Chapter 106 Competition
Eternal robbery?

Hearing the young man's self-introduction, a group of people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Do normal people call this name?

"Ah! It's you, brother with glasses!"

Unexpectedly, the most surprised person at the scene was Hu Yanzhi.

Pointing at the young man who claimed to be eternal robbery, he looked surprised.

Yong Jie smiled and waved at Hu Yanzhi, obviously the two knew each other.

The suspicious gaze immediately shifted to Hu Yanzhi.

"Didn't you ask me before where the inspiration for making fake wild men came from? In fact, this guy with glasses taught me."

Hu Yanzhi said with a wry smile how the two got to know each other.

At that time, the travel company that Hu Yanzhi worked for, Xiangming Company, introduced a policy of reducing remuneration.

This aroused the dissatisfaction of a group of old employees such as Hu Yanzhi, looking for ways to protest and retaliate.

And at that time, Yongjie approached Hu Yanzhi and suggested pretending to be a savage.

Of course, the method of making the fake savage was also provided by Yongjie.

At that time, Hu Yanzhi didn't think too much, he became a fake savage and took revenge on Xiangming Company.

But now seeing those robot savages who are exactly like the fake savages, and seeing the eternity of teaching him how to do it, Hu Yanzhi has come to his senses.

He was used by Yongjie.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Zhuxiongyan asked Yongjie coldly.

"My purpose, of course, is to get this island."

Yongjie was smiling, and his eyes behind the lens gave Wu Hou a sideways look.

"In order to achieve this goal, of course I must first make the world fear this island and stay away from it.

So I found Hu Yanzhi and planned to ask him to help me realize this wish.

It's just that I didn't expect that you guys would be killed in the middle.

So I do it myself. "

"Asshole! I have no grievances with you, why do you use me?!"

Hu Yanzhi clenched his fists and roared.

"What does it matter?" Yong Jie shrugged his shoulders indifferently, with a creepy smile on his lips, "Anyway, like most people, you will become a dead person in the near future.

Before you die, what's wrong with contributing to me? "

"Wh, what do you mean?" Hu Yanzhi suddenly felt a chill behind his back, and said angrily, "You bastard! Don't say things that these people don't understand if you have the ability!"


Yong Jie smiled contemptuously, looked up at the sky, and held up his hands: "Every time the world passes through an era, species will be eliminated.

[Eternal Tribulation] comes and destroys the old species, allowing new species to take over the world.

Just like the overlords in ancient times—the dinosaurs, they are just paper in front of Yongjie.

The ruler of today's world - human beings, is also the same!

A new eternal catastrophe is about to come, when all human beings will be wiped out and new species will be born.

Only a few existences who grasp the truth can survive the eternal calamity and reach the next era. "

Yongjie looked crazy, like a hysterical cult believer.

"Crazy, crazy! This lunatic!"

Hu Yanzhi shook his head, his scalp numb.

But the archaeologists at the scene were thoughtful.

By coincidence, they thought of the Tongtian Dynasty that had been forgotten in the long river of history.

Could it be that, as Yongjie said, he encountered some kind of devastating disaster?

"What do you mean by giving us a choice just now?"

Ya Shayan, who had never spoken, suddenly asked with a blank expression.

Yongjie put away his crazy expression and showed his signature smile: "Aren't you wondering whether to leave here?
So I have a suggestion, that is to have a fair and just game between us.

If I win, you all leave Sun Moon Island immediately.

If you win, I will withdraw from the competition for Sun Moon Island.

how about it? "

"Sister, don't listen to this bastard! He's full of bad water!"

Hu Yanzhi shouted anxiously.

Ya Shayan didn't seem to hear it, and just asked lightly: "What about the competition format?"

"It's very simple." Yongjie smiled and pointed to Yashayan and one of the two robot savages beside him, "Tomorrow at this time, on the east coast of the island, you and my [K Type] to conduct a one-on-one duel.

Whoever beats the opponent wins the game.

Oh, by the way, let me remind you of one thing by the way"

Yongjie looked at the wreckage of the machines on the ground again, and said with a smile, "[Type K] has five times the combat power of [Type B]."

"Yasha, don't promise him."

Pearl-breasted Yan shook her head at Yashayan.

If it is the usual Yashayan, you can still try it.

But now that Ya Shayan is injured, how can she be allowed to participate in the competition?
Maybe Yong Jie has recognized this point and deliberately took advantage of the fire to rob!
"You can also choose to give up, but I'm not welcome on this island."

Yong Jie always had a smile on his face, but it made people want to beat him up.

Ya Shayan closed her eyes slightly, as if she was weighing something.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at Yong Jie expressionlessly: "What if I win and you don't fulfill your promise?
Some things, you and I know very well. "

"Hahaha, do you want to say that we are all the kind of people that cannot be restrained by secular laws?"

Yong Jie smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, I will invite a very important boss to be the referee."

He paused, seeing that Ya Shayan didn't say anything, smiled and said: "In that case, I will take it as your agreement.

So, see you tomorrow night. "

With that said, he turned around and walked out with the two robots.

He just took two steps, but suddenly remembered something, turned his head, and looked at Caishiyan with a half-smile: "There is one thing I almost forgot to say.

In tomorrow's game, no interference from external factors, such as computer programs, is allowed.

Once it appears, even if you lose. "

Then he glanced at Wu Hou again.

The corners of his mouth hooked slightly, and he left without saying anything.

"Damn it, those who wanted to attack quietly were actually seen through!"

Caishiyan bit her lip angrily.

"Ah, I hate this guy so much, I always feel like a cobra, and I get goosebumps."

Bai Xi touched his arm with a look of disgust.

Wu Hou also nodded vigorously, as if agreeing with Bai Xi's evaluation of Yongjie.

"Disaster robbery." Sima Bo was thinking about the words Yongjie said.

But at this moment, Yashayan let out a suppressed moan, and staggered.


A group of people from Zhuxiongyan rushed over immediately and supported Yashayan.

"She's hurt?"

The only doctor here, Sima Qingjian, soon realized something was wrong, and ordered everyone to help Yashayan onto the bed.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuxiongyan described the process of Yashayan's injury to everyone.

And looked at Sima Qingjian worriedly: "How is it? Is Yasha's injury serious?"

(End of this chapter)

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