Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 281 The one who hit you was you little bastard

Chapter 281 The one who hit you was you little bastard

"Then you want me to stab this matter to your father?"

Teng Shuai Shuai refused to accept, Teng Youming has a lot of ways to make him accept it!
"No, no, no, I apologize!"

Teng Shuaishuai was unhappy, pinched his nose, and said sorry to the Twelve Monks in a vague voice.

"Oh, the wind is a bit noisy today, I don't seem to have heard what Master Teng said?"

The twelve monks picked out their ears.

"You dead bald donkey."


Just as Fuji Shuaishuai was about to explode, he was stared at coldly by Fuji Mingming.

The sad and indignant Teng Shuaishuai could only shout sorry loudly.

"Hey, the little monk suddenly remembered that he was chased by Teng Shao's men for a long time in the shopping mall that day, and he suffered great physical and mental damage.

Vine donor, do you think saying sorry can make up for the scars in the monk's heart? "

The twelve monks looked at Teng Youming sadly.

"What? You little bastard did such a bastard thing?!" Tengyou was so famous that his eyebrows stood on end, "If you don't give Master Twelve an explanation today, I'll break your leg, grandma!"

'Damn bald donkey!You are ruthless! '

Fuji Shuaishuai watched the twelve monks perform superb acting skills, his eyes spit fire.

But facing Teng's famous anger, he had no choice but to give in: "Master Twelve Dead, I was wrong, how do you want me to compensate you?"

"Little monk has never been a greedy person, as long as Young Master Xue promises one thing, it will be fine."

The twelve monks were smiling, but there was no trace of sadness on their faces.

Fuji Shuaishuai became more and more annoyed, gritted his teeth and said, "What's the matter?"

"Little Monk hasn't figured it out yet.

When the little monk has a good idea, he will go back and find Mr. Teng to cash it in. "

The words of the twelve monks almost made Shuaishuai Fuji vomit blood on the spot.

Because this kind of uncertain condition is the most cruel condition in the world.

From then on, an invisible dog chain was tied around Teng Shuaishuai's neck.

The other end of the dog chain was held by the twelve monks.

As long as the conditions are not fulfilled for one day, Teng Shuaishuai will never be able to touch a hair of the twelve monks!
This guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes is actually so dark-bellied? !

Who the hell tells me that the monk is innocent again, I'll kill him!

Even though Teng Shuaishuai was extremely reluctant, he could only agree to Twelve Peace's conditions under Teng Yuming's pressure.

The angry Fuji Shuaishuai didn't want to stay any longer.

But just when he was about to leave angrily, the Twelve Monks stopped him again: "Master Teng, have you forgotten someone?"

"Huh?" Teng Shuaishuai glared at the twelve monks impatiently.

"It's Donor Liang who was hunted down by your men that day along with the young monk." The Twelve Monks smiled and blinked, "You compensated the young monk, but you haven't compensated Donor Liang yet.

Why don't you do the same as the young monk and agree to do something for Donor Liang? "

Only then did Fuji Shuaishuai recall who the twelve monks were talking about.

"Damn bald donkey! Don't go too far!" Teng Shuaishuai couldn't help but burst out, pointing at the nose of the twelve monks and yelling, "If it weren't for my aunt's face, do you think I would agree to your terms?
Now you still want me to promise the same humiliating conditions?

Tell you, there are no doors! "


Teng Shuaishuai had just finished yelling when he was slapped on the back of the head by Teng Youming.

"Auntie, auntie, what are you beating me for?"

Teng Shuaishuai was beaten dumbfounded, looking at Teng Youming full of grievances.

"It was you, an unfilial little bastard, who beat you!"

Fuji is so famous that he wants to slap Fuji Shuaishuai.

She begged Liang Mu in a low voice, but Shuai Shuai Teng over there actually ordered Liang Mu to be chased and killed? !
She seemed to understand why Liang Mu had been refusing to sell the painting to her!
It must be the bastard Fuji Shuaishuai who angered Liang Mu!

"I order you to make one for Mr. Liang too. No! One is not enough!

You must ask Mr. Liang to forgive you completely, otherwise you will never even think about stepping out of the Teng family in the future! "

Teng Youming stared at Teng Shuaishuai with an ugly face.

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Fuji Shuaishuai was aggrieved and confused.

Who the hell is that person surnamed Liang that makes his aunt value him so much?

But when he heard the second half of the sentence, his soul almost jumped out of fright!
Fuji Youming actually wanted to restrain his feet? !
But as the current head of the Teng family, Teng Shuaishuai’s most respected aunt, and the previous head of the family, Teng Youming’s grandpa’s closest relationship, Teng Youming has this ability!

Thinking of saying goodbye to the colorful world outside in the future, Fuji Shuaishuai completely panicked.

"Grandma, I promise you!
I will definitely obtain the forgiveness of Mr. Liang!
You must not restrain my feet, woo woo woo—"

In the end, a 30-year-old "big boy" couldn't help crying.

"Shameful thing! Why don't you get out of here?!"

Fuji Youming couldn't watch anymore, and waved Fuji Shuaishuai away.

"Young Master Teng, where are we going now?"

On the street outside Beijing University, Fuji Shuaishuai's subordinates asked.

"Where else can I go? Go eat!" Fuji Shuaishuai said with a dark face: "I want to turn my grief into appetite!
Come on, help me find some delicious restaurants around Beijing University. "

On the same street, there is a restaurant called [Fuyuan Restaurant].

This is a restaurant that ranks at the top of the gourmet list around Beijing University.

Not only because the food is delicious, the key is also very affordable.

"I miss you so much. We used to come here to celebrate our birthday together."

In front of the Fuyuan Hotel, Zheng Xiaoya stared at the hotel signboard with ecstasy.

"Well, we didn't have much money at that time, so we pooled together our living expenses."

Hearing Zheng Xiaoya's words, Lan Xiaoli couldn't help showing nostalgia.

Unfortunately, everything has long since changed.

I don't know if the food at Fuyuan Restaurant will be as delicious as before.

“The organizer of this party was the squad leader [Zhang Zhi]. He said he wanted to taste the flavor in his memory, so he chose this place.

By the way, Xiaoli, do you still have an impression of Zhang Zhi?

Remember when you were a freshman and seemed to be chasing you? "

Zheng Xiaoya winked at Lan Xiaoli.

But in Lan Xiaoli's mind, the impression about Zhang Zhi was already blurred.

Because in her freshman year, she rejected Zhang Zhi's pursuit.

Since then, there has been little personal communication between the two.

Gradually, it was forgotten in the back of my mind.

If Zheng Xiaoya hadn't mentioned it, Lan Xiaoli wouldn't even be able to recall the fact that she was chased by Zhang Zhi.

"It seems... I don't have any impression."

Lan Xiaoli replied honestly.

"Hey, I heard he's doing well now, we might have to ask him for help later."

The two walked into the hotel while chatting.

Regarding Zheng Xiaoya's words, Lan Xiaoli was noncommittal and did not respond.

(End of this chapter)

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