Chapter 152 Red suits you better

Although it wasn't long before she came into contact with Liang Mu, Ya Shayan had already confirmed one thing.

That is Liang Mu's ability of "Scholars don't go out, they know everything in the world".

All troubles and troubles can't be hidden from him.

So, did he also know about Wu Mohuan's break with his family?
From this, it can be speculated that Liang Mu asked her to read, probably to remind her of something.

Ya Shayan thought for a moment, and soon figured it out.

Today's Wu Mohuan is at the most vulnerable time in his life, and needs help even more.

As Wu Mohuan's right-hand man and Mo Yan's cadre, Yashayan had to improve her abilities at this time.

It is not only necessary to improve martial arts skills, but also to strengthen Wen Tao's strategy.

Only in this way can Wu Mohuan be fully supported.

That's why Liang Mu reminded Ya Shayan to study!

"Brother Liang is really hardworking! '

Ya Shayan was moved, and decided to buy a book and read it carefully.

"Brother Liang, what book do you think I should start reading?"

She asked Liang Mu sincerely for advice.

"Of course it's the book that suits you best."

Liang Mu replied perfunctorily.

He doesn't know what kind of book Yashayan is suitable for reading!
But to Ya Shayan, Liang Mu's words had a lot of meaning.

"Brother Liang must be trying to tell me that I must learn to find the path that suits me best, and I can't just seek other people's opinions on everything!" '

His gratitude to Liang Mu was a little more.

With eyes wide open, I began to look for my favorite book in the store.

After looking around, I finally locked an old book with my eyes in the corner of the bookshelf.

The reason why the book caught her attention was because there was a pattern of red leaves on the cover of the book.

Reminiscent of her former real name Ji Hongye, Ya Shayan felt that she had an inexplicable fate with this book in the vast sea of ​​books.

Reluctantly, I reached out and picked up the book.

When Ya Shayan opened the book, her expression froze for a moment.

Because there are no words in the book, only a picture of a strange villain.

The little stickman with scribbled strokes is doing various actions.

Although Yashayan couldn't understand the meaning of these actions, she found them interesting inexplicably.

It's like looking at an old-fashioned comic book.

Watching and watching, I was fascinated.


Liang Mu's light cough woke up Yasha Yan.

"How about it, have you chosen a book?"

Hearing Liang Mu's words, Yashayan blushed, closed the book in her hand, and was about to put it back on the shelf.

Because she doesn't want Liang Mu to misunderstand that she is a superficial woman who doesn't seek to make progress but only likes to read comic books.

But Liang Mu pressed her hand and said with a smile, "I said before, the best is the one that suits you."

But I was complaining in my heart: You scumbag, stop picking on me, I’m going to close up and go to bed!
Ya Shayan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded silently, and took the book back into her hand.

To be honest, she was also reluctant to part with this book.

"Brother Liang, then, you can make an offer."

Ya Shayan lowered her head and spoke anxiously.

She knew Liang Mu's eccentricity of never selling money and only asking for conditions, but she was even more disturbed because of this.

In case Liang Mu's condition is
Thinking of the wall-dong just now, two blushes floated on Yasha Yan's face.

"Write a review for me every week."

Liang Mu said lightly.

In his heart, he was disappointed.

Before changing it, he hoped that the brain-damaged system would offer such an ordinary condition.

But it was Ya Shayan, but he couldn't wait to offer a strange condition, so that this scumbag who gave him a good card would suffer!

But the brain-damaged system is worthy of being a brain-damaged system, and it never disappoints people.

"Reading, after reading?"

Ya Shayan was a little confused.

She has killed people and drank blood, but she has never written such a thing as a post-reading impression!
"Brother Liang, you have really worked so hard to make me grow up!" '

Yashayan couldn't laugh or cry in her heart, but she was also inexplicably moved.

"Brother Liang, I will not let you down.

After you go back, you must carefully study how to write your post-reading impressions. "

Ya Shayan promised.

At the same time, something strange appeared in my heart.

Because she suddenly discovered that after agreeing to Liang Mu's conditions, she seemed to have to come to the bookstore every week from now on.

Doesn't that mean he has to meet Liang Mu every week?

She actually had a feeling of reporting the situation to her little lover regularly every week.

His face blushed uncontrollably again.

Ya Shayan found out that it was difficult for her to control her emotions in front of Liang Mu.

Liang Mu seems to have a magical power, which can completely tear her iceberg mask apart every time.

Ya Shayan was afraid that if she continued, she would not be able to control herself and do strange things, so she didn't dare to stay in the bookstore, so she decided to leave quickly.

However, the moment she was about to step out of the store, Liang Mu called out to her: "Have you ever considered changing your appearance?"

Liang Mu still couldn't control himself.

As a senior gentleman, he always felt that it was a pity that Ya Shayan's long legs were wrapped in trousers every day.

"What do you mean?" Ya Shayan looked confused, looking down at her own attire.

"Well, I mean
Compared with black, red may be more suitable for you. "

Liang Mu was smiling, but in his mind, he was imagining the image of Ya Shayan wearing a red miniskirt in his memory.

Nosebleed, almost spit out.

"Is it red?" Ya Shayan didn't know the lecherous thoughts in Liang Mu's head, but carefully figured out what Liang Mu meant by saying this.

'Master Liang, you don't know about my past, do you?

So he's reminding me that there's no need to pretend, just be yourself? '

Ya Shayan thought so in her heart, and nodded seriously on the surface: "I will seriously consider your suggestion."

With that said, he left the bookstore with the book in his arms.

"Huh? Is that a promise?"

Liang Mu was very surprised by Yashayan's happiness.

"Perhaps, this is the benefit after being issued a good person card."

Liang Mu muttered to himself, shaking his head and laughing.

Pull the door, turn off the light, and go to the back room to sleep.

But not long after he fell asleep, his consciousness suddenly shook.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully selling key books.

Obtain a mystery reward. "

The unintentional sale actually met the conditions again?

Without waiting for Liang Mu to think, darkness suddenly struck, dragging his consciousness into a dream that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

In this dream, there was no earthquake, and no purgatory on earth.

The sky is complete, and the earth is complete.

However, between the heaven and the earth, there is an aura of decadence.

The flowers, plants and trees are all withered and yellow, dying.

The corpses of birds, beasts, insects and fish are floating among the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas.

In the distance, the army all over the mountains and plains came towards Liang Mu's position.

In the yellow sand, in front of the army, there are nine figures looming.

(End of this chapter)

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