Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 82 Three-Handed Giant Ape

Chapter 82 The Three-Handed Giant Ape
"Sure enough, around the treasures of heaven, material and earth, there must be spirit beasts guarding them!"

Seeing this, Yang Ming was secretly startled.

The spirit beasts in Hokage are full of strong mystery. The most famous ones are naturally the toads in Mt.

In addition, although other spirit beasts are also strong, they are not as elegant as these three holy places.

The three-handed giant ape in front of him is obviously one of them. When fighting with Yan Ninja, his strength is infinite, and his body is invulnerable. Any ninjutsu that comes in front of him will be directly blasted!

"What a powerful monster. Fortunately, I didn't come in at the beginning, otherwise there would be no life. The strength of this monster is really terrifying!"

Kawabata looked at Iwanin's continuous use of escape methods to bombard the three-handed giant ape, but no matter what kind of ninjutsu, it would be blasted directly in front of him, and it would not have any effect at all.

Instead, in just a short while, three neutrals were injured and withdrew from the battle!

Xianglin trembled, although she was afraid, she still stood in front of Yang Ming.

Look like a shelter from the wind and rain!

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, three muffled sounds sounded, and the three Chunin were seriously injured again and withdrew from the battle!
In a blink of an eye, there were only three Jonin and Kuroto support left!
Rock Ninja suffered heavy damage!

"Damn it, Yifan, Wenya, cast a barrier!"

Seeing this, Chi Tu let out angrily.

"it is good!"

"Tudun: Earth Flows Great River!"

Hearing this, Wen Ya nodded, made seals with both hands, and slapped the ground fiercely!

Suddenly, the ground under the feet of the three-handed giant ape turned into a mud flow. The three-handed giant ape hammered the ground fiercely with three hands. The ground trembled and the mud flow splashed, as if it was about to get away.

Seeing this, Wen Ya increased his chakra, and suddenly the mud flow expanded, and his upper body gradually climbed up to the body of the three-handed giant ape, sticking to it like glue.

The three-handed giant ape roared again and again, but the mud flow continued to expand, and it couldn't break free for a short time.

Immediately, the three separated into triangles, facing the three-handed giant ape, Chakra mobilized.

The three drank at the same time!

"Earth Dungeon Barrier: Dungeon Hall!"

Immediately, with the three-handed giant ape as the center and the three as the limit, a round soil ball suddenly appeared.

The ground trembled, clods of soil flew, and the three-handed giant ape was trapped in it in the blink of an eye.

From a distance, it looks like an ultra-small Earthburst star facing the ground!
Gradually, all movements subsided.

Seeing this, the three couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Kawabata Wang couldn't help being surprised.


The six rock ninja chuunin who were simply healing their injuries showed joy on their faces!


Heitu exhaled and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead!
"No, not yet!"

At this time, Xianglin suddenly looked at the soil ball, and said with an extremely ugly expression.

"Not bad!"

Yang Ming nodded and looked at the soil ball.

Just hearing a bang, it was as if hundreds of zhang detonating talismans exploded together.

Immediately, the three-handed giant ape burst out of the ground, and the huge dungeon was instantly torn apart, pieces of rubble and mud flowed in all directions.

On the contrary, the three of them were too close, and before they had time to react, they were immediately hit by gravel, vomited blood, and fell to the ground, seriously injured!

And because the black soil was far away, he dodged in time.

But even so, at this time all rock ninjas were seriously injured and lost their combat effectiveness.

And the three-handed giant ape went berserk again and again, and then looked at the black soil, and the ferocity erupted!

Seeing this, Heitu was terrified and fled in all directions!
No matter how deep the city is at this moment, she can't help but panic under the dangerous situation.

(End of this chapter)

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