Chapter 719 What Happened

Seeing this miraculous blow, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

And more people came to their senses!

"I understand, the blow that split the earth was not caused by others, but by him!"

"Such power is simply terrifying!"

"This is no longer a power that humans can control. It's terrible, terrible!"

"Under this power, what is the Beixuan royal court doing!"

They looked at Yang Ming, with deep awe flashing in their eyes, that was respect for the supreme powerhouse!

At this time, after breaking the forbidden law of the royal court with one blow, Yang Ming sneered and walked towards Jun Ma Zhuo.

Now no one can stop his determination to destroy Beixuan Royal Court!

"Protect His Royal Highness, I will fight him to the end!"

"Wang Ting is my family, whoever wants to destroy him will be with me forever!"

"Swear to protect the royal court to the death, kill!"

"No one is allowed to step into my Beixuan royal court!"

At this moment, many guardians of Beixuan Royal Court came to their senses.

Although they were shocked by this kind of power, Beixuan King's Court was their homeland, no matter how powerful Yang Ming was, they would never allow him to set foot in it!

And Jun Mazhuo, under the protection of everyone, took the opportunity to escape backwards.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Right now, I'm afraid no one can stop Yuexiaming, but they will never give up on this!

"Hehe, history is written in blood, and mountains and rivers are made of bones. Besides, when you slaughtered my Yu clan in the Beixuan Royal Court, how could you have been soft-handed? Did you think I would show mercy?"

Seeing this, Yang Ming sneered.

Once King Beixuan died, there would be no opponent in the entire royal court!

These people are just gnats shaking the tree, and they are beyond their limits!

"Super. Shenluo Tianzheng!"

He didn't bother to talk nonsense at the moment, so he activated his reincarnation eye power!


Immediately centering on him, a terrifying repulsion erupted!

Yang Ming wanted to kill, so he used half of his strength for this attack!

This power is even more terrifying than the forbidden law that destroyed the king's city before!
With him as the center, within a radius of one kilometer, all the people who rushed over and the strong people in place were bounced away by this terrifying repulsive force, and this repulsive force still ran away violently, some Directly blasted into meat slag!
And the entire royal court, under this terrifying repulsion, violently exploded!
The huge city walls, buildings, houses, big trees, rivers, etc., have all been devastated at this moment!

After a few breaths, everything returned to calm.

However, the royal court in front of him has long since disappeared, leaving only a wasteland with a radius of one kilometer!

"This... what happened?"

Outside the royal city, the eyes of everyone who had escaped early could not help but widen their eyes, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Is this a joke? Where is Wang Ting? Where did Wang Ting go? Where are so many guards?"

"Is this the power that humans can exert?"

After the shock, there were unbelievable shouts!
Where is the royal city in front of me, it has already been wiped out with that terrifying repulsion!

In the royal city, Jun Mazhuo and others, as well as all the guards, have already been crushed into meat slag along with the city!
Dead can't die anymore!
From now on, the Northern Xuan Royal Court will cease to exist!

King Beixuan has also died!

And from now on, the entire Beixuan Territory will be terrified by hearing the name of Moonlight Ming!
The Yu Clan will also stand up from now on and become the strongest clan in the Beixuan Territory!

(End of this chapter)

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