Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 480 Izanagi the Black Absolute

Chapter 480 Izanagi the Black Absolute

Hashirama was startled and looked in front of him.

He can't judge at this moment!

"Although I don't know what the situation is, it seems that Lord Yuexia won, but although Lord Yuexia won, what about the meteorites that fell from the sky? At least dozens of them fell together. How can we resist it? You can live, even the whole earth is going to be finished!"

Shikamaru and the others looked up at the meteorite descending from the sky. The meteorite descended very fast. According to this speed, it will descend on the earth in less than 1 minute!
At that time, except for the body reincarnated from the dirt, they will all die, and no one will be spared!

"Isn't he dead yet? Hei Jue made a move?"

However, at this time Yang Ming looked at the meteorite that was still falling rapidly from the sky, and knew in his heart that it was because Madara Uchiha hadn't completely died, so the power was still there, and the meteorite was there!

To be able to escape from his blow, even the Sage of the Six Paths couldn't do it. Obviously Uchiha Madara used some kind of method, or Heijue made a move!

A person like Uchiha Madara has gone through a hundred years. In terms of combat experience, even the Sage of the Six Paths may not be able to match it, and even Kaguya Hime can completely compete. If it weren't for Hei Ze's sneak attack, with his growth strength , will be extremely terrifying.

It is really difficult to kill someone like him!

Sure enough, just when Yang Ming thought this way, Uchiha Madara suddenly appeared, panting all over, most of his body was exploded, only half of his body was left, but he did not die.

Hei Ze chopped off one of Bai Ze's arms and hit Uchiha Madara's other hand, using Bai Ze's ability to restore Uchiha Madara's body, and on the newly installed arm, nine Sharingans were inlaid !
It's just that at this moment, the nine Sharingan eyes have turned dead gray, and they are tightly closed!

"Izanagi! No wonder you can block me from a single blow. You actually performed such a forbidden technique. It is worthy of being black. Uchiha Madara's method is strong enough, but your method is even stronger. You actually used this technique to help him Escaped!"

Seeing this, Yang Ming was stunned.

In this case, only this technique can escape his blow.

But obviously Uchiha Madara didn't know it, and was still kept in the dark. After using the power of the Six Paths and the white blood cell to re-grow the arm, he looked at the nine writing wheels with his eyes tightly closed on the arm brought by Heijue Eyes, gasping for breath, shocked at the same time.

"What a horrible Yuexia-kun, even Izanagi didn't work. After using it nine times in a row, I was killed nine times. I weakened your strength nine times in a row, and you were still beaten like this in the end. It's amazing, amazing! "

Uchiha Madara said while shouting excitedly!

Then he focused his eyes, looked at the dozens of meteorites falling down from the sky, and said coldly!
"But what are you going to do next? Can you stop this force?"

"Although Uchiha Madara was not killed, it is not bad news. After all, if he is killed, the next task will not be completed. Although everyone cannot be saved, as long as Hinata does not die!"

Looking at the meteorite falling from the sky, Yang Ming felt helpless. Everyone else should die. Although he was not afraid of this kind of attack, he obviously couldn't protect everyone.

Now I can only abandon them and leave Hinata!

"Melting: Spiral Shuriken!"


However, at this moment, two cold voices sounded suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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