

Jiang Nuoshi thought of No.18 and No.37.

In the eyes of Jiang Nuoshi in the past, No. 18 and No. 37 were just two inconspicuous organization cadres.

But after meeting the two face to face last night, Jiang Nuoshi noticed a qualitative change in their strength.

Especially No.18, who turned out to be an awakener, really surprised Jiang Nuoshi a lot.

She still clearly remembers how she became an awakened person on the day when the sky changed.

It's just that most of the awakened memories are blurred.

In addition to the name of Jiang Nuoshi and the identity of the Yongjie believer, there is also the ability to use bamboo sticks.

But there is no memory of the specific life experience of the previous life.

It seems that there is a cloud of fog, covering the picture of memory.

No matter what method Jiang Nuoshi used these days, she couldn't dispel the fog, and her strength hardly improved.

Seeing more and more awakened people in the organization, she could feel that her position was also being threatened.

At this moment, when Jiang Nuoshi looked at the phone in her hand, her heart beat rapidly for no reason.

It seems that there is a feeling that the key to dispelling the fog lies in this plain old flip phone!
Driven by instinct, Jiang Nuoshi reached out and pressed the button.

A series of e-books with invisible names quickly skipped in front of her.

'This is it! '

Feeling something in her heart, Jiang Nuoshi stopped her fingers.

Like the guidance of fate, an e-book called "The Classic of Ancient Poetry" jumped into her eyes.

"Ancient Book of Songs. Poems."

Jiang Nuoshi muttered the name of the book, and remembered that there was also a poem in her name.

The strange feeling in my heart became more obvious.

She no longer hesitated, and reached out and clicked on the book.


Head, as if it exploded.

Amidst the roar, consciousness came to an ancient statue.

'My lord! '

With an almost instant reaction, Jiang Nuoshi recognized the majestic faceless statue in front of her.

The ancient memories turned into torrents, rushing to the mind one after another.

Accompanied by a majestic female voice in front of him:
"Jiang Nuoshi, you have been outstanding in literature since you were young, you wrote poems at the age of three, and you wrote Fu at the age of five, shaking the literary world.

However, your elder brother is jealous of your talent, and in his name, stole your poems and published them in the literary world.

Not only that, but it also ruins your reputation in turn.

If it wasn't for the Eternal Tribulation Sect, you would still be sucked blood and marrow by your brother at this time, and you would be powerless to resist!
So, are you willing to join the Eternal Tribulation Sect, become the [Fifth Apostle], take revenge on the brother who stole your name, and join us to overthrow this dark world? "

Following the faceless statue, Jiang Nuoshi also recognized the voice of the Pope of the Eternal Tribulation Sect.

In the memory of her return, she recalled her own brother whom she wished she could tear apart!
'It turns out that this is how I joined the Eternal Tribulation Cult in my previous life.'

Jiang Nuoshi's heart was full of emotions, which was very complicated.

Because in this life, the reason why she joined Yongjie was also under the leadership of her brother.

But this elder brother is not that elder brother.

The memories of the two worlds collided in Jiang Nuoshi's mind like fire and water.


Jiang Nuoshi had a splitting headache, and her consciousness was abruptly forced back to reality.

Looking up, there is still the familiar ancient book library all around.

Liang Mu was still standing in that position, seemingly motionless.

Time, as if only a few seconds had passed.

But in these few seconds, the world in front of Jiang Nuoshi was completely different.

The back that was originally ordinary, now also seamlessly overlapped with the statue of the Lord of Eternal Calamity in his memory.

Coupled with this mysterious method of awakening Jiang Nuoshi for the second time, Jiang Nuoshi immediately confirmed Liang Mu's identity!

'He deliberately used this method to let me know his identity!

Only he can return the memory to me! '


With agitated mind, Jiang Nuoshi knelt down towards Liang Mu's back, and let out a voice full of respect.


Liang Mu turned back in astonishment, looking at Jiang Nuoshi with a respectful expression.

"My lord! Please forgive Nuo Shi for her previous disrespect!

Now Nuo Shi has completely awakened, and understands that you are the Lord of Eternal Calamity! "

'It's over! '

Liang Mu yelled in his heart.

His original intention was to sell books to Jiang Nuoshi, so as to divert Jiang Nuoshi's attention from that eternal catastrophe.

The words that he claimed to be the Lord of Eternal Calamity just now were just for showmanship.

Who ever thought that Jiang Nuoshi was serious? !

Is my abnormal halo physique really so evil?

Even a good baby like Jiang Nuoshi can't be spared?
The current Liang Mu couldn't help but regret selling books to Jiang Nuoshi.

"Give me your phone back. I can't sell you this book."

Liang Mu shook his head and planned to take the phone back.

But what he said scared Jiang Nuoshi to death.

"My lord! Nuo Shi really knows that she is wrong!

The Lord can punish Nuo Shi any way he wants, but don't refuse to sell books to Nuo Shi! "

Jiang Nuoshi was so anxious that she almost cried.

A drop of cold sweat quietly seeped from Liang Mu's forehead.

Is it really that exaggerated?
How can I punish her?

Liang Mu looked down at Jiang Nuoshi who was kneeling on the ground, looking at her delicate and classically beautiful face, his mouth became dry uncontrollably.

There was also a flame with an unknown name, which burned from the body and gradually ran to the lower body.

Seeing that because of his evil thoughts, a certain part was almost out of control, Liang Mu quickly turned around.

But in Jiang Nuoshi's view, this scene is undoubtedly a manifestation of Liang Mu's unwillingness to forgive herself.

She became more and more anxious, and her body subconsciously jumped forward.

She wanted to hug Liang Mu's thigh and plead, but in desperation, her two hands were impartial, and they just grabbed Liang Mu's thigh.
(End of this chapter)

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