Naruto-level Wooden Dungeon Training System

Chapter 14 The Dream of Thousand Girls in Ninja World

Chapter 14 The Dream of Thousands of Girls in the Ninja World
The little girl was shocked and couldn't believe what she heard!
Who is Kakashi?
The leader of the five major kingdoms in the ninja world, the country of fire, the first genius of Konoha Ninja Village!

Became a Jonin super genius at the age of 12!
His father is Konoha Baiya, a man known as a Kage-level powerhouse!

A short knife crosses the ninja world!

Kakashi was very strong, and he was outstanding in World War II, earning the title of copying ninja!

In today's ninja world, no one knows that Konoha's technician copied the name of ninja Kakashi!

Such a character is the dream of tens of millions of girls in the ninja world. The country of grass is near the country of fire. How can they not know his name?
Now Mizushiro Tsubasa actually compares the little brat just now with Kakashi?

The little girl couldn't believe it, she just felt that her world view had been subverted!

"It's more than that. I can feel a powerful chakra on Yuexia-kun. If our guess is correct, this person may be extremely talented, far beyond what Kakashi can match. His current chakra volume, I'm afraid Already a Jonin level, if you give me some guidance, you will be a Jonin, a five-year-old Jonin!"

Mizushiro Tsubasa exclaimed.

Look at Aso Falcon.

He is a sentient ninja. After the two came back, they studied it in detail, and immediately discovered that Yang Ming's chakra level may have reached the level of supreme ninja!
Although it is only chakra, everything else is still zero!
But this is shocking enough!
Five-year-old Jōnin?

Such a talent, how terrifying, I am afraid that the entire ninja world will set off a storm for it!

Even the legendary ninja god Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara, it is impossible to have the amount of chakra of a ninja at the age of five!

The two of them were shocked at once, and until Yang Ming easily crushed everyone including Chong Junyi, they became more sure of what they thought in their hearts!
The attitude has completely changed from the solicitation at the beginning to the equal existence.

"That's right. Otherwise, why do you think that I am so polite to a child? The majesty of the shadow is not that I am polite to him, but that he has such strength and potential. As long as he is guided a little, he will be a shocker." The strong man in the ninja world, I Cao Ren, may rise because of him and become an existence like the five great powers."

Aso Falcon said proudly.

Cao Ying has the majesty of Cao Ying, not facing anyone, he is like this!
"That moonlight, is it so terrifying?"

The little girl is like listening to a book from heaven, she can't believe that such a thing exists in the world!

"Although it's unbelievable, it's the truth. My future glory may be tied to this person. Do you understand?"

Aso Hayabusa looked at the little girl with a serious face.

"Yes, Grandpa, I understand!"

Seeing the rare serious expression on Aso Falcon's face, the little girl trembled in her heart and nodded in response.

She knew that Kusanagi's future would depend on that child.

If what Falcon Aso said is true, then the entire ninja world will be shaken!


"Worthy of being the shadow of a village, to realize my value so quickly, but I'm worth it!"

After leaving Cao Ying's residence, Yang Ming walked towards the orphanage.

Thinking back to the meeting with Cao Ying just now, Yang Ming knew the completely different reaction and expression of Falcon Aso from before.

I'm afraid Aso Falcon has already analyzed his own value, otherwise, as the shadow of a village, how could he be so polite to you!

But Yang Ming didn't feel anything!
The strong in the ninja world are respected, and his strength and talent deserve this respect!
However, his gaze is not limited to the Country of Grass!
(End of this chapter)

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