Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 991 Sending You On Your Way

Chapter 991 Sending You On Your Way
"The scale and strength of this war is beyond what we can imagine. We can't compete with them. Leave quickly, or we will suffer!"

"This kind of strength is no small matter. Let's leave this place first. I'm afraid that this place will be destroyed the moment they fight!"

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, hurry up and go!"

Seeing this, Wuying didn't dare to neglect, and left before Yang Ming fought with them.

Otherwise, they couldn't bear the consequences, at least Wukage and the others couldn't afford it.

"Dragon style, this is your full strength! Just keep your eyes open and watch how I can destroy your power in an instant."

But at this moment, Yang Ming spoke, looking at the army of filth in front of him, he said with disdain.

"Hold the grass, what time is this, are you still here with a swollen face to pretend to be fat? Yang Ming!"

"Are you kidding me? Who are these people? These people can't be killed at all!"

"Yang Ming, at this moment, you are still talking nonsense, stop talking!"

Hearing Yang Ming's words, everyone who was about to leave suddenly shouted coldly.

In their view, Yang Ming is already arrogant enough, and now he is looking for death on his own.

Facing this kind of power, no one can remain calm and turn a blind eye.

"Yang Ming, Yang Ming, how should I say hello? There is a saying in the ninja world, which is called swollen face to make a fat man. Now you are like this!"

"Since you insist on this, I don't want to waste any more time with you. Since you just came back from the stars in the universe, it's just right. Now let me send you to the underworld."

The face of the dragon style turned completely cold.

At this time, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yang Ming.

Yang Ming repeatedly spoke nonsense in front of him, and the Buddha was furious. His patience had reached its limit!
No more nonsense!

At this point, Long Shi shouted loudly, and immediately the filthy army opened their eyes, locked on Yang Ming immediately, and rushed up.

The filthy soil reincarnation improved by the dragon style is obviously unprecedentedly powerful. The people reincarnated from the filthy soil not only can't resist at all, but even lose their self. At this moment, they have completely become immortal machines, coming towards Yang Ming, exerting their power, regardless of everything, To kill Yang Ming!
"I've said it before, you're just a frog at the bottom of a well, if that's the case, then I'll show you the power of one hundred and eight powerhouses that I destroyed your Otsutsuki clan, including Zushi, Yishi, etc.! "

However, at this moment, Yang Ming was not going to talk nonsense anymore.

Because he felt, in the direction of Konoha, there were two breaths coming towards him.

He is very familiar with these two breaths, one is Hinata, the other is Hanabi, he doesn't want to leave the battle after the two come, so the preparation is over.

"What! How do you know the name Zushi, and Yishi and others, don't you..."

Hearing Yang Ming's words, Long Shi, who was sneering, said in disdain.

However, just after he finished speaking, he heard Yang Ming's words. He was originally disdainful, but after hearing Zu Shi's name, he couldn't help but turn pale in shock.

This name is not known to anyone, even Pu Shi does not know Zu Shi's real name.

Since Yang Ming knows, there is only one explanation!
He has been to Jupiter in the big tube!

And something important happened, otherwise this name would not be known!

(End of this chapter)

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