Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 197 Dried Persimmon Kisame and Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 197 Dried Persimmon Kisame and Uchiha Itachi

"Naruto fought against the monster, and at first he was able to fight hard a few times, but then he was defeated."

"In the end, a huge black sphere suddenly appeared in the civet cat's mouth..."

"That's the Tailed Beast Jade!"

Kakashi's pupils shrank.

The others gasped involuntarily.

At this moment, Sakura continued to speak, and the fear on her face became more and more intense when she said this!
At this moment, she seemed to be dominated by fear!
"This huge black sphere is too terrifying. I can feel the terrifying chakra contained in it. Once it erupts, it will be enough to flatten a hill!"

"I thought we were going to die, but who knew that suddenly a huge tree wall rose in front of us, and then we saw a lot of big trees appearing on the ground outside the tree wall, with a radius of about [-] meters!"

"'These big trees wrapped around the black sphere, wrapped it, and finally..."

"It became what you see, and I don't know after that..."

Even if it was just a memory, Sakura still felt shuddering!

"That's Wooden Dungeon: The Art of Birth from the Tree Realm, the secret technique of the first Hokage. It's terrifying that this young man can perform this technique. His Wooden Dungeon has already reached the level of the first Hokage!"

Thinking of this, Kakashi was shocked, unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

Because this kind of power only exists in legends.

"Mu Dun, although I didn't see it from behind, it seems that one end was suppressed, otherwise the scene would not be like this!"

"It's such a terrifying ability to subdue a tailed beast. Is this the true strength of that Kusanagi boy?"

Although Sakura didn't see anything in the end, it is not difficult to analyze based on the situation at the scene that Yiwei was suppressed!
As for the person who suppressed Yiwei, they already knew who it was!
It's Kusanagi who shines under the moon!

"Mu Dun, so he is the one who attacked us in the Forest of Death and trapped us!"

At this time, Kakashi suddenly thought of something, said.

"If there is no third person in the ninja world who can use Mudun, then there will be no second person, but what is his purpose?"

A few other people obviously thought of this too, but Yang Ming's purpose made them very puzzled.

Saved Hokage, rescued Naruto, suppressed One Tail, prevented One Tail from destroying Konoha, but trapped them again in the forest of death, what to do!
"No matter what his purpose is, at least it seems that he has no hostility towards Konoha for now, otherwise he would not trap us, but kill us directly!"

Kakashi shook his head, no matter what, at least Yang Ming is not hostile, this is the most important thing!
The most important thing right now is to repair the damaged village and appease the frightened villagers.

"I hope this person won't become my Konoha's enemy, otherwise how terrifying it would be!"

Everyone murmured.

"These two are..."

But at this time, Yang Ming was about to go to the Naruto Room to collect the money, but on the way he ran into two mysterious people wearing black-bottomed auspicious cloud robes!

Yang Ming naturally knew that this was the logo clothes of member Xiao!
And the two of them are Kisame Kisame and Itachi Uchiha!
At this moment, these two people were about to invade Konoha, but they were bumped into by Yang Ming!

"kill him!"

Seeing his deeds revealed, Uchiha Itachi decisively ordered.

"it is good!"

Ghost Shark grinned grimly, he already had this intention.

He rushed over with a shark muscle in his hand!

He was extremely fast, and he came to Yang Ming in the blink of an eye!

"Little devil, it's just your bad luck!"

Kisame sneered, and the shark muscle slashed down!

(End of this chapter)

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