Chapter 567 Hometown
Naruto exclusive basement!
The high-tech electronic screen displayed a series of information, and a dozen analytical ninjas analyzed the scrolls one by one.

The things on these scrolls are all passed back by Sasuke over the years, and the words on them must have the pupil power of the reincarnation eye to understand.

At any rate, Sasuke contributed the secret of his reincarnation eye, through the supercomputer in front of him, as long as he puts the scroll on it, he can read it out.

Of course, this is the same as deciphering a password, it needs to be deciphered step by step, bit by bit.

There are too many content scrolls, even though Sasuke has unparalleled pupil power, it is impossible to read them all, that would be a waste of pupil power.

And most of these scrolls are related to Kaguya, Otsutsuki and the like.

Sasuke wandered in Kaguya's palace all these years and found many orphan copies, and only those who have the eyes of reincarnation can go to this place.

But just like this, when the words were translated one by one, the shock in Naruto's heart became more and more intense!

According to these scrolls, Kaguya Ji is not from the earth, but from the distant sky!
That place is called hometown!
Everyone has the same power as Kaguya Hime, and even far surpasses Kaguya Hime.

And in the center of their world, there grows a chakra fruit, which is the fruit of the sacred tree.

Kaguya Ji stole the fruit of the sacred tree, drifted to the earth in the universe, swallowed the chakra fruit, and possessed chakra.

Then came Yuyi and Yucun, and then Ninzong, Yueyue and other things.

These Narutos all knew that what shocked Naruto was that Kaguya Ji had been afraid of those people all these years.

She knew that she had swallowed the chakra fruit, and those people would not let her go. They had been following her all these years, but they had been wandering in the universe without knowing the coordinates of the starry sky.

But sooner or later, she will be found. In order to deal with those chasing soldiers, she has created an army of [-] Baijue with infinite monthly readings to resist!
It's a pity that halfway through her plan, she was sealed by Yuyi and Yumura, and then there was no more.

On the contrary, Kaguya's palace has received some starry sky signals from time to time over the years, it seems that those chasing soldiers have come after them, but these signals are still far away, and it is not known how long it will take until they arrive here.

It's just that in recent years, the signal has become stronger and stronger!
If this continues, sooner or later, those people will find this place, and a disaster will inevitably be inevitable!
"No wonder big brother said that in the next three or four years, there will be a disaster befalling the ninja world. Fortunately, I believed it. Now it seems that I'm afraid it's just this. Maybe big brother knows something. The news that Sasuke sent back is all It has something to do with this!"

Naruto stiffened.

Although these deciphered things are only short fragments, they all represent extremely important information.

And this information, he can feel that it is not simple by intuition!
He can feel ominous!
At that moment, Naruto immediately took the obtained information, left the basement, and went to find Yang Ming.

But Yang Ming didn't give him any clear information, it's just that this matter is not trivial, don't be careless, and also let Sasuke who is walking around be careful, after all he has the eyes of reincarnation, he is half of that place, if they want to find it, it is extremely difficult It is possible to find Sasuke first.

From Kaguya Ji's point of view, those people are obviously difficult to deal with!

(End of this chapter)

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