Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 570 You are going to get out and make trouble

Chapter 570 You are going to get out and make trouble
It's not because of the relationship between the sons of the Seventh Hokage, but the current Boruto is exactly the same as the Naruto back then, no matter in character or appearance, so he often has hallucinations in front of his eyes, as if he has always been in the era of that year.

And in order to make himself appear more amiable, he tried his best not to lose his temper!

"Bo Ren, you went out to mess around again, doodling on Hokage-sama's portrait, do you know what this is?"

Uchiha Sarana said dissatisfied.

Naruto is her dream, Boruto is absolutely not allowed to spoof like this!
"Haha, Sarana, don't you think Hokage looks more handsome like this?"

The blogger still had a complacent look on his face, he didn't feel anything at all, but was very satisfied with his masterpiece.


Zuo Liangna couldn't help but get angry and wanted to hit him with a punch!

She inherited the strange power of her mother, Sakura, and showed impressive strength at a young age. Once she is hit, the consequences can be imagined.

So you must not be hit!

Naruto quickly dodges!

Zuo Liangna chased after her, and the classroom was immediately messed up by the two of them!
Zhi Nai couldn't help but his face darkened, the strong ninja didn't get angry, the two of them didn't take his teacher seriously at all!

"These two are fighting again, as if they were born happy enemies!"

Seeing the two of them like this, Qiu Dao Diedie continued to eat her potato chips, with a familiar expression, obviously she is used to this scene!
"The teacher is also very helpless to them, one is Hokage's son, and the other is Aunt Sakura's daughter!"

Nagara Dai shrugged, a worldly tone.

He inherited Shikamaru's super IQ, so although he is young, he is precocious, but he also inherited Shikamaru's laziness. When he sees the two of them, although he sees them through, he doesn't bother to care about them!
"These two people are really annoying, interrupting my painting!"

At this time, Yamanaka Jingzhen couldn't help being angry. It turned out that he was painting, and the two of them were chasing all the way, passing by him, disturbing his inspiration, and couldn't help shouting.

Then I wanted to make a move and teach these two people a lesson!

"Everyone... stop fighting!"

Class monitor Mi Jin couldn't help whispering.

She is the same as Hinata when she was a child, shy and afraid to talk to people, but Hinata is to Naruto, she is to everyone, it is very strange that she can be elected as the monitor!
At this time, she looked at Zhi Nao's gloomy expression, then at the classroom where the two were chasing and jumping around, and everyone who was gradually getting angry, especially Yamanaka Jingzhen was ready to make a move, and she couldn't help standing up immediately. soundtrack.

It's just that her voice is so small that no one can hear it.

And such a powerless speech, no one will care at all!
"You... want to make trouble, get out and make trouble!"

At this moment, there was a loud bang, the sound was so loud that everyone in the classroom could hear it clearly!

The two who were chasing immediately stopped and looked at the place where the sound came from!
Not only the two of them, but everyone in the classroom was stunned, Yamanaka Jingzhen also stopped his shot and looked over.

Zhi Nao was also stunned and looked over!

But at the door of the classroom, a tall, dark boy walked in, with a big stone hammer on his back, looking at the messy classroom, said coldly.

Obviously the speech just now came from him!
"Why, didn't you hear what I said, you all go outside to make trouble immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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