Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 75 The whereabouts of Yanwencao

Chapter 75 The whereabouts of Yanwencao
The strong in the ninja world are respected. In the face of absolute strength, all fame, power, and status are like floating clouds!
Although Yang Ming is young, no one dares to underestimate him now!
Standing bowed one by one, looking at Yang Ming, their eyes were extremely respectful, as if they were facing a powerful existence!

"Do you want to continue the competition?"

At this time, the audience was dead silent. Yang Ming looked at the Daimyo of the Country of Grass and asked indifferently.

"No need, this war weed will win!"

Qian Hehong stood in front of the daimyo to prevent Yang Ming from making a sudden attack. He looked at Yang Ming with an unprecedented solemn expression. Facing Yang Ming's question, he nodded and said every word.

As soon as he said this, it represented the meaning of the name.

At that moment Yang Ming nodded, ignored it, stood behind Cao Ying, took out the grass ninja forehead guard from his arms, and put it on his head, the meaning was obvious.

Seeing this scene, everyone fell silent, including daimyo, who looked at Cao Ying with a livid face.

Then he looked at Chizuru Hongichi again, as if waiting for Chizuru Hongichi's meaning.

Chizuru Hongichi sighed, his expression suddenly aged a little, and he shook his head.

Seeing this, Daimyo suddenly seemed to lose some kind of support, the aura of controlling everything suddenly disappeared, and he became like an ordinary person. Then he looked at the grass shadow, cupped his hands, and said!

"Congratulations to Cao Ying for cultivating such a genius. From now on, the Daming Mansion will fully support Cao Ying and make our country of grass into an existence that is not weaker than the five great powers!"

After speaking, he sighed.

What he said was tantamount to acknowledging Cao Ying's independent status, and she was on an equal footing with him ever since.

"Go out and go out on your own!"

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

They all looked at Cao Ying enviously.

Then the daimyo bowed to Yang Ming behind Cao Ying.

"Mr. Yuexia, it is my honor to have you in my country of grass!"

He looked at Yang Ming with a respectful expression in his eyes.

The strong in the ninja world are respected, and when facing the strong, everyone will treat them with incomparable respect, regardless of age, young or old.

"It seems that even Hiroichi Chizuru feels ashamed to be inferior to this young man, that's why Daimyo made such a gesture, and has to admit the existence of Sokage!"

Seeing this scene, all the ministers couldn't help but sigh.

"That's natural. No matter how strong Chizuru Hong is, can he shake a long sword with his bare hands, and the power of a punch is so terrifying. He is just a warrior, not a ninja, and he can't get close at all. This month, it will be his at all. Nemesis, facing Yue Xiaming, don't say he has no chance of winning, even if he has, how will we fight this battle!"

"I'm afraid that even a ninja can't resist such a force. The power of a single blow will shake the earth and shake the mountains. Who is the opponent!"

Then all eyes focused on the young man behind Cao Ying.

Mouth a name at the same time!
"Mr. Yuexia!"

Afterwards, the big name cleaned up the scene, and everyone moved to the main hall of the mansion. After rearranging, the banquet was held again.

It's just that at the banquet at this time, there is only one real protagonist.

That is the moonlight.

Whether it's Sokage, or Daimyo, or Chizuru Hongichi, they are just a foil.

Facing this strong man with unlimited potential, everyone showed a respectful smile, and took the initiative to make friends with him and build a good relationship.

Some directly showed their affection, and some even wanted to promise their daughter out.

Faced with these, Yang Ming took it calmly, until Wang Kawabata took the initiative to plead guilty and said something, Yang Ming couldn't help but his expression changed, and he couldn't help asking.

"Do you know the whereabouts of Yanwencao?"

"Yes, Mr. Yuexia, I have seen this kind of grass in a valley before, because it is rare, so I kept an eye on it, and now I dedicate it to Mr. Yuexia."

Kawabata nods his head, saying with certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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