Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 203 Inuzuka Kiba's Hostility

Chapter 203 Inuzuka Kiba's Hostility
Seeing that the two were about to fight, Ning Ci said calmly.

"It is said that after Konoha's three teachers, Kakashi, Asma, and Yukaihong, there will be another elite jnin!"

He obviously knew more than the others, and after he finished speaking, he couldn't help but have a look of shock on his face!
As a genius of the Hyuga Clan, a genius of the ninja school, he is obviously very clear about the concept of elite Jōnin!

"Elite Joinin!"

Apart from Naruto, Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang couldn't help but gasped, with shock on their faces!
What this represents, they are naturally clear.

But that's why it's shocking!

Only Naruto looked puzzled.

As the tail of the crane, he always wanders when the teacher is teaching.

However, no one paid any attention to Naruto, and Sakura didn't bother to explain to him.

Everyone became serious.

At this time, as more and more people came to the scene, the discussion gradually sounded!

"Elite Jonin, I don't know which adult has this honor, this is the ultimate honor!"

"Since the three adults of Kakashi, there are very few elite jnin appearing!"

"Look, the daimyos of the country of grass, the grass shadows, and our daimyos of the country of fire have all arrived, which shows how much they value them!"

Everyone was discussing, only to see high-level officials from various countries gathered one after another, Hokage and Konoha high-level officials entertained them one after another, surrounded by ninja densely, maintaining the scene, an extremely solemn and dignified appearance.


At this time, Yang Ming arrived. Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help being shocked!
"It really is Konoha, the promotion ceremony is so grand, it is far from the country of grass!"

He has seen the promotion ceremony of the Land of Grass, compared to the one in the Land of Fire, it is not a concept at all!
He couldn't help being amazed at the moment!
"Mr. Yuexia!"

At this time, a shy voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing this voice, he took a closer look, but it was Hinata calling her.

At the same time, Konoha Twelve Little Strongs are all around her!

"Hello there!"

Seeing this, Yang Ming walked over to say hello!
"Mr. Yuexia?"

At this time, Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang saw Yang Ming one after another, and greeted each other.

But they were even more surprised by Yang Ming's outfit.

Dressed in black clothes, although he is only six years old, his body development is similar to theirs, and his black hair hangs down on both sides, making him look like a big shot.

They were ordered to come to watch the ceremony, and at the same time hide in the surroundings to be responsible for safety. Since Yang Ming is a Konoha ninja, this kind of dress is too out of place!

This is not ninja dress up at all!
"Are you also here to participate in this elite Jōnin ceremony?"

Naruto didn't care about this, he was more curious about Yang Ming himself.

"That's it!"

Yang Ming smiled, he couldn't say that he was the ninja who was about to be crowned as an elite jonin.

After all, this kind of thing is a bit too shocking!
"Is that right? Yue Xiaming, I think since you are a ninja, you should know that it is wrong to wear this kind of clothes on this occasion! You haven't graduated from ninja school, right?"

At this time, Ya looked at Yang Ming and said coldly.

For some reason, he has great hostility towards Yang Ming.

Or he is very hostile to Kusanagi!

"Oh? What's wrong?"

Hearing this, Yang Ming said calmly.

"Hmph, as a ninja, you must always be vigilant, because enemies will appear at any time. Let me ask you, what should you do if you encounter enemies at this time?"

Tooth is not polite, said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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