Chapter 693 It's Him
You must know that in the entire Beixuan Territory, there is only one who is a super shadow-level powerhouse!

"Although this kind of thing is unbelievable, someone has consulted with the ruler of the Arctic land, the Penguin King, and it is absolutely true. It is indeed the case. This is what the Penguin King himself said, and there is no falsehood."

At this moment, a person stood up and said.

"It's Bai Xiao. He is the number one expert in the Hundred Kingdoms, surpassing the strength of ordinary kage-levels. The Hundred Kingdoms is also the closest to the North Pole. Since he admits it himself, then this matter can't be faked!"

Everyone was silent.

What Bai Xiao said personally, could it be false?
The country of water, the family of water!

In the lake of swords, Shui Dai couldn't help being moved when she heard such news.

Beside her stood Sun Shangxiang and Lian Xiaoyun.

Both are under her training.

Heard such news at this time.

Lian Xiaoyun was shocked.

"The peerless arrogance of the Yu Clan! Could it be Lord Yuexiaming!"

She only knows one person among the peerless geniuses of the Yu Clan, and that is Yuexiaming!

So the first time I thought that person was him!
"That's impossible. Yue Xiaming has already disappeared into the Huolong Mountain Range. Some say he's dead, and some say he's trapped inside, but no matter what, that person can't be him!"

Sun Shangxiang shook his head with a sad face.

"Is it impossible?"

Shui Dai also remained silent.

The Yu family has always been weak, and she knows one such strong man, but they absolutely cannot be the same person!

"Did you die like this? Why do I have a feeling that you are not dead yet?"

Shui Dai murmured, staring at the clouds in the sky in a daze!
Beixuan royal court, the Junma clan!
Prince Jun Mazhuo listened to his subordinates' report, his eyes flashed and he asked.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Although the Polar Bear King himself said it, he must not dare to lie to us."

The subordinate nodded, confidently saying.

"Super shadow-level powerhouse!"

Jun Ma Zhuo suddenly fell into deep thought.

In his memory, there is only one such strong man!
Over there is the patriarch of the Junma clan!
Jun Ma Zhi!
The strong in the world are respected, and they have to be cautious when facing such a strong man!

"Your Highness, what should we do? Xiong Da took the initiative to ask us for help, do we want to intervene?"

the subordinate asked.


Jun Mazhuo hesitated, it is very terrifying to be an enemy of such a strong man.

Once he can't kill him with one blow, then he will be in big trouble in Beixuan Royal Court!
As the person who gave the order, his end will be extremely miserable.

"Your Highness, Xiong Da also said that this person is very likely to be the one who abolished the Third Highness, because he saw with his own eyes that the God Emperor was forcibly deprived of his weapons."

The subordinate said again.


Now Jun Mazhuo's face changed drastically, and he looked at his subordinates.

"Say it again? Is there any evidence? This is a big deal!"

"Xiong Da said it was absolutely true. Not only him, but everyone who watched it saw it, and Xiong Da also said that if we don't believe it, we can send an expert to the scene to see for ourselves."

The men continued.

"Is that so? Then you send someone to investigate immediately. This matter is no small matter. You must not leak the slightest word. Before the conclusion is drawn, no one is allowed to know, understand?"

Jun Ma Zhuo said.

"Yes, subordinates know."

Immediately his subordinates took orders and left.

"I really didn't expect that there would be such a harvest. Yuexiaming, you may be the opportunity I've been waiting for all these years!"

(End of this chapter)

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