Chapter 289 Search
"Mr. Liang, I have perfectly completed the task you gave me.

Is there anything else you want me to do? "

Teng Shuaishuai looked at Liang Mu proudly.

Liang Mu curled his lips.

Did that tell you to finish?
I'm so embarrassed to expose you!

But Liang Mu at least confirmed one thing.

This Fuji Shuaishuai didn't seem to be looking for trouble, but came to work sincerely.

Regardless of whether he did it himself, at least he wasn't doing a disservice.

Liang Mu felt absurd when he thought of a high-ranking villain who was actually helping him with work.

Perhaps this is another result of his abnormal human aura physique.

In other words, there was no normal person who approached him.

But Liang Mu didn't think that Shuai Shuai Teng could order him at will just because he acted like a fool.

An evil dragon is an evil dragon after all. Just because the dragon temporarily hides its fangs does not mean that it will not eat people.

The distance that should be there is still to be maintained.

"No more, it's over, you can go back."

Liang Mu directly saw off three consecutive guests.

Teng Shuaishuai did not notice Liang Mu's alienation from him. Instead, he said to himself excitedly: "Very good! Now you can go back and explain to your aunt!"

After finishing speaking, he left without saying hello.

The large group of people he brought along naturally also left.

The ancient books library became quiet again.

And it's quiet, all day long.

What made Liang Muzuo murmur was that not only did Lao Ye and Lao Kong not come, but the rest of them strangely did not show up today either.

None of Ding Peilan, Mars, Zhao Huan, Feng Zilan, Dong Dagao, and Zheng Zhihuan appeared.

So what are these people doing now?

"First of all, let's say that we only joined forces temporarily to catch the murderer who attacked the junior brother. It doesn't mean we are friends!"

Somewhere in Beijing University, Zhao Huan looked at No. 18 and No. 37 on the opposite side with a blank face.

Beside him stood Feng Zilan who was also expressionless.

On the side, there are Zheng Zhihuan and Dong Dagao.

The awakened people around Liang Mu almost gathered together.

It turned out that this was the reason why they didn't go to the ancient books library.

The reason that prompted them to temporarily unite was to catch the mysterious murderer who tried to kill Dong Dagao twice.

For this reason, not only Dong Dagao, the person involved, but also Zheng Zhihuan, who had never taken sides, was also invited.

Because they need the painting skills of the fourth apostle Zheng Zhihuan.

"Hmph! Do you still need to say that?
Who would become friends with you? It’s ridiculous! "

No. 37 responded unceremoniously to Zhao Huan.

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder between the two sides was getting stronger, Dong Dagao, the peacemaker, immediately stood up to put out the fire: "Stop arguing, aren't we here to investigate the case?"

Zheng Zhihuan looked like he had nothing to do with himself, playing with the paintbrush by himself.

He just yawned lightly: "It's getting dark soon."

It seems to be reminding everyone to act quickly and not waste time.

Zhao Huan and No. 37 glared at each other fiercely again, then each took out a stack of information and placed it in front of everyone.

These few people collected on-site information about the murderer's two appearances in the past two days.

Among them, Zhao Huan naturally borrowed the power of Yandun Division [-].

As for No. 37, help from Eternal Tribulation is also indispensable.

With the help of the giants of the two awakened organizations in Kyoto, they naturally found some clues smoothly.

Now they have to use these clues to identify the murderer!
"First of all, judging from the first scene, although all the nearby surveillance equipment was destroyed by the murderer in advance, some cameras farther away vaguely photographed the murderer's body features.
At the same time, the blurred appearance of the nameless kind-hearted man who saved Dong Dagao was also captured."

"From the analysis of junior brother's recollection afterwards, we can also judge that the murderer was very short and his accent did not sound like that of a Yanguo person."

"The murderer is very familiar with the geographical environment of Beijing University, and there is a high probability that it is an insider who committed the crime."

As clues were gathered one after another, Zheng Zhihuan's hands never stopped.

According to the characteristics of the murderer provided by these clues, a portrait of a short, female, and foreigner gradually formed on her drawing board.

After finishing this painting, Zheng Zhihuan painted the second painting non-stop.

This time, it was the image of a man.

And this person is not the murderer, but the mysterious kind-hearted man who saved Dong Dagao.

The reason why we wanted to target him was because after that person saved someone, he left without even leaving his name.

If you can find him, maybe you can ask some clues related to the murderer.

"Okay, after the analysis, let's find people in groups."

After discussion and distribution, it was finally decided that Dong Dagao, Zhao Huan, and Feng Zilan should be in a group to search for the murderer in Beijing based on the murderer's portrait.

And No. 18 and No. 37 are another group, looking for the kind person based on the picture of the kind person.

As for Zheng Zhihuan, after finishing the painting, he yawned and went home to sleep.

"This guy. Don't you think it looks familiar?"

On the way, No. 37 pointed at the handsome boy in the portrait of the kindhearted person and asked.

Especially the bald head made No. 37 feel more familiar.

"Could this guy be the Twelve Monks who are very famous in Beijing University recently?"

NO.18 came over to take a look, and also exclaimed.

"The young monk who taught Buddhism?" No. 37 also remembered something, but frowned: "But I remember that the doctor in charge of treating Dong Dakao said that before Dong Dakao was sent to the hospital, someone used extremely professional methods to treat Dong Dakao first." Cleaned up the poison on the wound
This kind of thing should only be done by a kind-hearted person.

If the Twelve Monk is that kind person, doesn't it mean that he is not only good at Buddhism, but also good at medicine?

So young, is it possible? "

"Heh! Doesn't our master look younger? Isn't he omnipotent!" NO.18 slapped No. 37 at the same time, and at the same time took a long shot of Liang Mu's flattery, "Is it impossible, go in person Ask that monk, won’t it make it clear?”

Soon, the two locked the residence of the twelve monks with the help of Yongjie's intelligence.

In Beijing, the Twelve Monks are relatively special external personnel.

In order to take care of him, the school specially arranged a secluded meditation room for him in a bamboo forest.

At this time, No. 18 and No. 37 came outside the meditation room.

"What's the smell?"

The two people standing at the door couldn't help but twitch their noses.

A strange medicinal fragrance kept wafting out from the room.

(End of this chapter)

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