Chapter 40
On this day, the wind is sunny, the sky is clear, and there are no clouds in the sky.

Early in the morning, the ninja school was decorated with lights and streams of people.

Not only the students came, but also the villagers who heard about the incident came to watch.

This is a Kusanagi event!

"School celebration, how long has it been since we have done this kind of thing, that is, Mr. Aso's majestic strategy, and I, Kusanagi, have such prosperity!"

"This is a rare event. Not only will Mr. Cao Ying attend in person, but the high-level executives who are rarely seen on weekdays will also come out to congratulate the ribbon-cutting!"

"I'm looking forward to it. The last time I saw Kuokage-sama was when the Ninja World War started three years ago. Kusakae-sama was too busy. This time I can see him once, even if I watch him from a distance, it's enough!"

Many villagers were excited and looking forward to it.

"Ninja school celebration, this is not a simple matter, in addition to Kusanagi-sama, there will be me, Kusanagi high-ranking officials, such as advisor Takenaka Shun, intelligence captain Kawakami Yuichi, and patrol captain Takahara Zhou. I didn't expect that Yue Xiaming would have the background of Mr. Kuokage, it was a mistake, but this time, the four of us must show our strength and make everyone's eyes shine at the school celebration!"

At this time, many students are carefully preparing for the program.

This is a rare opportunity to show yourself.

After graduating from ninja school in the future, they will join the ninja army to participate in missions. Of course, not all ninjas have to participate in battles and perform missions. Depending on their abilities, they may also become medical ninjas, join medical classes, or intelligence masters, etc.

This high-level gathering is undoubtedly a rare opportunity.

Gang Qingtai said to the three of them, Gui Wen.

At this time, the four of them seemed to form a fixed team, and they would gather together for any large-scale activities.

Especially after being hit by Yang Ming, they became even more united.

"That's right, this is our chance. Last time, Mr. Caoying probably didn't expect to see Yue Xiaming, because we knew each other, and probably had some other relationship, so he ignored us. This is understandable, but this time, we have to In front of all high-level officials, show our strength and let everyone focus on us!"

Fujishima Jun nodded and said.

"it is good."

Gui Wenda and Chang Jiaye both nodded and responded quickly.

At this time, Yang Ming changed into a black outfit and walked towards the school.

For others, it was a school celebration, but for him, it was an assessment and then graduation!
It was his own graduation ceremony!
It's just that this is destined to be a secret, after all, the talent he's showing now is too amazing.

Once leaked out, I'm afraid it will lead to death!
A five-year-old ninja genius, no one is surprised!

There is already a Kakashi in the ninja world, let Konoha prosper for 20 years, and there will never be another Kakashi!

Yang Ming understood Cao Ying's intentions, but he didn't care about them.

Having mastered the mid-level immortal body and mid-level strange power, as well as the six wooden escape abilities, he is not afraid of anything at all!
Even if it is a shadow-level master, he can fight a few times and even defeat him.

Unless he is a master of the shadow class, he will be a threat to him!
But if you can't fight, you can run. For Yang Ming, the ninja world can't be said to be wanton, but it can still walk.

"These are the high-level Kusanagi!"

When he came to the school, Yang Ming saw that all the high-level officials had arrived at this time. They were sitting in the shape of an encircling circle, with the grass shadow in the center, waiting for the students to show off their strengths!
(End of this chapter)

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