Write Chapter 15 to me!
"Which faction did you fight with? Are you wearing so many colors?"

The gangsters at the base all surrounded them with righteous indignation, shouting to avenge Hou San and the others.

But Hou San and his group lowered their heads in shame.


After listening to the description of Hou San and the others, all the gangsters were dumbfounded.

"You mean, Missy beat you up like this alone?!" the gangsters asked in disbelief.

Hou San and the others nodded in grief and indignation.

"Idiot! Missy is not as simple as you think!
Especially her skill, which is notoriously sharp!
Otherwise, why did Xiongye not determine the successor of the Crow Feather Club? "

Brother Kui glanced at his younger brothers with contempt.

Then he rubbed his chin and looked at Hou San and the others: "You mean, the eldest lady came out of that bookstore with a picture in her hand?"

Hou San and the others nodded in unison.

Brother Kui stroked his big bald head, lost in thought.

After receiving Wu Henan's order, he began to track down who the calligraphy master Wu Mohuan was in contact with.

What happened to Hou San and the others undoubtedly provided him with a major clue.

He couldn't help but recall the four-eyed boy he met when he went to that bookstore last time.

Could it be that he is the calligraphy master Wu Henan was looking for? !

"Third son, give me the information about the four-eyed boy I asked you to check last time!"

Brother Kui, who thought he had locked the target, said to Hou San excitedly.

Hou San didn't think too much, and hurriedly told Brother Kui all the information about Lu Pinao.

After learning the information, Brother Kui couldn't wait to lead people to find the Lu family that day.

"Zijun, have you packed your luggage?"

In the living room, Lu Pinao was limping, with bruises still remaining on his face.

These are the traces left by Hou San.

"It's packed." Lu Zijun dragged his suitcase out of the room, and said with an uneasy expression, "Dad, let's get out of here quickly, I'm afraid you will be caught again."

"Don't be crowed!" Lu Pinao's complexion changed, and he shouted violently, interrupting Lu Zijun's words.

He had already asked for leave from Wucheng University, made up a reason, and was going to take Lu Zijun back to his hometown in the countryside to hide for a while.

While avoiding that devil Liang Mu, he also got rid of his bad luck.

And at this moment, he didn't want to hear any unlucky words.

But the more you fear what will happen, the more likely it will happen.

As soon as the voice fell, the door was violently kicked open.

A familiar big bald head rushed in with a large group of people.

"Yes, it's you!"

Lu Pinao's pupils shrank suddenly and he recognized Brother Kui, who was the leader.

"Hey, four-eyed boy, long time no see!"

Brother Kui grinned, and stepped forward to give Lu Pinao a familiar and cordial greeting.


Just like last time at the bookstore, another slap greeted Lu Pinao on the back of the head.

Lu Pinao's already scarred body could not react and fell to the ground.

"call out--"

Lu Zijun threw away the suitcase in his hand, and got under the sofa as quickly as possible, revealing a pair of buttocks protruding outwards.

"Did he send you here?!"

Lu Pinao asked with grief and indignation.

He knew that Liang Mu was a devil, but he didn't expect Liang Mu to be such a devil!
It wasn't enough to send Hou San to beat him up, and now he sent Brother Kui to torture him!

Brother Kui was taken aback for a moment, and Wu Henan's face appeared in his mind.

Looking at Lu Pinao's eyes suddenly became fierce: "Since you have already guessed it, then follow me obediently!"

As he spoke, someone lifted Lu Pinao up from the ground and carried him out.

A villa somewhere in Wucheng.

Wu Henan pointed suspiciously at Lu Pinao in front of him: "Are you sure it's him?"

Brother Kui on the side nodded vigorously: "Absolutely!"

Wu Henan frowned, and said coldly to Lu Pinao: "In that case, write me a masterpiece quickly!"

Lu Pinao was in a daze.

Ever since he was brought into the villa, Lu Pinao recognized this place.

Along the Huanglong River, luxurious gardens.

Rumor has it that the richest people in Wucheng gathered in this villa area.

As for Wu Henan in front of him, Lu Pinao had also seen it on various TV programs and magazines.

President of Huanglong Industry, Outstanding Young Entrepreneur in Wucheng, the Proud Son of Heaven.
But these names are not as good as the rumors circulating in private.

According to the rumors, Wu Henan is still the young master of the No. [-] underground organization in Wucheng—the Crow Feather Society!

And those stories about the Crow Feather Club are full of blood and blood, making people frightened.

Such a person, why do you want to see yourself?
Thinking about it, Lu Pinao's heart suddenly shook.

Could it be that Wu Henan is also Liang Mu's person? !


Brother Kui's slap made Lu Pinao dizzy.

"Why are you in a daze? The young master asked you to write!"

Hearing Brother Kui's roar, Lu Pinao slowly came to his senses.

In front of him, pen and paper were already laid out.

Wu Henan, who was sitting opposite, was looking at him with dangerous eyes.

This is the whole one again?
Lu Pinao didn't dare to continue thinking wildly, so he bit the bullet and picked up the brush.

After he finished writing, someone immediately presented the words to Wu Henan.

Wu Henan looked at the words up and down, looking left and right.

Suddenly he asked the person next to him: "Where is Master Duanmu?

Quickly invite him to see if this word has any meaning or artistic conception! "

The man quickly replied: "Eldest Young Master, Master Duanmu left Wucheng early in the morning."

"Trash!" Wu Henan slapped the man, glaring at Brother Kui with gloomy eyes, "Hurry up and invite Master Duanmu back!"

"Obey!" Brother Kui took the order and left.

Lu Pinao, who was immersed in the bewilderment, really wanted to ask the question clearly.

But when he saw Wu Henan's furious appearance, he shut his mouth in fright.

He shrank his neck and stayed where he was, not daring to move.

Not far from Wucheng University, there is an apartment complex.

Most of the people living there are faculty and staff of Wucheng University.

However, there are also some excellent students who can apply to live in it.

The genius student Bai Xi applied for a spot.

And the reason she did this was because a good friend was moving in to live with her.

This good friend is Wu Mohuan.

It's been half a day since I came back to my room, but Wu Mohuan still looked in a trance.

She had no intention of packing the luggage all over the floor.

He just sat on the bed blankly, looking at a picture of writing and a book in front of him.

These two things come from the same person.

Liang Mu.

"Liang Mu, Liang Mu, who the hell are you?"

Just when Wu Mohuan was mumbling to himself, her beautiful eyes suddenly trembled.

A flash of star suddenly emerged from the book in front of him.

At the speed of lightning, he flew into the words next to him.




(End of this chapter)

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