Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 151 Why is it so troublesome

Chapter 151 Why is it so troublesome

"Are you kidding, this is Chunin who needs to know knowledge?"

"I'm not mistaken, I haven't learned this content at all!"

"This is the Jnin exam question!"

As soon as they got the question, everyone was dissatisfied.

Some shouted directly.

"Eliminate, fail!"

Facing the clamoring people, Morino Ibiki announced directly.

"Why, what qualifications do you have to eliminate me?"

This person was immediately dissatisfied, and even geared up, ready to make a move.

Who can become a ninja, which one is the good stubble?

What about the examiner, just do it if you are not happy!

"Throw it out!"

Morinoi Bixi said indifferently.


Immediately, a Konoha ninja grabbed the man and threw him out.

Although this person had some strength and resisted, no matter how opponent he was, he was immediately thrown out.


Not only that, but his entire team was eliminated!
Everyone was stunned and looked at Morino Ibiki.

"In this examination room, I am the rule, what I say, what I say, whoever is dissatisfied, all will be eliminated!"

Facing the crowd, Morino Ibiki said indifferently.

His eyes were as cold as ice, and his body was murderous like a god. Feeling this aura, everyone was shocked.

Not daring to do it again, he quickly looked at the test question in his hand.

Although the test questions are extremely difficult, there are still masters who can do it, and soon some people write like flying.

"How is it possible that someone can answer this kind of exam question?"

Naruto couldn't help being surprised, looking at the exam questions in front of him, he was completely confused.

Not to mention the Zhongnin test questions, even the Genin test questions, he may not be able to understand them.

Suddenly his head was as big as a cow.

On the other hand, Sakura looked at it for a while, and found that it was just right, so she answered.

"I see!"

After a while, Sasuke seemed to understand something, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, Sharingan opened, watched the actions of the people in the front row, and copied them directly.

"The art of turning the heart!"

Ino also understood, performed ninjutsu, exchanged souls with Sakura, and began to answer.

After all, it was only the first exam. After the initial surprise, everyone found a way one after another.

As a ninja, this is the most basic ability!
Of course, some people's methods are very good, while others are very low-level, they are instantly seen through and eliminated directly!

The exam was very cruel. Gradually, the number of people in the exam room decreased continuously. In the end, there were only 50 people left.

Yang Ming smiled, but didn't write at all.

The real purpose of the first exam is to test everyone's basic intelligence-gathering ability as ninjas.

The information he wants, why bother to spend all these thoughts, just go and get it.

As a wood escape ninja, this is his arrogance!
At this time, most of his eyes were on Hinata.

After not seeing each other for several months, Hinata's aura has strengthened a lot.

Although this aura seemed weak compared to his teammates, it was already commendable.

"Hinata is also a fairy body, system, is there a way to activate Hinata's fairy body?"

Yang Ming's heart moved, and he couldn't help asking.

If Hinata can activate the immortal body, coupled with the immortal mode, with her incomparably pure white-eyed blood, it may not be impossible to become an existence like Sheren.

The power of Tenseigan is no longer under the eyes of reincarnation, but it is difficult to activate it.

"Yes, it needs to be on the moon, the holy place left by Hamura can be activated!"

The system's answer immediately left him speechless.

On the moon, with his current strength, it is far from enough.

"It seems like it's a distant thing."

Yang Ming couldn't help shaking his head.

(End of this chapter)

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