Chapter 99 End!

Chapter 99 End!

Dong Feng naturally knew that pointing at people was a very impolite behavior, but he was willing to do so!

Although it is an impolite behavior for others, he enjoys the process of insulting people very much.

"I guess you will say that those who dare to point their fingers at you will not end well. I don't know if I'm right?"

Dong Feng stared at Jun Lin with a mocking look on his face. He had heard this trick too many times, but so what?Everyone who had said such things to him before had their tongues wiped out by him!

It's just a big talk, who wouldn't?

If speaking big words can save him from fire and water, then there won't be any more miserable people in this world!
You must know that only when you have enough strength can you have the capital to speak, otherwise you are not qualified to decide anything at all!
"You answered correctly, but there is no reward!"

Lin Jun said coldly that he hated people pointing at him the most in his life, and this Dong Feng undoubtedly touched his bottom line.

Coupled with the fact that the people around here are all facing him with swords, I have to say that this group of people is quite courageous.

It seems that this place is their small world, as long as they are in this place, they can do whatever they want without any worries!

" are really a humorous person."

Dong Feng said with a smile, "You are already in danger, yet you still have the mind to joke around. I have to say, you really amused me."

He thought Lin Jun was quite an interesting person, especially with his expression just now, as if he was pointing to the general.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he might have been deceived by him. How could a nobody have that kind of aura?

"Really? Too much self-confidence is not good! Whoever said that we are already in danger, believe it or not, just one sentence, your shop will be razed to the ground!"

Lin Jun has already spoken, and Li Feng has already started contacting here, and someone will come immediately in just a few minutes.

Dare to attack God of War, it is already a capital offense!

"It seems that your background is not small!"

Dong Feng sneered, "However, I won't give you this chance. I told you a long time ago that this is my territory, and I have the final say on everything!"

"If you really have the ability to escape from me, I will kneel down and call you grandpa!"

Dong Feng said coldly, he was very confident in his own strength, no one who caused trouble in his place could stand up and go out.

Hearing this, Li Feng smiled coldly.

No one has ever been so confident when facing the big brother, but, the frog in the bottom of the well, who knows how vast the world outside is!

In such a tiny place, the eldest brother doesn't even need to make a move, and it will be wiped out in an instant.

"Remember what you said!"

Lin Jun said, sitting directly on the seat, there was no tension at all, as if nothing happened.

Seeing Lin Jun so calm, Zhang Xiaoyong began to ponder in his heart, and then looked at Dong Feng who was on the side.

"Brother Dong, I don't think he's nervous at all. Could it be that he really has a hole card? Shall we..."

However, before he finished speaking, Dong Feng interrupted him directly with a wave of his hand, signaling that he didn't need to worry.

"Why are you so cowardly? See clearly, now that my people have surrounded them, how much more trouble can he cause?"

Dong Feng began to despise Zhang Xiaoyong. Such a big man could be so timid. I really didn’t know what to say about him!

Men should dare to break through and fight!
Otherwise, how could they be successful?
"It's... also."

Zhang Xiaoyong was relieved, heaved a sigh of relief, and then looked at Jun Lin, "Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Chuchu for you!"

"Let you be right with me, this is the consequence!"

Zhang Xiaoyong looked at Lin Jun triumphantly, as if the latter was dead, and Ye Chuchu was in his arms.

Hearing these words, Lin Jun's eyes burst out with chills!

If you dare to hit Ye Chuchu's idea, you will die!
"If you say something, you have to bear the consequences!"

Lin Jun patted the back of the chair, stood up immediately, turned his head to look at Li Feng, and asked in a low voice, "Where is the demolition team?"

Li Feng said quickly, "There is one minute left!"

"Very good! I want to watch this place be razed to the ground today! And the two of them, let Shang Rulie handle it, understand?"

Lin Jun said angrily, he had never been so angry before, it was only because Ye Chuchu was involved, otherwise Dong Feng and Zhang Xiaoyong would not have ended up like this.

In the final analysis, it is just self-inflicted evil!

"It's already reached this level, and you still have the guts to speak big. I have to say that I will give you ten points for your courage!"

Dong Feng said coldly that until now, he thought that Lin Jun just wanted to scare him and get out of here alive.

But he is not scared too much, if he is fooled by such a few words, he is not qualified to continue to be the boss here!

Lin Jun didn't speak.

Because he felt that talking to this guy was a waste of his time, so he didn't say anything at all.

Seeing Lin Jun's reaction, Dong Feng and Zhang Xiaoyong were even more proud. Now, this guy is finally speechless!
Li Feng couldn't help but hold his forehead. These two guys were still feeling proud. Could it be that they really couldn't feel their own crisis?
Twenty excavators are coming quickly, as long as these excavators start working, within 10 minutes, this bar will be completely dismantled!

Lin Jun looked at his watch, "There is still the last half minute."

Facing Lin Jun's words, Dong Feng waved his hand, "Come on, cut off this guy's tongue first, it's really annoying!"

He really can't see Lin Jun's aggressive appearance. In this bar, anyone who is more aggressive than him can only die.

While speaking, two younger brothers walked up, holding a short knife in their hands, with bloodthirsty smiles on their faces.

It was as if Mr. Lin was like fish on a chopping board in front of them, they could cut wherever they wanted!

Boom! ! !

However, before those two guys got close to Lin Jun, they were directly sent flying.

Li Feng stood in front of Lin Jun, showing a man-eating look, he never thought that these guys would really dare to do it!
What a bunch of fools!
"Go together!"

In order to avoid nights and dreams, Dong Feng ordered everyone to dispatch to kill Lin Jun.

Otherwise, how would he survive in this tavern?
Boom! !

At this moment, a huge muffled sound suddenly came, and everyone familiar with it knew that it was the sound of an excavator!
"Boss, look outside!"

(End of this chapter)

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