Chapter 266 The Truth of Dreams

Liang Mu felt that he had unlocked the secret of the dream.

In psychology, there is a saying called psychological suggestion.

Refers to the psychological characteristics of people accepting the desires, ideas, emotions, judgments, and attitudes of the outside world or others.

It is the most common psychological phenomenon in people's daily life.

A famous psychologist once said: "Suggestion is the simplest and most typical conditioned reflex of human beings."

From the perspective of psychological mechanism, it is a hypothesis affirmed by subjective will, which may not have a basis, but because its existence has been affirmed subjectively, psychologically it tends to this content as much as possible.

We are receiving hints from the outside world all the time in our lives.

For example, when a mobile phone swipes an advertisement on an e-commerce platform, I can't help but have a shopping mentality in my heart.

Suggestion is a psychological characteristic of human beings. It is an unconscious self-protection ability and learning ability formed in the long evolutionary process of human beings.

When a person is in a strange and dangerous situation, he will quickly make a judgment based on the experience formed in the past and capture the clues in the environment.

When a person is in an environment, he will be "assimilated" by the environment all the time, because the psychological hints given to him by the environment allow him to learn unconsciously.

Therefore, people receive psychological hints all the time, and psychological hints can be strong or weak, but whether the effect of psychological hints is good or bad (positive or negative) cannot be controlled by people's conscious consciousness.

That is to say, whether you are willing or not, whether you think it is good for you or not, you have already received psychological hints, and you are receiving psychological hints all the time.

It is an instinct of human beings, and the learning of various behaviors of animals, the habit of avoiding danger, etc., are also realized due to the role of psychological suggestion.

In order to pursue success and avoid pain, people will unconsciously use various self-suggestions——

For example, when difficulties are imminent, people will comfort themselves: "It will be over soon, it will be over soon."

Thereby reducing the pain of endurance.

When people pursue success, they will imagine a very beautiful and exciting scene when the goal is achieved.

This beautiful scenery constitutes self-suggestion for people, which provides people with motivation, improves their frustration tolerance, and maintains a positive mental state.

Simply put, it is self-comforting and self-motivation.

In terms of psychology, psychological suggestion can be divided into two types: self-suggestion and other-suggestion.

Auto-suggestion refers to the continuous repetition of one's own conscious mind, forcing the subconscious mind to accept the conscious thinking content and thus be changed.

For example, some people are used to looking in the mirror, adjusting their clothes, and combing their hair in the morning before going to work or going out to do errands.

Some people see in the mirror that their face is not very good-looking, and they feel that their upper eyelids are swollen. It just so happens that they did not sleep well last night. I felt weak all over and suffered from low back pain, so I felt that I could not go to work, and even went to the hospital for medical treatment.

This is negative self-suggestion that is bad for health.

And some people don't.

When you see in the mirror that your complexion is not good, your spirit is a little lackluster due to poor sleep, and your eye circles are dark, you should immediately use reason to control your nervousness, and make self-suggestions to yourself: go outdoors, do exercises, Practicing Tai Chi and breathing fresh air will make me feel better, so I cheered up and went to work happily.

This positive self-suggestion is beneficial to physical and mental health.

At this time, Liang Mu, who was in the dream, thought of the psychological hint.

He had been thinking before, why did he have these weird dreams?
And sometimes in dreams, I still have the feeling of seeing an acquaintance.

It was as if these pictures in the dream had happened to him once.

However, Liang Mu knew his own origin——

Before time travel, he was just an ordinary college student who couldn't be more ordinary.

In the more than twenty years of my life, I have lived an ordinary life that can no longer be ordinary.

In those ordinary days, Liang Mu watched a lot of fantasy novels, Xianxia film and television dramas, Two-dimensional animation
So at some point, Liang Mu also fantasized that he would become a member of those novels, animations, and film and television dramas, and experience those brilliant stories with the characters in them.

When these former fantasies encountered this sudden time travel, an unreliable system was added.
As a result, Liang Mu was imperceptibly subjected to self-psychological hints.

If Liang Mu's dream is compared to a novel, then the people or things seen in reality become various elements in Liang Mu's writing.

Under Liang Mu's self-suggestion, a painting that I saw by chance in the unknown painting collection became the background stage of the dream.

The secret key of the Nine Palaces became some kind of key treasure in his dream.

By analogy, towers, armies, shield bearers, whip bearers.
Every element in these dreams comes from Liang Mu's fantasy in reality.

Also because it is a fantasy, these people in the dream are all blurred images.

Just like the red and blue abstract painting that he glanced at casually just before he fell asleep, it has already invisibly given Liang Mu a psychological hint.

That's why in this dream, there will be an army of red and blue fighting.

"So, if I fantasize about making love to beauties in real life, then... hiss—"

When Liang Mu opened his eyes, his saliva was all over the pillow.

Liang Mu, who thought he had solved the truth of his dreams, no longer wondered why he had those dreams since that night.

But roommate Mo Sisi was surprised to find that Liang Mu was always staring at her after that day.

It was as if he wanted to put her in his eyes.

Mo Sisi looked at Mo Sisi like a deer bumping wildly and flustered.

On the 37th, I left from the milk tea shop.

NO.18, who discovered this incident, was not only unhappy, but worried.

Finally, things developed in the direction she least expected to see.

When NO.18 saw No. 37 standing in front of the ancient books library like a door god, his entire face twitched.

"I'm Mr. Liang Mu's bodyguard, Mars. Please leave, please don't disturb Mr. Liang Mu."

No. 37 looked at NO.18 with mockery, complacency, and sarcasm in his eyes!
His words made NO.18's teeth itch even more!
At this moment, what kind of power struggle, what sequence ranking. NO.18 doesn't care at all!

She just wanted to keep her weight in Liang Mu's heart no lower than number 37!

"Mr. Liang Mu, I'm bringing you milk tea~"

NO.18 glared at No. 37, then turned around and smiled sweetly at Liang Mu in the museum.

The face changed so quickly and the voice was so whiny that almost made No. 37 spit out the overnight meal.

(End of this chapter)

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