Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 250 Danzo's Ambition

Chapter 250 Danzo's Ambition

"Danzo, I didn't like people like you very much in my previous life, but now you find me by yourself, then you can't blame me!"

After dealing with these root ninjas, Yang Ming sneered, looking in the direction of the root base, with a chill on his face.

People don't offend me, I don't offend anyone, Yang Ming didn't take the initiative to provoke anyone, but was shot by others, if this is the case, then use an eye for an eye!

Immediately, Yang Ming's figure flickered, and he ran towards Gen.

The root is the root of the Konoha, the so-called root of the Konoha, as long as the root is there, even if the Konoha is burned, it can still survive.

This is the original intention of Neto's establishment. Together with Hokage, he is in charge of Konoha, just like the head and branch of the Hyuga clan.

The same is true for the roots, which are built to protect the leaves.

But now all this has changed.

Danzo is ambitious, unwilling to live in the dark for a long time, and began to peep at the position of Hokage, but Sarutobi is too powerful, he has nothing to do.

But with the death of the fourth Hokage, the old age of the third generation, and the attack of Orochimaru, he gradually saw hope.

He cooperated with Dashewan to kill the three generations, and he came to replace them. Unexpectedly, a Yang Ming was killed on the way, which ruined his good deed.

Konoha's revenge plan was proposed by him on his own initiative for Orochimaru, and Orochimaru just followed his way.

Although Orochimaru is known as Leng Jun and is one of the Sannin, how is his opponent who is scheming and calculating? He may be cautious at the beginning, but he was eventually calculated.

Orochimaru understood that it was already a later thing.

Now that Yang Ming ruined his good deed, he wants to take revenge fiercely!

When he was about to make a move, the third generation actually absorbed Yang Ming as a Konoha ninja, and also crowned him with the title of Elite Jōnin.

However, Yang Ming left without saying goodbye, leaving him in vain. He couldn't help being speechless, but he never gave up. After analyzing Yang Ming's plan, he recruited people to follow him secretly, and then waited for the opportunity to strike.

Unexpectedly, he was lost at first, and then continued to pursue, followed the clues, followed all the way to the country of water, and then saw such an amazing scene, immediately recalled his men urgently, and after a while, Yang Ming came back!
And it is said that Tsunade is about to come back, and should be called by the third Hokage to succeed the fifth Hokage of Konoha.

Seeing that the victory was in sight, but suddenly heard the bad news, he couldn't help being extremely unwilling. In the final analysis, it was all because of Yang Ming's appearance that ruined his major event!

Although Yang Ming showed terrifying strength in the Kingdom of Water, he easily analyzed Yang Ming's weaknesses with the kind of people he possessed, so he directly sent ten top experts to hunt down Yang Ming.

However, he didn't have much hope, because he knew that Yang Ming would never be stopped, and his purpose was not to kill Yang Ming with nine out of ten people.

When Yang Ming arrived at the root, he was not surprised at all, he even nodded, looked at Yang Ming, as if seeing an old friend, and smiled kindly.

"Mr. Yuexia, you are finally here!"

"Since you know that I am coming, then the purpose of my coming is also clear, should I say it?"

Seeing this, Yang Ming frowned. He didn't like Danzo's confident expression.

With strong perception, he can clearly perceive the powerful ninjas hidden around him, and these are masters trained by Danzo.

(End of this chapter)

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