Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 565 Cells Under the Moon

Chapter 565 Cells Under the Moon
Never thought that Miss Huahuo, who is usually very gentle, would be so horrified when she erupted!

"If you want to thank you, please thank Yuexia Lord. If it weren't for Yuexia Lord, we would have been killed by Huahuo long ago, so there is no chance to heal you."

said a medical ninja.

If Yang Ming hadn't arrived in time, they would have had to meet underground!

"That's right, Miss Hanabi is too strong. In order to protect us, Hokage-sama can only be beaten continuously. If Tsukishita-kun hadn't appeared in time, we will all die in the end, and only Seven Daime will be left!"

So did another medical ninja.

They have all seen the horror of Huahuo, so they are naturally terrified.

And being able to be saved, I couldn't help but be grateful to Yang Ming.

Because if it wasn't for Yang Ming, they would have died long ago, how could they have a chance to come here!
"Lord Yue Xiajun? He finally came back!"

Hearing this name, all members of the Hyuga clan became excited.

Since Yang Ming became their son-in-law, the status of the Hyuga clan has continued to rise. Whether it is going out on missions or walking on the street, everyone will look at them with completely different eyes.

This is a look of incomparable admiration!
The whole Hyuga clan became more honorable because of Yang Ming!
Even if you go to some places to eat, you will get a free bill!

This is a supreme honor, not anyone can get it!
While they were talking, Yang Ming walked in with Hinata and Hanabi, and went straight to the room where Hinata Hyuzu was!

"It's really Lord Yuexia and the others!"

"Mr. Yuexia!"


All the members of the Hyuga clan couldn't help but get excited and shouted quickly.

Yang Ming nodded, and went straight to the room where Hyuga Hizuru was!

Hyuga Hyuzu suffered the most severe injuries, and at his current age, he was probably the most dangerous!

When the two arrived, they saw Hyuga Hidetsu lying on the bed, extremely tragic.

He was already like a candle in the wind, ready to go out at any moment!
As Hanabi's father, he suffered the most damage!


Seeing this, Hinata's eyes turned red!
"You guys are here, Huahuo is fine, so I can rest assured!"

Hinata Hyuzu barely opened his eyes, looked at Hinata, and Hanabi beside him, and showed a relieved smile.

He had been worrying about this all along, but now that he saw Yang Ming, he felt relieved!

"Don't talk, let me heal you!"

Yang Ming waved his hand to stop Hyuga Hyuzu from continuing to speak, stretched out his palm, and pressed directly on Hyuga Hyuzu's heart.

On the one hand, Hyuga Hidezu’s injury was caused by fireworks, on the other hand, his body’s lifespan was coming to an end, and it was caused by old age.

This is the most difficult to treat. Tsunade and the others can cure his trauma, but no one can interfere with matters such as lifespan!

Yang Ming can't do it either, but it's not difficult to prolong the vitality of cells to achieve the effect of increasing lifespan!
Naruto with the power of the six yangs can prevent Kai's death, and so can he!

Yang Ming sipped softly, the chakra was highly concentrated, and finally formed a purple jade in the palm of his hand, and pressed it into Hyuga Hyuzu's body!

This is the life cell he extracted from the body, which is similar to the inter-column cells, and even more mysterious than the inter-column cells!
Yang Ming plans to use his own life cells to continue Hinata Hinata's life!

It's not impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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