Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 176 Genius vs Crane Tail

Chapter 176 Genius vs Crane Tail

Yang Ming murmured.

The next step is to think about how to get one billion taels!

Although he is now a Jōnin in the Country of Grass, the Country of Grass is a small country with limited tasks, and the Jōnin of the Country of Grass has a lot of water in the ninja world, and many places do not recognize it.

After all, a small country has no right to speak.

But if it can be approved by the Ninja Ninja Examination of the Nation of Fire, then it will pass in the ninja world!

It's like the same undergraduates, one graduated from a prestigious university, the other graduated from a private university, one is recognized by the world, and the other is simply nowhere to be found, even in the school where they graduated, they may not be able to find any information.

The yearly tax revenue of the Land of Fire is 5000 million taels. Don’t underestimate the 5000 million taels. Converted into RMB, it is 50 billion taels!

The population of the Land of Fire is only tens of millions. The reason for this kind of taxation is that the Land of Fire is located in the core of the continent on the territory of the ninja world, and has the best resources among the five major countries.

Like the country of water, the country of soil, the country of wind, and the country of rock, the natural environment is dangerous, and the annual tax revenue of 1000 million taels is not bad.

So when the ninja war started, almost everyone's goal was Konoha!
For the environment and resources!
If he wants to save enough one billion taels, it may not be possible to add up all the annual taxes of the five major countries!

But since it is a task, it must be completed!
The best way right now is undoubtedly to take on some difficult tasks!
"After the matter here is over, go to the underground world of the Kingdom of Rain. There will be more tasks and rewards."

Yang Ming murmured, he had a plan in mind.

Then back to the hotel, after a short rest, while thinking about ways to make money, while waiting for the final battle of the Chunin exam.

At this time, his task of assisting Orochimaru to lure Konoha Ninja away has been completed, and the reward of 10 taels has also been paid to his account.

In addition to Chong Chunyi's filial piety before, there is a huge sum of 18 taels in his account at this time.

But compared to one billion taels, it was still far behind.

"By the way, Orochimaru is about to invade Konoha. With his strength, it may be very difficult to succeed. What if I help him? Or help Konoha, can I make a fortune!"

Thinking of Orochimaru, Yang Ming's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of a good way!
"However, this method should be used at the most critical time, so that we can make a good fortune!"

Now Yang Ming made up his mind and wandered around, waiting for the final Chunin exam!
As time passed, Muye Village became more and more lively, and many people came every day.

In the last three days, the daimyo from the Land of Fire came in person, surrounded by personal guards, and many high-level officials came one after another, and the third Hokage greeted them in person!
Afterwards, the daimyos of the country of wind, the daimyo of the land of earth and other countries all came, and Muye village suddenly became prosperous to a peak!
The Third Hokage did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly entertained them, while stepping up security guards.

On the last day, basically all the big names are here, and the game begins!
Early in the morning, all participating ninjas arrived except Sasuke.

The meeting place was crowded with people, and on the high platform, big names and dignitaries from all over the world sat together.

In the middle of the hands, Hokage and Kazekage sat on the top respectively, watching the audience.

The two communicated briefly, and all participating ninjas are ready. With the appearance of Genma Shiranui, the competition officially begins!
The first scene is Naruto and the genius Neji!

(End of this chapter)

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