Chapter 181 Wen Yuan
"On the first day of work, I was so late!"

"I still want to call and call someone to call you!"

"Do you know where this is? This is the largest library in the Yan Kingdom, the Beijing University Library!"

"Do you think you are the curator's son?"

The fat man scolded Liang Mu all over his face.

Liang Mu was so depressed.

Who did he provoke?

Why is he either being scolded today, or on the way to being scolded.

Most importantly, Liang Mu didn't come late on purpose.

Who knows that when he wakes up, he will come directly to Kyoto from Wucheng thousands of miles away?
The so-called clay figurines are still angry.

Liang Mu is not a virgin who can be beaten and scolded by others, how could he resist being spit by this fat man?

His face turned cold, and he said lightly: "I am indeed not the curator's son, but some people seem to regard themselves as the curator's son."

The fat man didn't realize it at first, but when he figured it out, his face flushed red with anger.

"you you you"

He seemed to have never met such a vicious person, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.


The sweet girl couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

And this laughter, like adding fuel to the fire, made the fat man even more annoyed.

But when he turned his head and saw the girl's face, his angry face suddenly froze.

"Director Yao, good morning."

The girl greeted the fat man politely.

"Oh hello"

The fat man's reaction was a little weird, as if he was afraid of this girl.

Liang Mu saw it and thought that the fat man was quite discerning as to what was wrong.

I know not to offend the students of Beijing University.

Because she might become a bigwig in a certain field in the future.

"you two"

Director Yao glanced strangely between Liang Mu and the girl, hesitant to speak.

Finally, holding back for a long time, he said to Liang Mu, "Uh, you can come to my office later."

After finishing speaking, he nodded to the girl and left in a hurry.

Liang Mu was puzzled.

Why did the fat man suddenly become gentle towards him?
What Liang Mu didn't know was that after Director Yao left, he muttered depressingly by himself.

"Damn it, why is the curator's daughter with that kid?
Are they dating? !
No wonder an administrator was suddenly parachuted down from above!

It seems that I have to be more polite to the boy in the future."

On the other side, the girl looked at Liang Mu in surprise: "So you are the newly appointed librarian.

At such a young age, I thought I was a student like myself.

She paused, and took the initiative to extend a hand to Liang Mu: "Mr. Administrator, let me get to know you. My name is [Wen Yuan], and I am a sophomore in Religious Studies in the Department of Philosophy."

Liang Mu has a good impression of this girl with a sweet smile and a kind heart.

He reached out to shake Wen Yuan's hand and introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, Teacher Liang Mu.

I'm going to study. Let's chat next time we have a chance. "

After the two chatted for a few words, Wen Yuan said goodbye and left.

When Wen Yuan turned her back to Liang Mu, Liang Mu realized that she had tied a white butterfly-shaped silk scarf behind her hair.

It makes Wen Yuan more elegant and quiet.

Looking at Wen Yuan's leaving back, Liang Mu's heart fluttered.

It was the first time someone called him a teacher when he grew up so big.

Although he also knew that this was Wen Yuan's polite name, maybe he called every employee who worked at Beijing University that way.

But it sounds comfortable!

"Uh, I forgot to ask her for her contact information."

It was only then that Liang Mu remembered that he also has a mobile phone now.

Although the mobile phone is tattered, it should be fine to make calls, right?

However, as a librarian, it seems not very good to rashly ask students for their contact information.

Liang Mu shook his head, and decided to report to Director Yao first.

After wandering around in the huge library and almost getting lost several times, Liang Mu finally found Director Yao's office.

[Personnel Director of the Administrative Center——Yao Kang].

Glancing at the sign hanging on the wall outside the door, Liang Mu knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Director Yao's voice came from inside.

After opening the door, I saw that familiar figure sitting on a chair, picking up a teacup to drink tea.


Seeing that it was Liang Mu who entered the door, Yao Kang suddenly panicked.

Putting down the teacup in a hurry, he smiled at Liang Mu and said, "You, you're here."

Yao Kang's reaction made Liang Mu even more confused.

In Yao Kang's smile, Liang Mu actually felt a trace of flattery.

Liang Mu, who was confused, just felt weird and didn't want to spend more time with this fat man.

He said lightly, "I'm here to report."

"Yeah. I have already arranged all the positions you are responsible for."

Yao Kang nodded, walked aside, and opened a certain drawer.

He took out a task card and handed it to Liang Mu.

Liang Mu took the work card and saw that it read: [Administrator of Ancient Books Library of Kyoto University Library——Liang Mu].

Although it was the first time for Liang Mu to come to Peking University and also the first time to enter the library, he also took a look at the introduction along the way when he was looking for the way just now.

The strengthened memory allowed him to remember those contents in his heart.

So the moment he saw the task card, Liang Mu thought about it.

He knew that the entire Kyoto library covers an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters and has a collection of more than tens of millions of books.

According to the types of books collected, the Beijing University Library is divided into dozens of sub-venues of different categories.

And lobby, administration, logistics and other areas.

For such a large library, of course there is more than one administrator.

And what Liang Mu is in charge of is obviously the ancient books library in the many sub-venues.

"Uh, as for this ancient book library, hardly anyone goes there.

So the work will be easier than other positions.

Do you think my arrangement is okay? "

Yao Kang secretly looked at Liang Mu's face.

Seeing Liang Mu groaning silently, he couldn't help but asked nervously.

"I have no opinion on the position, but I don't know what I want to do now."

Liang Mu said lightly.

"It's simple, open the door on time, close the door on time.

Just sit there and the day goes by. "

Yao Kang said with a smile.

A few black lines suddenly appeared on Liang Mu's forehead.

Maybe this is how the fat man spends his working hours like this.

Liang Mu didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Director Yao, then I'll go directly to the Ancient Books Museum."

Liang Mu turned around and was about to leave.

"Would you like me to go with you?"

Yao Kang smiled.

"no need."

Liang Mu didn't want the fat man to follow him, so he directly refused.

Yao Kang was not annoyed, and sent Liang Mu out of the house with a smile.

After leaving Yao Kang's office, Liang Mu followed the guide all the way and finally found the Ancient Books Museum in a remote corner.

Compared with other venues, the Ancient Books Museum looks small and old.

But compared to the unnamed bookstore before, it is already a place like a palace.

"Is this where I will work in the future?"

Liang Mu stood at the entrance of the ancient books library, and stepped into the door with anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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