Chapter 157 Unblocking
It was discovered!

This idea popped up in Yashayan's mind instantly.

But in the next second, she calmed down again, and her body remained motionless.

Past experience told her that the other party was probably a temptation, but she hadn't exposed it at all.

"little mouse?"

The other members of Eternal Tribulation also looked in the direction No. 37 was watching.

However, all he saw was darkness.

"Number 37, what are you going crazy about? Where are the others?"

NO.18 was already dissatisfied with No. 37, and now he took the opportunity to express his dissatisfaction.

"Even if there is an extra ant here, it can't escape the perception of me [Mars, the God of Jungle War]."

No. 37 smiled confidently, and casually broke off a branch from a nearby tree.

Just when Ya Shayan was still thinking about what No. 37 wanted to do, he saw his hand muscles tremble suddenly, and he threw the branch out.

And the target is the big tree where Yashayan is!

"call out--"

Amid the sound of breaking through the air, the branches approached rapidly like a meteor.

The distance of tens of meters was crossed in the blink of an eye.

An ordinary tree branch, tossed by that man, seemed to be a powerful weapon to kill the gods and ghosts!
At this moment, Yashayan finally understood why the little tiger couldn't hide from the spear.

This speed is really too fast!
Yasha Yan had no time to think about more details, so she jumped down from the tree and managed to avoid the flying branches.

However, her movement completely exposed the fact that there were people in the tree.

"Tsk, it's those guys again."

Although it was dark night, No. 99 seemed to know something, curled his lips.

"Okay! I finally have a chance to take revenge!" NO.18's face suddenly became grim.

Touching the injured arm, he gritted his teeth at No. 37 and said, "No. 37, I order you to catch that man quickly!"

"Don't order me around, Ba Po."

Compared to No. 99's submissiveness, No. 37 doesn't give any face to No. 18.

After leaving a sentence that made NO.18 vomit blood, his body was like a flexible leopard, and he rushed into the forest.

Towards the location of Yashayan, it quickly approached.

'Does this guy have infrared eyes? ! '

Feeling the constantly approaching breath in the darkness, Ya Shayan's heart trembled secretly.

Even though the medicine Liang Mu prescribed strengthened his eyesight and hearing.

However, strengthening is limited after all, and it cannot allow Yasha Yan to reach the state of opening the eyes of the sky.

But that No. 37, as if a locator was installed on Yashayan, was precisely approaching the location of Yashayan.

The swallow-shaped daggers were held in the hands of Yashayan.


After a chase, a gust of fist wind suddenly blew from the darkness.

Ya Shayan, who was highly concentrated, was short and avoided the punch flying above her head.


The fist scraped across Yashayan's scalp and hit a tree.


The hard tree trunk was cracked and broken by this punch.

'The monster! '

Ya Shayan was shocked again.

With such power, no wonder the things he throws out are so scary.

Naturally, Ya Shayan was not someone who would just sit and wait for death, the moment she dodged the fist attack, the dagger also swiped towards her back with a cold glow.


In the next moment, Yashayan only felt that her arm that swung the dagger was tightly held by a big hand.

Like an iron hoop, her arms were immobilized.

A joking voice rang out from close range.

"The shape of this dagger. Are you Shura Ji Hongye, the former seventh in the world's killer rankings?
Hehehe, I heard that Ji Hongye died a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be a rumor. "

Yashayan's heart became more and more dignified.

Not to mention that number 37 saw the shape of the dagger in her hand as if she had night vision.

The fact that she can determine her original identity just by looking at it is enough for Ya Shayan to be wary!
Without any hesitation, she held another dagger with her free hand and stabbed fiercely at the place where the sound came from.

But in the darkness, he was restrained by another hand in the same way.

Still like an iron hoop, Yashayan lost control of her hands.

But Yashayan didn't give up just yet. As a former Shura, weapons are more than just two hands!

The foot is also hard, kicking towards the darkness at a tricky angle.

However, her thoughts seemed to be all in No. 37's calculations.

The moment he just took his foot, No. 37 also flew in.


The two feet collided, but the strength was not at the same level.

Ya Shayan only felt that she had kicked a hard rock, and a piercing pain spread directly from the sole of her foot to her entire leg.

This time, Ya Shayan finally felt a sense of powerlessness uncontrollably in her heart.

Being suppressed by the opponent in all aspects, is there any chance of winning this battle?


In the darkness, No. 37's disdainful sneer came.

"The stars will fall, and sooner or later darkness will come.

Even if you are Shura, you will be annihilated in the eternal calamity.

Only our believers in darkness can cross the eternity and reach the next era."

No. 37, who was restraining Yashayan, spoke some goddamn words in his native language unhurriedly.

Because she has stayed abroad, Yashayan can barely recognize that this is the Italian language of the Italian country.

And what No. 37 said has almost the same meaning as what No. 99 of Yongjie once said on Riyue Island.

"What the hell are you trying to do?!"

Yashayan said coldly.

"If you were a former Shura, I would tell you everything and even win you over to join our organization.

But you have changed now.

It was no longer that Shura.

Look at your red dress, it's really disgusting. "

No. 37 Sen smiled coldly, and suddenly began to exert force on his hands.

The violent force seemed to tear Yashayan's body to pieces.

"Goodbye, Shura Ji Hongye."

The severe pain tore Ya Shayan's body and mind.

Like thousands of knives and swords, they pierced every part of her body.

Especially the two hands that were grasped felt unbearable pain.

However, amidst the tearing pain, Ya Shayan felt a familiar heat surge from her body.


She seemed to be able to hear the sound of blood boiling inside her body.

This feeling is.
[Side effects] that have appeared before? !

Far away in Wuming Bookstore in Wucheng, Liang Mu was yawning and preparing to go to bed.

It was another day without waiting for the reward to be cashed out, and another night when I could go to bed early.

But just as Liang Mu lay down, there was a sudden shock in his head.

"Ding! The seventh volume of the Nine Books has been unsealed, and you have received the reward: enhanced concentration."

(End of this chapter)

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