Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 538 You are stronger than the moon

Chapter 538 You are stronger than the moon

"It's unbelievable. Such a force can be resisted. I haven't seen you for two years. The strength of Yue Xiajun is even stronger!"

Tu Ying murmured, Yang Ming's strength is obvious to all, and now it seems that he is even stronger.

Even a chakra cannon of this strength can withstand it!

"If you can even resist a move of this concentration, then what else can destroy him!"

Mizukage Terumi Mei was also amazed.

"It can also be seen indirectly, Raikage, your chakra cannon can't even destroy Yue Xiajun, let alone the moon."

Feng Ying said, looking at Lei Ying.

Lei Ying's face was pale and he couldn't say anything.

Obviously what Fengying said was the truth, even Yang Ming couldn't be killed, let alone the whole moon!
"Is this the strength of Lord Yuexia? This is too scary, right? In two years, many people have forgotten his horror. Now it seems that it is even more terrifying!"

Not only Wukage, but also other high-level village officials who saw this scene couldn't help being amazed!

They were no strangers to Yang Ming, on the contrary, they were very familiar with him, but it was precisely because of their familiarity that they were so shocked by this scene.

It is too strong!

"Big brother!"

Naruto's pupils constricted, and he has not been idle for the past two years. After transplanting the arm made of interstitial cells, there is no doubt that his strength has increased again.

Now Sasuke is no match for him at all.

Of course, Sasuke has been running around all these years and has not been idle, but he is still not Naruto's opponent.

But now compared with Yang Ming, it is completely two concepts!
"Mr. Yuexia? I really didn't expect that his current strength is so terrifying!"

At the same time, in the extreme north of the ninja world, near Otsuki Kaguya's palace, Sasuke was searching for information about Kaguya, seeing this scene from a distance, his eyes flashed with fear.

Two years later, that person has grown stronger.

"How about it? Gokage, it should be no problem with my suggestion. Your so-called chakra cannon can't even destroy me, let alone the moon. I need 12 hours to go to the moon and find Man on the moon, kill him, stop the moon."

Seeing Wuying's silence, Yang Ming smiled lightly.

In fact, now Five Kages have to agree if they don't agree.

Originally, they were still pinning their hopes on the chakra cannon, but now it seems that it has no effect at all, and now Yang Ming has become their only hope.

"Okay, Yuexia-kun, since that's the case, then the ninja world is counting on you!"

Kakashi spoke first.

"I also agree, if Yue Xiajun needs anything, we can do it with all our strength."

Mizukage Terumi Mei also nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Kazekage seconded the proposal, and Tukage also nodded. In the end, although Raikage was not reconciled, he could only nod.

But he looked at Yang Ming and said.

"Mr. Yuexia, I believe that the ability of my chakra cannon may not destroy you, but it may not destroy the moon. I think you are now stronger than the moon."

Although he was shocked by his conjecture, the facts speak louder than words right now. While he has confidence in his Chuck Cannon, he is also even more shocked by Yang Ming's strength. This shock is the strongest of all.

"We can give you 12 hours, but the actual time is only 6 hours. If you can do it within this time, please notify us immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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