Chapter 230 The Second God of War
Liang Mu's flickering eyes immediately convinced Mo Sisi that he was lying.

At this moment, Mo Sisi is 90.00% sure that the person who appeared outside the mall is Liang Mu!
In my mind, the scene of the thief falling again appeared.

And the back view of Liang Mu turning around gracefully and leaving like an unknown hero.

Complicated emotions, like a pot of boiling soup, surged in Mo Sisi's heart.

Can't help but ask aloud: "Liang Mu, who are you?"

A Peking University doctor who can cook and carpentry!

Now it is even more powerful!

God sent such a monstrous existence to his side, what exactly did he want to do?
Do you really deserve to have such an excellent roommate?

Mo Sisi's heart was completely confused.

And hearing these words in Liang Mu's ears gave another feeling.

My heart thumped on the spot: Could it be that the fact that I am a librarian has been exposed?
What followed was low self-esteem and loss.

Knowing that there is such a big difference in occupation between the two, Mo Sisi should soon be unable to resist moving away, right?

It seems that the dream of the beautiful roommate cannot continue.

Thinking that they would be separated soon anyway, Liang Mu didn't want to suppress his nature anymore.

In line with the idea of ​​making a fortune, I put away the things in my hand, took out my mobile phone and said, "Actually, I am a book seller."

Now it was Mo Sisi's turn to be stunned: "What are you selling?
Sorry, I didn't catch you. "

Liang Mu stopped talking nonsense, opened the flip phone directly, and showed Mo Sisi the dazzling library.

Mo Sisi took the phone in bewilderment, and flipped through it subconsciously.

What is Liang Mu trying to show her?
But isn't there a vast expanse of whiteness above?

What is there to see?

Suddenly, Mo Sisi's eyes fixed on the only e-book where the words could be read.

"Ancient Sword Art"!

Mo Sisi's head suddenly hurt, and her memory instantly returned to the scene on the plane when she returned to Yan Kingdom.

At that time, the sky was changing, and Mo Sisi witnessed the horrifying scene of the sun disappearing on the plane.

But the strange thing is that at that time, Mo Sisi didn't have the slightest fear in her heart, and she didn't cry like ghosts and howls like the passengers next to her.

At that time, two silver scimitars appeared in her mind.

Like two waning moons together, it guarded her and dispelled the fear in her heart.

However, since that time, Mo Sisi has never seen those two silver scimitars in his mind again.

But this time, when she saw the "Ancient Sword Art", the familiar picture reappeared.

It seemed that there was a strong voice in my heart, telling Mo Sisi that she must get this book!
Mo Sisi stared straight, and opened the book subconsciously.


In an instant, Mo Sisi seemed to have come to another world.

In the magnificent hall, there are many officials.

Above the head of the hall, among the thrones, sat a figure wearing a gold-patterned dragon robe.

The face is blurred and cannot be seen clearly.

And she herself, wearing armor, kneels respectfully.

A purple-robed female officer who also couldn't see her face clearly read out the imperial edict in her hand: "General Mo Sisi, who conquered the West with an army of [-], wiped out millions of enemies, determined the Western Regions, and stabilized the Western Frontiers."
Today, His Majesty has issued an order, all officials and all people petitioned, and General Mo Sisi of Zhengxi was granted the [Second God of War] of the Tongtian Dynasty!
Give the royal weapon——【Silver Snow Breaking the Moon Blade】! "

Then a guard held two silver scimitars and handed them to Mo Sisi.

The shape of the scimitar is clearly the same as in the memory.

For a moment, the modern soul collided with the ancient memory, making it difficult for Mo Sisi to distinguish time and space.


Before she took the scimitar, her consciousness returned to reality.

"Would you like to buy a copy?"

Liang Mu's voice came from beside his ears.

Looking at the time on the phone again, there was no change, as if everything was just an illusion.

At this time, Mo Si thought about the news he had seen in the past few days.

I thought of the various foreign awakening incidents that my best friend Amy shared with her.

She never thought that one day she would become the protagonist.

And all of this seems to have an inseparable relationship with the man in front of him!
Mo Sisi looked up at Liang Mu, as if she wanted to see through this misty face.

However, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she couldn't see through this man.

She only knows one thing, if she doesn't buy this "Ancient Sword Art", she will definitely regret it for the rest of her life!

"How to sell this book?"

Mo Sisi gritted her teeth and asked.

Liang Mu's eyes lit up instantly.

There is a play!

Close your eyes on the spot and check the system conditions.

But when he saw that condition, his expression became quite strange.

Does this system have mind reading skills?
"As long as you agree to be my roommate for a year and not leave, this book will be given to you."

While Liang Mu stated this condition, he did not dare to look at Mo Sisi's expression.

It was really the conditions that made him too embarrassed!
It's like a greasy uncle, forcing the little girl to stay.

There is a lesson to be learned, he is really not playing hooligans!

So Liang Mu didn't notice that when Mo Sisi heard this condition, her face flushed instantly.

He thought he was not qualified to be a roommate with Mo Sisi, but how could he know that Mo Sisi was not?

So when Mo Sisi was shy when she heard Liang Mu's condition, the stone in her heart finally fell.

The weak mosquito said: "I promise"


Liang Mu was very surprised, but before he could ask, Mo Sisi had already scanned the QR code and taken the e-book away.

For some reason, he ran into his room in a panic.

Liang Mu scratched his head and muttered to himself: "I understand, she will agree to stay here, she must be asking me to buy more banned books!"

Liang Mu shuddered unconsciously when he thought that what Mo Sisi bought was a book on swordsmanship.

How could such a great doctor be interested in knife skills?

No, no, no, you must hide the knife in the kitchen in the future, don't let Mo Sisi use it casually!

On the other side, Mo Sisi, who had returned to the room, calmed down her beating heart after a long time.

Turn on the phone and carefully read the "Ancient Sword Art".

As I read more deeply, some different pictures appeared in my mind.

"The Second God of War of the Tongtian Dynasty, General Zhengxi, Your Majesty, Prime Minister Liang Guoshi. Liang."

One after another, figures flashed through Mo Sisi's mind.

But every figure is blurred.

Only when thinking of the name Liang Guoshi, Mo Sisi's head suddenly felt like a convulsion, and she broke out in a cold sweat.

She was too scared to continue recalling.


(End of this chapter)

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