Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 22 It's okay, big pig's trotter!

Chapter 22 It's okay, big pig's trotter!
Brother Kui has a secret that he dare not let others know.

He is a fugitive and is still wanted.

The person who helped him forge his identity so that he could live in the sun was Wu Henan.

So for Wu Henan, Brother Kui has always been grateful.

But at the same time, it was scary.

I was afraid that one day Wu Henan would ruthlessly abandon him as a pawn and expose his identity as a fugitive.

So whenever Wu Henan asked him to do something, he would record the process.

Once he really broke up with Wu Henan one day, he could also use this to protect himself.

And these important records were all saved in a USB flash drive by him and carried with him.

However, at this moment, the USB flash drive that Brother Kui regarded as as important as life has disappeared? !

'Where did it go? ! '

Brother Kui was shocked and angry, panicked and anxious.

Suddenly, Brother Kui's pupils shrank sharply.

Tonight, he has only fought against that expert from the bookstore!

The U disk is not in that person's hands, is it?
In other words, in the hands of Yashayan? !

At this moment, Brother Kui only felt that the whole world suddenly became gray.

And this accident made him dare not tell Wu Henan what happened tonight.

Otherwise, if Wu Henan finds out about the existence of the USB flash drive, he will die even worse!
'Grass! '

No one knows how bad Brother Kui is now.

"Boss, shall we still monitor the bookstore in the future?"

Several younger brothers who were ordered to follow Wu Mohuan finally couldn't help but lean over and ask.

The warning Yashayan left before leaving scared them quite a lot.

bookstore? !
Hearing these two words, Brother Kui shivered subconsciously.

Then with red eyes, he kicked each of these younger brothers.

"Go to your mother's bookstore! Don't mention these two words to me in the future!"

Wucheng University, off-campus apartment.

"Huanhuan, I'm so sleepy, go to bed first, good night."

Bai Xi got up from the sofa with a sleepy face, hugged a pillow, yawned and walked into her room.

Wu Mohuan looked at Bai Xi's tired back and shook his head.

Wu Mohuan roughly knew the reason why Bai Xi was so tired.

According to Bai Xi, it seems to be related to the archaeological field.

But Wu Mohuan didn't ask too many details.

Wu Mohuan picked up the remote control and turned down the volume of the TV to avoid disturbing Bai Xi.

And not long after she put down the remote control, Xiumei suddenly raised her eyebrows and glanced at a corner of the hall.

A slender and tall figure stood silently in the darkness without knowing when.

"[Leader Mo Yan], I have already warned them, and they should not dare to approach the bookstore again in the future."

The ethereal ice voice came from the darkness.

Wu Mohuan on the sofa nodded slightly: "Thank you, [Yasha].

It's getting late, let's go rest. "

The figure in the darkness did not leave.

Wu Mohuan was a little puzzled: "Is there anything else?"

"Bald-headed Kui has a USB flash drive in his hand, which seems to contain some of his shady records.

As long as he can get that USB flash drive, Bald Kui will be useless. "

Hearing this, Wu Mohuan fell into deep thought.

When she regained consciousness, the figure in the corner had disappeared.

But Wu Mohuan seemed to have gotten used to it, turned off the TV expressionlessly, and went back to his room.

In the room, Wu Mohuan looked up at the wall.

There is a picture framed on the wall with a delicate crystal frame.

That is the work of "Withered Trees in Spring" given to her by Liang Mu.

Looking at these four words, Wu Mohuan's eyes blurred, and he muttered to himself: "Liang Mu, although I can't find out your background, and even though I don't know what kind of chess you are playing, but
Since you are hiding in that nameless bookstore incognito, you must not want to be disturbed.

So a few bugs, I'll clean them up for you.

It can be regarded as a return to your gift. "

Looking at the writing on the wall, Wu Mohuan's mind was full of images of practicing calligraphy in a bookstore.

And in every picture, Liang Mu's figure was never absent.

Wu Mohuan's body trembled, and she directly put her head under the pillow.

The exposed ears are already red.

A shy and confused voice slowly came from under the pillow: "My heart seems to have fallen."

On a new day, Duanmuyan and Wu Mohuan were practicing calligraphy in the bookstore as usual.

Although Liang Mu asked Wu Mohuan to come to the store at least three days a week, Wu Mohuan seemed to be there every day.

But Liang Mu didn't think too much, he was just happy for Wu Mohuan.

Because Wu Mohuan's complexion has been getting better and better these two days.

Just like now, her face is glowing with a healthy rosy glow.

'It seems that my psychotherapy is quite effective. '

Liang Mu couldn't help but secretly praised himself.

Wu Mohuan's hands were shaking.

Although she lowered her head, she could feel Liang Mu's straight eyes.

Feeling ashamed and annoyed, he didn't understand why Liang Mu kept staring at him.

As a result, the consecutive words were played out of order.

"Mo Huan, are you okay?"

Liang Mu also noticed the strangeness in Wu Mohuan's hands, and asked with concern.

'It's not because of your big pig's hoof! '

Wu Mohuan was annoyed inside, but on the surface she smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm just a little tired, just take a rest."

She put down the brush, rubbed her wrist perfunctorily, and glanced aside casually.

In the position there, Duanmuyan is meticulously copying Liang Mu's works, extremely serious.

'As expected of a master of calligraphy. '

Wu Mohuan sighed in his heart.

Just when he was about to look away, his eyes suddenly fixed on Duanmuyan's hand!

I saw a small black USB flash drive pressed against the paper.

By coincidence, Wu Mohuan's mind popped up Ya Shayan's report that night.

"Bald-headed Kui has a USB flash drive in his hand, and it seems that there are some records he can't see in it."

It can't be such a coincidence, can it? !
Wu Mohuan's throat was inexplicably dry, and he opened his mouth and asked Duanmuyan, "Duanmu Muyan, where did you get this USB flash drive?"

Duanmuyan raised the brush, glanced at the black USB flash drive, and replied casually: "This one, Mr. Liang threw it for me to press the paper."

"Throw it?" Wu Mohuan blinked in astonishment.

"Yes, Mr. Liang said it was useless anyway, so he just threw it to me. It must be a broken USB flash drive." Duanmuyan said without raising his head.

"So this is ah."

Wu Mohuan felt a little ridiculous.

How could a USB flash drive that was thrown around randomly belong to Bald Kui?

What are you so sensitive about?
'Damn, why can't I think normally as long as I have something to do with that guy? '

Embarrassed and annoyed, Wu Mohuan poked the paper vigorously with a brush, as if she wanted to vent her emotions in this way.

"Mo Huan, are you really alright?"

Liang Mu looked over in surprise.

"It's okay, big pig's hoof!"

Wu Mo glared at Liang Mu happily.

Liang Mu:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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