Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 205 Primordial Art of War

Chapter 205 Primordial Art of War
Apart from the address, what also surprised Bald Kui was his humble attitude.

It was as if a commoner in ancient times met an official.

"Could it be because of the disordered sleep in the past two days?"

Bald Kui touched his big bald head suspiciously.

After that thrilling business war, almost all the forces of the Crow Feather Society were driven out of Wucheng.

Under the leadership of Wu Tianxiong, I don't know which city they moved to.

Huanglong Industrial Group has no leader, and was soon acquired and merged by Moyan Group.

In that battle, Mo Yan, with the help of Shang Zi, won a complete victory.

The only pity is that Bald Kui, a senior undercover agent, was exposed in that battle.

Although Wu Henann is an idiot, Wu Tianxiong is not.

Bald-headed Kui acted as an internal response for Mo Yan in that business war, but ultimately failed to escape Wu Tianxiong's eyes.

So when Bald Kui saw his identity was exposed, he simply did nothing and left the Yayu Society with a group of people, and turned to Mo Yan.

However, because Mo Yan's purpose of maintaining members can only be women, the Bald Kuina gang was classified as non-staff members.

Although they failed to enter Mo Yan's core, the Bald Kuina gang was already very satisfied.

After all, he doesn't have to be kicked out of Wucheng like the rest of the Crow Feather Club, and drift away in a foreign land.

It's just that just when they thought they were going to have fun with Mo Yan, when they woke up, the world suddenly changed again.

The appearance of the awakened one broke the three views of many people.

Few people thought that the reincarnations that only appeared in novels and movies would appear in reality.

It also taught Bald Kui and others a lesson.

I still remember that day, an awakened person appeared in Wucheng.

The man claimed to be a knight in his previous life and took to the streets that day carrying a sword.

Whenever you meet a passer-by, you have to advertise your identity once.

It looks like a madman, and behaves strangely.

If there are passers-by who can't stand it, call the police immediately.

However, when the police arrived at the scene, the man showed extreme agility.

Flying over the wall is an exaggeration, but it is not a problem to climb over the wall.

He ran away in front of the police.

After that, Mo Yan received a request for assistance from the Wucheng Police Station, asking Mo Yan to help search and arrest the awakened person.

At that time, Mo Yan was also hearing about the Awakened for the first time.

So I didn't take this matter too seriously, but just regarded the awakened person as a psychopath, and randomly sent a group of non-staff personnel to deal with this matter.

It was also that time that Bald Kui and others saw the power of the Awakened for the first time.

It took a day and a night and combined the strength of dozens of people to finally take down the awakened one.

After that time, Bald Kui and a large group of people under his command couldn't help but start to fantasize about whether they could also be awakened?
They heard from the Internet that many awakened people recalled their past lives in their dreams, so they have been forcing themselves to sleep for the past two days, hoping that they will suddenly become awakened people when they wake up.

It's a pity that even though their faces were swollen from sleeping, they couldn't wake up.

On the contrary, everyone was almost stunned.

"I heard that the more powerful you were in your previous life, the easier it is to awaken in this life.

It seems that I, Bald Kui, was an unknown person in my previous life."

Bald Kui gave a wry smile.

"I don't know if there are any awakened people in Mo Yan."

"That's all, I don't want this nonsense anymore, let's help Secretary Lan meet the eldest lady first.

Oh no, it's time to address the chief. "

Immediately afterwards, Bald Kui reported Lan Xiaoli's matter to Wu Mohuan.

At this time, Wu Mohuan was in the original Wu family's house in the western suburbs of Wucheng.

After Wu Tianxiong and the Wu family left Wucheng in embarrassment, the place was abandoned.

Although Wu Mohuan has brought many bad memories here, the crimes are committed by humans, so there is no need to have trouble with the house.

So Wu Mohuan moved Mo Yan's headquarters here, and he would come here to rest from time to time.

But it was obvious that Wu Mohuan hadn't had a good rest these two days.

The big circles around her eyes were the same black as her clothes.

At this time, Wu Mohuan was sitting on the sofa, frowning at the book in his hand.

It was an old book with a black cover and no words.

This book was exactly the one Wu Mohuan bought from Liang Mu at that time.

At that time, Wu Mohuan just took the book from the bookshelf, and didn't care about it when he came back, almost forgetting it in the corner.

But in his sleep that day, Wu Mohuan unexpectedly saw this book.

In the dream, she seemed to be an ancient commander.

Holding this book in hand, he stood in the military camp and formulated a war strategy.

After waking up, Wu Mohuan still felt that the dream was too real.

In order to understand the doubts in her heart, she went to the bookstore early in the morning, intending to ask Liang Mu for clarification.

But just like Lan Xiaoli, she jumped into the air and was stunned to see the depths of the empty alley.

The strange disappearance of Wuming Bookstore and Liang Mu made Wu Mohuan more uneasy, always feeling that something big was about to happen.

Sure enough, the so-called awakened ones appeared that day.

"Am I too"

Wu Mohuan looked at the book in his hand, and thought of the mighty and extraordinary self in his dream, feeling at a loss.

Just then, she received a call from Bald Kui.

"Perhaps... Secretary Lan has some clues about Mr. Liang?"

Thinking in this way, Wu Mohuan asked Bald Kui to bring Lan Xiaoli to the western suburbs house.

In the afternoon, the two finally met.

It's just that the moment Lan Xiaoli entered the door, she suddenly looked down at the "Prime Ancient History" in her hand.

I saw a certain page, which was actually exuding starlight.

Surprised, Lan Xiaoli subconsciously opened the book.

Only then did I realize that the page that glowed turned out to be the page that recorded Wu Mohuan's character card.

The portrait that was originally blurred can be seen clearly at this time.

Wu Mohuan in the painting is wearing black armor and a scarlet cloak.

His face is cold and solemn, with an extraordinary demeanor, like a famous general on the battlefield.

In her hand, she was holding a black book.

A few small characters are faintly visible.

[Imperial Art of War]!
And part of the verdict that was originally covered by the black strip was also exposed.

It read: [Daughter of the King of Wu, Shaofeng Wuhou, commanding thousands of troops, and shaking the world]

Except for these few sentences, the rest are still covered up.

Even so, it was enough for Lan Xiaoli to be surprised.

She suddenly discovered that her "Prime Ancient History" seemed to record something extraordinary!

At the same time, Wu Mohuan was also looking at the book in his hand in astonishment.

Almost at the same time, the words [Imperial Art of War] appeared on the cover of that seemingly ordinary black book.

When I looked through it again, it was no longer empty, but there were articles on the art of war!
Wu Mohuan looked up in shock.

When she looked at Lan Xiaoli's face, she was suddenly in a trance.

Some dusty memories, like a sword from the sky, suddenly pierced Wu Mohuan's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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