Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 195 Suppression of 1 Tails

Chapter 195 Suppressing One Tail

"Huh? There are humans who can take my uncle's tailed beast jade hard, but it's nothing, hmph, then I have to come a few more times!"

Yiwei obviously also saw this movement, and immediately sneered, and opened his mouth to spit out, the chakra condensed again, and the tailed beast jade formed again!
"Wood Dun: Birth of the Tree Realm!"

At this moment, suddenly the ground around it burst open, towering trees rose from the ground one after another, and the trees swayed wildly, like thousands of arms, whipping Shouhe's body in an instant.

Shouhe endured the pain, and the strength he had gathered just now was abruptly broken up.

However, this is not over yet, I saw that within a hundred meters around it, there were no big trees stretching out, binding its body tightly together, forming a huge cage, firmly restraining it!
It struggled violently, but the more it struggled, the tighter the restraint became. In the end, its entire body lost a lot of weight!

"Damn it, this is Mudun, it's impossible, the kid from the first generation is already dead, how can there be someone who has such a terrifying Mudun!"

Shouhe yelled, but its resistance was getting weaker and weaker, and the big trees around were still rising from the ground, densely packed, completely a sea of ​​trees.

The power of growth far exceeds its power of destruction!

"Forget it, the human world is too dangerous, I'd better hide in that kid's body!"

Seeing this, Shukaku obviously recalled the horrible memories of the past, and suddenly felt that Gaara was the safest in his body, and immediately went back automatically.

Gaara fell from the sky, and people suddenly woke up.

However, although he came to his senses, after the power of Shou He, his whole body was exhausted, and his body couldn't even bear this terrifying force, causing serious injuries everywhere!

It looks stunning!
"I love Luo!"

Temari quickly picked up Gaara, seeing the injury, he couldn't help but hate and hurt!
"I love Luo!"

Kankuro also rushed over at this time, he couldn't help but look worried.


The two of them didn't dare to stay longer and left in a hurry.

Fortunately, Yang Ming did not pursue, but left the scene immediately.

Because he felt a wave of powerful chakras coming, it was Konoha's ninjas, one of them should be Jiraiya, his chakras are very familiar.

Too lazy to talk nonsense, Yang Ming left directly.

Anyway, the task has been completed, and the next step is to go to Hokage to collect the money.

After this battle, let him know his own shortcomings, and now he must quickly earn enough one billion taels to acquire other wooden escape abilities.

"This is!"

At this time, Zilai also waited for people to arrive one after another.

Looking at the scene, I couldn't help being shocked.

Especially this sea of ​​terrifying trees instantly reminded Jilai of a certain terrifying ability!

"It's unbelievable. Since the first generation of adults, someone has mastered Mu Dun again. This kind of power is truly terrifying!"

Kakashi murmured.

At this time, he had recovered, and the Sharingan was also covered. On the contrary, Kai was injured because of opening the seven doors and was recuperating in the hospital.

When he saw this scene, he couldn't help being shocked!

Not only him, but all the ninjas in Konoha were shocked to see this spectacular scene in front of them!
One can imagine what kind of battle took place here!
"What about Naruto?"

At this time, Jiraiya immediately looked for Naruto!

"We are here!"

"Uncle Lustful!"

The three Naruto came out like the rest of their lives after a catastrophe. They heard Jiraiya's voice and came out one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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