Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 217 Other members try to avoid him when they see him

Chapter 217 Other members try to avoid him when they see him

But at this time, the human world, the animal world, the Shura world, and the hell world were instantly abolished!
Only Tiandao and Xiaonan were left, relying on their ability to fly, they continued to climb up and ascend!

However, the skyrocketing speed of the big tree far exceeded their flying speed.

The branches danced wildly, forming a cage, and violently volleyed!

In an instant, it was as if tens of thousands of people were waving their arms together, and a terrifying power descended!

"Earth Blast!"

Seeing this, Payne was very dignified, holding a black ball in his palm and throwing it into the air.

I saw the black sphere soaring into the sky, hovering in the void, the earth began to crack, and it exploded with a rumble!
Within a radius of [-] meters, as if a huge magnetic field appeared, the earth was pulled and concentrated towards the black ball!
"Earth Explosive Star? Forget it, the information is already in hand, there is no need to die!"

Seeing the pitch-black sphere appearing in the sky, Yang Ming shook his head and stopped kowtowing.

Although he may not have no chance of winning if he continues, he will only win miserably afterwards, which is unnecessary.

Gather your strength at the moment, and punch the ground under your feet!
"Secret Technique: Unparalleled Strange Power!"


The power of terror erupted!

Suddenly, the ground under his feet shattered, and then Yang Ming moved his body, broke away from the gravity of the earth, and suddenly got away.

Immediately, Yang Ming moved and disappeared in the Land of Rain in a blink of an eye.

The information has been obtained, and he chooses to leave!


Seeing Yang Ming leave, Pei En Tiandao and Xiao Nan didn't chase after him. In fact, they couldn't catch up even if they wanted to!

"Even the Earth Explosive Star was broken free, this month's next Ming is too scary, it is not at the same level as Hanzo!"

Xiao Nan murmured, looking at the magnificent sea of ​​trees in front of him, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"Indeed, this person will be our greatest resistance, and at such a young age, it's hard to imagine his potential in the future!"

Tiandao Payne nodded, his expression extremely dignified.

"What should I do next? According to this person's thoughts, will I meet him sooner or later, and chase him down?"

Xiaonan couldn't help but deeply frowned.

"It may be very difficult to kill this person. We all attack together. I am afraid that everyone except me will be killed by him in an instant. The sea of ​​trees is born, and he is not afraid of group battles at all, but he does not dare to fight me. In the end, it really doesn’t work, I can only psychic out heretic golems, although this person is not to be feared, but pay attention to his movements, let them avoid him if they can!”

Tiandao Payne thought for a while, then shook his head and didn't care.

Although Yang Ming is strong, he is still within his control, but Xiao's other members are not good enough, they don't have such strength!
Once encountered, 100% will be killed!

Right now, I can only escape!

"We have to speed up our pace. When we are done, look at the entire ninja world. Except for the legendary Sage of the Six Paths, we don't have to be afraid even if it is reincarnated from Senjujuma!"

Xiao Nan nodded, although Yang Ming is powerful, they are even more powerful.

At this time, Yang Ming had already left the Land of Rain, came to the underground black market, and directly handed over the task!

All the information was written in the scroll by him.

The underground black market mission officer saw it and immediately believed it.

Because the things written by Yang Ming are too shocking and very detailed, it is impossible to fake them.

And only this kind of information can explain Tong Hanzo's death!
"Okay, this information will shock the entire ninja world. As expected of Yuexia-kun, it is really amazing. You have completed the sss-level mission so quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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