Chapter 188 Cooking
The woman quickly went downstairs to find old man Lu and asked to change rooms.

But old man Lu had a helpless expression on his face: "[Dr. Mo], all the other rooms in this apartment are fully occupied, only the suite now has vacancies.

If you want to change to another building, you have to go to the school leadership to report it yourself. I, a small building manager, can't help you. "

"Then I'll go live in a hotel outside first! Until I can change rooms!" the woman gritted her teeth.

"It's not impossible, but tonight, you'd better make it a night.

Because of that incident, Beijing University has been closed for the past few nights.

At this point, it should be impossible to go out. "

Old Man Lu advised.

"I" woman wants to cry but has no tears.

With a final stomp, I still had no choice but to go back to the dormitory.


I sleep during the day and stay up all night at night.

So I warn you, don't take half a step near my room, or I will call the police directly! "

The woman glared at Liang Muchao.

Seeing the woman's tired face but still insisting on saying these words, Liang Mu secretly laughed in his heart.

But seeing the woman so guarded against him, Liang Mu was also quite depressed.

With a look of helplessness, she said: "Beauty, I'm really not a stalker.

You saw it too, I just happened to go back to the dormitory. "

"I don't want to hear your explanation!"

The woman could not listen to Liang Mu's words at all, and dragged the suitcase directly into her bedroom.

"Bang" the door closed.

"Click." It's locked!
Liang Mu shook his head and had nothing to say.

After returning to his room and taking a shower, Liang Mu finally became more energetic.

But taking a bath can relieve fatigue, but it can't deal with the deepening hunger.

In desperation, Liang Mu came to the kitchen, ready to see if there was anything to eat.

By the way, this house has two bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms.

Each bedroom has its own bathroom, avoiding embarrassment.

But there is only one kitchen.

After coming to the kitchen, Liang Mu glanced at the environment first, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Induction cooker, gas stove, microwave oven, oven, firewood, rice, oil, salt, all kinds of cooking tools and condiments are all available.

All that was lacking seemed to be cooking ingredients.

With a disturbed mood, Liang Mu opened the refrigerator.


Seeing the meat, egg, milk and other materials piled up in the refrigerator, Liang Mu couldn't help but whistle.

I don't know whether these things were prepared by the school or arranged by the system.

But no matter what, Liang Mu's dinner was settled.

And looking at the reserves, maybe there is no need to worry about the three meals in the next week.

Liang Mu, who was in a happy mood, took out the ingredients from the refrigerator and prepared to start cooking.

Can Liang Mu know how to cook?

The answer is yes.

When Liang Mu was young, his parents worked outside the country, so he spent most of his time in the village with his grandparents.

In addition to his grandfather's woodcarving skills, he also learned cooking skills from his grandmother.

It's just because grandma loves him, so he usually doesn't let him help with cooking.

Later, after going to university, Liang Mu often cooked and ate by himself in the dormitory.

During the period, he was criticized by the department for using illegal electrical appliances.

After coming to this world, Liang Mu never had the opportunity to cook because of the restriction of Wuming Bookstore, and what he ate all day was the takeaway delivered by Xiaoqiu.

But now in a new environment, Liang Mu finally has the opportunity to regain his cooking skills.

In the process of cooking, Liang Mu's enhanced memory, which he regarded as weak, played a big role.

The written recipes in memory and the cooking videos he watched jumped out of Liang Mu's head during the cooking process.

As a result, Liang Mu's cooking of this meal was much more successful than before.

Just smelling it, I couldn't help but salivate.

Because of this, Liang Mu accidentally cooked a few more dishes and set half of the table on the table.

"I'm starving, let's go!"

Liang Mu picked up his chopsticks and attacked the food on the table.

In another bedroom in the house.

[Mo Sisi] I am video chatting with my best friend.

She just returned to China today, and she was "honored" to enjoy the scene of the sun disappearing on the plane.

I still remember that at that time, everyone on the plane was in a panic.

Although it landed successfully in the end, it was delayed a lot of time.

After finally arriving at Beijing University, he was bumped by a perverted guy on the way.

Not only that, but that perverted guy is also my roommate!

Could there be a worse day than this?

Mo Sisi, who was in a bad mood, could only find her best friend for comfort.

"But [Luna], I remember you were on the phone with me at that time, right?
Could it be that you didn't see the road ahead and bumped into him?
When you were studying here in Grand Country, you often did such reckless things."

In the video, Mo Sisi's best friend, a foreign woman with short flaxen hair, said with a smile.

"How, how is that possible!" Mo Sisi's expression suddenly flustered, "Okay! Even if I'm half at fault, that person is definitely a big pervert!
[Amy], let's not hang up the video tonight, I'm afraid that big pervert will."

"Haha, I see." The best friend Mo Sisi called Amy suddenly winked and said, "I hope he really comes to see you, just to see what a man who can make you angry like this looks like."

"You plastic girlfriend!" Mo Sisi stared angrily.

The two chatted for a while, and Mo Sisi suddenly heard a growling sound from her stomach.

Amy asked in surprise, "Luna, didn't you have dinner?"

Mo Sisi shook her head: "It's not just dinner, I haven't eaten a bite from the time I took off from Gelan Country to the time I landed.

What happened in the sky, how can I have the mood to eat. "

"Then hurry up and eat!" Amy urged.

"No, no, that stalker is still in the living room, I don't want to see him." Mo Sisi shook her head repeatedly.

"Yes, you can order takeout!" Amy's eyes lit up, "I heard that your takeout in Yanguo is delicious."


Mo Sisi also remembered that there was still trouble, so she quickly ordered takeaway with her mobile phone.

Then he continued to chat with Amy and waited for the takeaway to arrive.

However, half an hour passed. An hour passed. The takeaway remained silent.

On the contrary, it was a seductive fragrance that wafted in through the crack of the door.

Mo Sisi told Amy about it.

"Wait!" Amy was startled suddenly, "Luna, your takeaway won't be eaten by that man?!"


Mo Sisi was also taken aback.

Then came endless anger.

She could bear being watched by Liang Mu, but she absolutely couldn't bear Liang Mu stealing her own takeaway!
Throw the phone away and rush out the door.

(End of this chapter)

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