Chapter 376 Loulan Patrol
"No matter what you do, since it is listed as an S-level task, it is no small matter, and you must not be careless."

Sunset Red said, especially looking at Ya.

Among the three, Shino is the calmest and has his own ideas, and Hinata is the most timid, not suitable for being a ninja, but there is no problem at all with Yuexia-kun on the side.

On the contrary, it was the teeth, impulsive and reckless, which worried her a lot!
"is teacher."

Ya obviously also knew his shortcomings, so he didn't dare to say more, and nodded quickly.

Regarding these, Yang Ming had nothing to say, and he was speechless all the way.

The four headed towards Loulan.

Loulan is thousands of kilometers away from the Kingdom of Fire. With the foot strength of the three of them, it is natural that Yang Ming can't do this kind of restless rush. Four rooms and one living room for four people to rest.

Let the four of them not sleep in the wild.

Hong couldn't help admiring this. After all, these years of being a ninja, most of them lived in the open air. It was the first time that they lived in a house in the desert like this.

The three of Hinata thanked him again and again, and at this moment they didn't even dare to be arrogant, because Akamaru was so tired right now.

Rest for one night, continue on the road the next day, and continue to move forward for three days. A group of four people crossed from the Kingdom of Wind abruptly, and came to the border of the extreme west. In a desert, an ancient city looms. Standing in the wind and sand like a monument.

"Is this the purpose of the mission? It really is an ancient city located in the wind and sand, and this ancient city is probably a bit too much!"

Seeing the ancient city in front of him, Ya couldn't help shaking his head.

Because the ancient city in front of me is really too dilapidated, only the buildings in the center of the city can be regarded as buildings.

"Don't be careless, tooth, my worm tells me that there is a powerful force here."

Zhi Nai adjusted his sunglasses, still speaking coolly.

Hinata glanced at Yang Ming. Although the two teammates said that it was very unsafe and she had to be careful, when she saw Yang Ming beside her, she was more at ease than ever. It seemed that with him around, everything was not a problem at all.

"Look, someone is coming!"

At this moment, the guards around the ancient city seemed to have spotted Yang Ming and his party, and approached immediately.

This is Loulan's own patrol force!

"Are you... Konoha's ninjas?"

Seeing Yang Ming and his party of five people, the patrolman first saw the forehead protectors on the five people's heads, and said immediately.

"Yes, we are entrusted by your queen to carry out the task, take us to your queen!"

Xiyanghong said, she obviously knew the way, and said to the patrol.

"Do you want to see Her Majesty the Queen, everyone, although you are Konoha's ninjas, I'm sorry, I haven't heard any notice about this, so please wait here for a while, let me report!"

Hearing this, the guard's eyes lit up, looking at the group of five people, a strange smile flashed across his face, and he replied.

"Step aside!"

Just as Hong was about to answer, Yang Ming used Mudun to grab the four of them with Mudun's arms, and left them far behind.

At the same time, looking at the patrol in front of him, he said coldly.


The guard was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect Yang Ming to make a sudden move, but at this moment!

A shocking sound erupted from the body of the patrol, and the entire body of the patrol exploded violently!
It was only a few seconds before and after. If Yang Ming hadn't made a timely move, the four of Xiyanghong would be injured now!

(End of this chapter)

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