Chapter 270

"Have they all escaped? But you can't escape."

Yang Ming shook his head.

Since Xiao is hiding, unless they show up by themselves, if they want to look for them, they probably won't be able to find them.

But Yang Ming is not in a hurry, their target is the tailed beast, and sooner or later they will be active in the ninja world, just listen to the movement.

"The Country of Field, the Country of Frost, the Country of Taki, the Country of Rain, Tsubasa Mizushiro, Falcon Aso, even Reiko Miyazaki, and Kusanagi, I have already avenged you!"

Yang Ming stood on the pipeline of the Land of Rain, turned around and bowed towards the Land of Grass to salute. So far, the Four Kingdoms had been killed by him alone, and they were in turmoil. Although it was only a small country, it was no small matter.

Next is Land of Earth!

The Land of Earth is close to the border of the Land of Grass, and a little farther away from the Land of Rain. Yang Ming would have to travel at least tens of thousands of miles to travel through this place.

At that moment, Yang Ming paused for the night, found a hotel to stay, rested for the night, and started the next day.

The country of earth turned back its promise, and also imprisoned Kota Hiraga, the daimyo of the country of grass, and severely injured Koichi Chizuru. This is a great shame.

Since they are determined to renege on their debts and detain the daimyo to balance the country of grass, Yang Ming doesn't mind taking them down.

Although Iwanin's strength is strong, Onogi alone is okay, and the others don't need to care about it. It is not difficult to directly attack the land of land, but it is not easy. After all, it is one of the five major countries, and its strength should not be underestimated.

Just when Yang Ming checked into the hotel for a night's rest before heading to Land of Earth, the entire ninja world had been turned upside down.

Yang Ming started from Tianzhi Country and drove straight into it. In one day, he went to the Four Kingdoms, beheaded all the shadows, masters, and daimyos of the Four Kingdoms. The heads of the people killed were rolling, and the Four Kingdoms were in chaos. This incident has spread like a plague in the entire ninja world. opened.


"Hokage-sama, Hokage-sama!"

In the Hokage Room, Tsunade took over a lot of work when he took over the fifth generation of Hokage. He had just finished his work, and it was already early morning. After taking a sip of spirits, he was ready to rest.

At this moment, Jing Yin suddenly ran in with the piggy in his arms, panting and panicked, as if he had encountered something terrible!
"what happened?"

Tsunade couldn't help frowning and asked.

It was the first time Shizune was so panicked. Could it be that something big happened to Konoha?
Or Danzang went and returned, and came back again?
Thinking of this, Tsunade's expression became slightly dignified.

"Master Tsunade, something is wrong. An urgent call came from the Daimyo Mansion of the Tanokuni. Their daimyo died, and Otonin Village was destroyed. Orochimaru and Otonin are all dead, and there is no one left... "

Silent said quickly.

After finishing speaking, I couldn't help being shocked!

"What? Such a thing happened in Tianzhi Country?"

Tsunade couldn't help being taken aback, he couldn't believe his ears.

If Jing Yin hadn't said it herself, how could she dare to believe such a thing?
"Who did it, do you know?"

Tsunade asked again.

Shizune nodded, and was about to answer, when Kakashi suddenly rushed in, just like Shizune, regardless of any demeanor, came to Tsunade, with a rare panicked expression.

"Master Hokage, it's not good, the kingdom of frost has been wiped out, the daimyo is dead, all the frost ninjas have been slaughtered, and now the kingdom of frost is in chaos..."

However, Kakashi's report was not over yet, and suddenly Asma and Yuhiru also barged in. In the end, even the high-level officials such as Zhuanzuo Haru and Mitomonyan were alarmed!

They are all here!
(End of this chapter)

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