Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 110 Calculation and Inverse Calculation

Chapter 110 Calculation and Inverse Calculation
"I announce that the one-on-one duel match has officially begun!"

The moment Uncle Fu waved his big hand, Ya Shayan and the Robot Savage started moving at the same time.

Like [Type B], the attack method that [Type K] is good at seems to be those sharp claws.

As soon as they met, they attacked Yashayan's bandaged thigh.

It was as if he had been instructed in advance.

Naturally, Yasha Yan wouldn't get caught easily. She turned around and changed positions. At the same time, the swallow-shaped daggers in her hand also pierced the robot savage's eyes from the side!
Knowing that the other party is a robot, Ya Shayan will naturally not deal with it as a human being.

Otherwise, the knife would definitely go to the main artery of the neck.

However, it is not an easy task to judge the opponent's [critical point].


Ya Shayan's dagger hit the left eye of the robotic savage.

After a crisp shattering sound, the eyeballs of the savage robot exploded instantly, turning into scattered glass shards.

Fly towards the cliff sand swallow head-on!
This eyeball turned out to be a trap!
But when Yashayan was about to draw her knife to avoid it, the robot savage's eyes seemed to be filled with magnets, firmly attracting Yashayan's dagger.

In desperation, Ya Shayan could only abandon the dagger and dodge the attack of glass shards.

He looked down at the only dagger left, and frowned slightly.

The onlookers couldn't help but exclaim.

Half of the weapons were taken away as soon as they came face to face. How could they fight?
On the other hand, Yongjie showed an expression that held the pearl of wisdom in his hands.

Is this also in his calculations?

The savage robot wastes no time thinking.

With a dagger in its left eye, it launched a second round of attacks on Ya Shayan without being affected.

The sharp claws once again approached Ya Shayan's body.

And Ya Shayan, who lost one of her left and right daggers, seemed to have a greatly reduced combat power.

The parrying figure is not as smooth and natural as before.

Several times, he was narrowly missed by the sharp claws.

The battle situation seems to be developing against Yashayan!
"Sister Yasha, you must work hard!"

Those people at the base couldn't help but sweat for Ya Shayan.

And at the next moment, Yashayan frowned suddenly, with a pained look on her face.

His left foot staggered, and red blood oozes from the bandage.

"Oops, Yasha's injury"

Pearl-breasted Yan exclaimed.

But Yongjie shouted excitedly: "It's now, my baby, defeat her!"

The savage robot's body suddenly accelerated, and both claws moved towards the Yashayan's left leg that was showing flaws!

But at this critical juncture, a cunning flashed across Ya Shayan's eyes.

At that moment, Yongjie's pupils focused, and he instantly sensed something was wrong.

"Oops! That woman is acting!"

However, by the time he reacted, it was already too late to give orders to the Savage Robot.

Because Ya Shayan has already circled behind the robot savage at an extremely fast speed.

The dagger aimed at the back of the head of the savage robot's helmet, and stabbed it hard!


The metal dagger made a harsh friction sound after piercing the rattan helmet.

Immediately afterwards, violent electric sparks spurted out from the intersection.

Ya Shayan could only abandon the dagger again, avoiding those electric sparks.

However, the robotic savages were unable to pursue any further.


The whole head exploded suddenly.

The remaining headless body fell straight on the beach.

Looking at the corpse of the robot savage, Ya Shayan said in her heart: "Colored stones are awesome."

In fact, Caishiyan expressed a guess to Yashayan before setting off for the competition.

She believes that any intelligent robot must have an energy core in its body.

As long as the core is broken, the robot will be useless.

And Caishiyan guessed that the reason why the robot savage wears a helmet is probably to protect the energy core.

It is recommended that Yashayan attack the head of the robot savage more during the game.

Sure enough, the energy core of [Type K] is hidden in the back of its head!


Ya Shayan breathed a sigh of relief.

This game is more dangerous than imagined.

He even knocked out her two daggers.

Fortunately, he won.

Ya Shayan, who relaxed, slowly released the bandage on her left leg.

And took out a blood bag with a hole in it, and waved it at Yongjie in the distance.

"Hey, how's my acting skills?"

Pearl-breasted Yan also smiled proudly.

"It's impossible." Yongjie stared at Yashayan's thigh, gritted his teeth and said, "Your injury shouldn't heal so quickly!"

'It really didn't get better so quickly. Sima Qingjian said silently in his heart: "It's a pity that you don't know that there is another pervert named Liang in this world." '

"we won--"

Everyone at the base couldn't help but start cheering.

However, Yongjie, who was originally furious, showed a strange smile: "Who said you won?"


A warning sign suddenly appeared in Yashayan's heart, and she turned her head suddenly.

In sight, the headless robot savage who had fallen to the ground stood up again at this moment!
"Heh! I told you a long time ago that [K]'s combat power is five times that of [B]!
How could it be easily defeated? "

With a smirk on his face, Yongjie pointed at Yashayan and said, "My baby, let her see your true strength!"

In an instant, the headless savage rushed towards Yashayan.

The speed is five times that of before!
In the blink of an eye, he rushed to Ya Shayan.

The sharp claws are only one step away from the Yashayan!
This scene of twists and turns scared everyone in the base to look terrified.

And what makes them most desperate is that the current Yashayan is unarmed!
In the previous confrontation, the two daggers were still stuck in the wild man's head.

With that burst of explosion, I don't know where to fly.

Could it be that this is also the calculation of eternal calamity? !

Looking at the claws that were getting closer and closer to her, Ya Shayan's head went blank.

Everyone in the base couldn't help but close their eyes.

Time seems to be frozen at this moment.

"Ah, I forgot to tell Yasha, that side effect will happen more than once."

In the bookstore at night, Liang Mu patted his head and suddenly remembered about Yasha.

"It's all because of the stupid system, which gave me so much useless knowledge."

"But anyway, she won't fight with others. Even if the side effects occur, she won't hurt others, right?"

Liang Mu shrugged and stopped thinking about it.


The cruel scene imagined did not appear.

Wanting to tear Yashayan's claws apart, Yashayan grabbed it with her bare hands!

Everyone who watched this scene was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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