Chapter 128

Hua Ji didn't hold back either, she didn't even dare to look at Wu Henan, she just covered her mouth and shouted vaguely: "Which one of you can cure Henan, I will reward you with 500 million!"

What responded to Hua Ji was the sound of retching from the whole room.


In the chaos, Wu Henan made a strange sound from his mouth.

"Wet?" Hua Ji frowned.

"Wet horse!"

Wu Henan's tongue seemed to be swollen, and his voice became more and more indistinct.

But Hua Ji still heard what Wu Henan wanted to say.

"Sima Qingjian? Do you want him to save you?" She confirmed to Wu Henan.

Wu Henan didn't try to speak anymore, only a pair of eyes blinked quickly, as if nodding desperately.

"Damn it, is it true that only that guy can cure this disease?"

Hua Ji gritted her teeth and muttered to herself.

Looking around at a group of doctors with pale faces, he was extremely annoyed.

He shouted coldly: "Come on, go and bring those two guys over to me!"

"I have my own hands and feet, so I don't need Mrs. Huaji to worry about it."

However, Sima Qingjian and Qian Bugou had already appeared at the door.

Sima Qingjian walked into the room, glanced at Hua Ji, and sighed to himself: "People, sometimes you really can't be too arrogant.

For example, when Young Master Wu was arrogant and domineering in front of me, did he ever think that one day he would kneel down and beg me to save him? "

Hua Ji was so angry that her lips were trembling.

How could she not hear that Sima Qingjian was deliberately criticizing Sang and scolding Huai?
On the surface, it was Wu Henan who was talking about, but secretly he was warning Hua Ji?
But what can Hua Ji say?

Does she dare to say anything?

What if she gets this disease next time?

She was just going crazy with frustration!

"Get out of here."

Sima Qingjian said calmly while putting on his gloves.

The doctors couldn't bear it long ago, and when they heard this, they even took the opportunity to run away.

Qian Bu smiled coquettishly and exited the room.

Hua Ji's eyes widened and she gritted her teeth: "You actually let me go."

Before he finished speaking, Sima Qingjian interrupted him coldly: "What? Does Madam Hua Ji want to taste the virus here?"

Hua Ji's face suddenly turned pale.

Without saying a word, he turned and left the room.


The sound of the door closing was as heavy as thunder.

It seemed that all the frustration in his heart was vented on this moment.

"Hmph! I'm so angry with you!"

Sima Qingjian sneered.

Then he walked up to the unrecognizable Wu Henan and said with a smile: "Master Wu, I heard that you asked me to save you?"

Wu Henan, who was speechless, could only blink desperately.

"But, I'm a vengeful person, so I don't want to save Young Master Wu that much."

The worse Wu Henan's physical condition became, the brighter the smile on Sima Qingjian's face became.

"No! No! No!"

Wu Henan's eyes were full of anxiety, and his mouth even made an inexplicable sound.

"It seems that Young Master Wu has a strong desire to survive." Sima Qing smiled, "It's fine if you want me to save you, but you have to promise me three things."

Hesitation appeared in Wu Henan's eyes.

When Sima Qing saw it, he began to take off his gloves, as if he was about to leave.


Wu Henan was in a hurry, blinked quickly, and agreed to Sima Qingjian's request.

'Wow, is this how you feel when Mr. Liang makes conditions for us? '

Sima Qing felt relieved.

But he kept a devilish smile on his face: "The first thing is, you are not allowed to do anything against me and my relatives and friends in the future."

Wu Henan only hesitated for a second, then agreed with a blink of an eye.

"The second thing is, don't pester Xiaoya in the future!"

Hearing this, Wu Henan's eyes were filled with confusion.

But after Sima Qingjian made another gesture of taking off his gloves, he still blinked to express his compromise.

"As for the third thing, I haven't thought about it yet. I'll come back to you when I do."

Sima Qingjian said with a smile.

Looking back at Wu Henan, the two tears flowing from the corners of his eyes fully expressed the complex mood of aggrieved, angry and helpless he felt at this time.

Sima Qingjian was in a good mood and began to treat Wu Henan.

During the treatment, Sima Qingjian confirmed his previous guess.

Sure enough, the edema virus in Wu Henan's body was the same as that in Zhenhai's body.

It seems that it was Zhenhai's bite in the restaurant that caused Wu Henan to suffer from sea swelling.

This wave, this wave is the great contribution of the Paw Paw Team!

Also because of his advance understanding of the virus, Sima Qingjian could easily cure Wu Henan.

But in order to let Wu Henan have a more [rich] experience, Sima Qingjian deliberately extended the treatment time.

The needle in my hand often [accidentally] pricks some painful acupuncture points.

During the whole process, Wu Henan's screams never stopped.

The scalps of a group of people outside the door were numb.

About half an hour later, all the swollen fluid in Wu Henan's body was discharged, and his body finally returned to its original shape.

But he didn't say a word, just stared at Sima Qingjian with cold eyes.

Sima Qingjian didn't seem to notice, but calmly packed up the tools.

But before leaving, she smiled and left Wu Henan a word: "By the way, don't try to break your promise.

I can cure you, or I can make you sick again.

Remember to think twice before breaking the contract. "

With that said, he left the room with a smile.

Only Wu Henan was left huddled under the quilt in horror, trembling.

"See you, Sima Qing!"

Looking at Sima Qingjian's back, Hua Ji gritted her teeth.

In his heart, he was full of doubts.

Why did Wu Henan suddenly become ill?
Why is it that only Sima Qingjian can cure that strange disease?

Does this matter have anything to do with Wu Mohuan?

What kind of role did Qian Bugou play in it?
"Come on, go and call Master Qian!"

"Master Qian, do you know what will happen if you don't give me a reasonable explanation?"

In the room, Hua Ji looked at Qian Bugou coldly.

"Madam, it's a long story."

Qian Bugou caressed his beard and sighed.

But from his body, Hua Ji did not feel the slightest fear, but seemed to be filled with calmness.

Is there really something hidden in it?
"Madam, you should still remember that Qian told you that Sima Qingjian is Wu Mohuan's man, right?"

Qian Bugou asked.

"Hmph! Master Qian doesn't want to tell me that you are hers too, right?!"

Hua Ji sneered.

"How could it be?" Qian Bugou repeatedly shook his head, "One is the queen who controls the entire Wu family and the Crow Feather Society, and the other is a little furry kid who doesn't even have wings. Any fool knows who to choose."

This loud flattery made Hua Ji's gloomy face light up a little.

But his cold eyes were still staring at Qian Bugou.

"Actually, there is something Qian has never told Madam.

That means that Qian had already met Sima Qing in private and had a medical fight.

In that silent battle, Sima Qingjian was deeply impressed by Qian's immortal medical skills, and voluntarily worshiped Qian as his teacher.

I was thinking of giving my wife a surprise, but I really didn't expect that this villain Qian and Wu Shao would have a personal grudge! "

Qian Bugou shook his head and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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