Chapter 283 Where Are You Now?
"Tengshuaishuai, I've heard of this name before!"

"I've heard it too. It's rumored that he has had scandals with many female Internet celebrities?"

"It's not just female Internet celebrities, even male Internet celebrities"


What about the Clover family, few people at the scene understood.

But as soon as they heard the name Teng Shuaishuai, the group suddenly got excited.

If he hadn't been worried that Teng Shuaishuai was next door, he would have started talking loudly.

Even so, this brief commotion caused dissatisfaction in the next door.


Like a warning, the wall rang loudly.

The group of people fell silent for an instant.

"Let's talk about something else?"

In fear, everyone could only quickly change the topic.

"By the way, what is Lan Xiaoli doing now?"

The person who asked this question was actually Gao Lu.

Forget about other people, Gao Lu absolutely has no intention of asking this kind of question!
So after hearing this question, Zheng Xiaoya's complexion changed.

In order to protect Lan Xiaoli, she immediately changed the topic again: "We've been talking about work for so long, why waste time talking?
Let's talk about something interesting! "

But Zheng Xiaoya overlooked one thing.

She is the only one who protects Lan Xiaoli, but there is a large group of people who want to please Gao Lu.

"Don't, I also want to know what kind of work our talented girl Lan is doing now."

"Yes, yes, I heard that you have traveled all the way to Wucheng. Could it be that there is gold to be dug there?"

"That's what you said! No matter how much gold there is in Wucheng, is there as much gold as there is in Gao's Jewelry Warehouse?"

A group of people were laughing and joking, their fawning and flattery towards Gao Lu seemed to turn into ghosts and ghosts, sweeping towards Lan Xiaoli.

At this moment, Zheng Xiaoya seemed to understand what it meant to be a group of demons dancing wildly.

These familiar faces express the two words vividly——


"Xiao Li, why don't we go?"

Zheng Xiaoya suddenly felt that this kind of gathering was very boring, so she turned her head and suggested to Lan Xiaoli.

Lan Xiaoli didn't say anything, put down the teacup, and nodded quietly.

She has no feelings for this kind of gathering, mainly to accompany Zheng Xiaoya.

Now that even Zheng Xiaoya wants to leave, how could she stay alone and face these disgusting faces?

"Yo? It seems that the working conditions of our talented blue girls are not very ideal.

Could it be that he found a job in that area? "

Seeing Lan Xiaoli and Zheng Xiaoya getting up to leave, Gao Lu laughed strangely.

At the same time, it also triggered laughter from some flatterers.

Lan Xiaoli stopped in her tracks, turned her head, and looked at Gao Lu quietly.

Time seemed to be frozen at this moment.

In Lan Xiaoli's sight, a line of words appeared above Gao Lu's head.

Just like the verdict in "Taikou Shi Ji", it says: "The daughter of the Gao family, spoiled and willful, vicious and jealous, killed her mother and husband, and was sentenced to death." 】

Ever since she realized that she was the inheritor of the official historian of the Tongtian Dynasty, Lan Xiaoli realized that the original author of "Prime Ancient History" was probably the "her" in ancient times.

According to some of the content displayed in it, it can be known that the characters recorded in the book are all from the Tongtian Dynasty period.

According to the space-time tidal theory of Ye Shiyi, when the space-time tide of this century occurs, those characters will have a certain chance to become awakened and inherit the corresponding memory.

Just like Gao Lu in front of me, it should also be recorded in "Prime Ancient History".

That's why Lan Xiaoli saw the corresponding verdict.

But at present, Gao Lu has not become an awakened person.

There is no eternal being like Liang Mu beside her, so it is even more impossible for her to become an inheritor like Lan Xiaoli.

Although Lan Xiaoli's gaze was as calm as water, Gao Lu felt as if she was being watched all over, and felt inexplicably weak.

I couldn't help but emboldened myself loudly: "What? What's wrong with what I said?
Those who hide and hide must be doing shady work! "

"Gao Lu! You are enough!"

Seeing Gao Lu talking too much, even Zhang Zhi beside her couldn't help it.

"What? Want to protect your little lover?" Gao Lu looked at Zhang Zhi sarcastically, "I almost forgot, he is not your little lover, after all your confession was completely rejected.

Could it be that what is not available is always in commotion? "

"Gao Lu, shut up!"

Zhang Zhi blushed with anger at Gao Lu's harsh words.

"Zhang Zhi, you dare to yell at me?

If it weren't for my relationship, would you be able to enter Gao's Jewelry?

Give you some sunshine, and it will start to shine.

Which onion are you?

shut up! "

In the entire private room, only Gao Lu was left chattering.

These insulting words in front of his former classmates made Zhang Zhi feel ashamed and indignant, but he was powerless to resist.

Zhang Zhi, who was consciously useless, had no face to face Lan Xiaoli again, so he stopped grieving and indignant.

The others were even more afraid to speak, and waited tremblingly for Gao Lu to finish cursing.

"I work."

Suddenly, Lan Xiaoli, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

The voice was not loud, but it carried a certain shocking power, even Gao Lu stopped insulting Zhang Zhi uncontrollably.

"I work as a working girl in a bookstore."

After Lan Xiaoli finished speaking, the audience was silent for five seconds.


"Migrant girl? Hahahaha!"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, it's really funny."

"Our students who graduated from Peking University actually work as part-time girls for a bookstore?

Lan Xiaoli, are you talking in your sleep? "

"I want to know why the bookstore is so awesome?

A bookstore opened by gods?

Hahahahaha! "

This time without Gao Lu taking the lead, bursts of laughter resounded in the box.

Even Zheng Xiaoya looked at Lan Xiaoli in astonishment.

After graduation, due to busy work, they had little contact with each other.

But in Zheng Xiaoya's mind, Lan Xiaoli, who is a top student, will definitely be able to find a better job than her.

No matter how bad it is, you won't be reduced to working as a working girl for a bookstore, right?
"That's right, that's a bookstore run by a god." Lan Xiaoli was not surprised, and said calmly, "Although the bookstore is broken and small, the mountains are not high and the water is not deep. If there is a fairy, there is a name, and if there is a dragon. Zeling.

In that bookstore, there is a big man like a fairy. His surname is Liang, and we all call him Big Brother Liang.

Although I haven't worked under Mr. Liang for a long time, I have learned a lot.

And those things are destined to be untouchable by you people for the rest of your life. "

The more Lan Xiaoli talked, the more melancholy she became, and the uncontrollable thoughts of Liang Mu flooded into her heart.

That mysterious big brother Liang, that big brother Liang called the Eternal by Ye Shiyi, the one who on the surface disliked her but specially prepared a rest room for her.
Where are you now?
(End of this chapter)

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