Chapter 33 Rainforest
Chapter 34 Rainforest
[Congratulations to the host for reaching six days of survival, and a reward of [-] tank points]

Yan Hao went to bed early after he couldn't get any news about the titanium ingot last night.

In the early morning of the next day, facing the sea breeze and the slightly bright sky, he woke up leisurely.

As the night passed, there were fewer military shovels in the trading house.

But it was all traded by others with cast iron.

Seeing that the goods warehouse was full again, Yan Hao stomped his feet cruelly and exchanged 10 yuan of cast iron for [-] steel nails.

Steel nails can also be regarded as hard currency, so you don’t have to worry about being sold, and it can save space.

The outside world slowly brightened up. Yan Hao looked through the car window and found that his doomsday chariot was submerged by seawater for [-] centimeters.

The waves beat on the doomsday chariot from time to time.

However, the doomsday chariot is waterproof, and the sea water cannot affect Yan Hao.

No one knows the law of the ebb and flow of the earth's inner world. Before going to bed last night, Yan Hao had already driven the doomsday chariot a long way back, but he was still submerged unexpectedly.

"I have to leave here, it's not a problem to stay by the sea all the time."

The next natural disaster is acid rain.

However, the tank upgrade system did not give Yan Hao an upgrade plan, saying that it could prevent acid rain.

This is very sad.

Is it not refreshed?

There is a high probability that this is the case. Only after one plan is upgraded, another plan will appear.

And Yan Hao didn't upgrade the chariot much, he only added insulation materials to the car shell and doors.

If he wants to be arrogant and continue to choose other upgrade plans to upgrade the shell of the Doomsday Chariot, Yan Hao does not know how many times he will have to try the upgrade plan that is resistant to acid rain corrosion.

Doomsday Chariot doesn't necessarily have enough points.

So he can't stay where he is, and he can only get chariot points by going out and exploring new areas.

If you are lucky, you will come across a treasure chest, open a blueprint, make new items, and get chariot points.

Even if he is unlucky and encounters a giant dinosaur, Yan Hao is not invincible now. Killing those dangerous creatures can also get chariot points.

After deciding what to do, Yan Hao launched the doomsday chariot and went straight into the forest.

Sea, beach, coconut trees.

This is the perfect match for summer holidays.

But there are no coconut trees in this forest, only some low bushes.

After going deep in, what Yan Hao saw was a tropical rainforest, humid, sultry and accompanied by salty air.

Now Yan Hao doesn't like the forest very much.

As long as there is a forest, then 100% of the two resources in the area have a wood.

Another resource is also likely to be resin or other plants.

Yan Hao has no demand for these resources at present, and he hopes to find a mining area. Only in that way can he find news of titanium ingots.

While driving, Yan Hao browsed the regional channels of District 888.

【Regional Channel】

"I bought a military shovel from Yan Hao, and now digging sweet potatoes is much easier than before."

"Big guy! I can scrape together 500 yuan of cast iron to buy a military shovel!"

"Hey, I advise you to buy it early. Now that I have a military shovel, my efficiency is almost ten times higher than before."

"Isn't there no cast iron here? If there is cast iron, I will definitely buy it."

"Yes, that Yan Hao is too dark."

"I figured it out, he made at least 40 yuan of cast iron with a military shovel, my God, he didn't raise the doomsday chariot to the top, did he?"

"No, what does he need now? Titanium ingots! Titanium ingots are necessary to upgrade the doomsday chariot from rare level to rare level, and there are still a lot of them. No matter how much cast iron he has, it won't help much."

"It's useless? Just be sour. If I have 40 pieces of cast iron, I can eat and drink well every day."

"Eat and drink well? When the acid rain comes, is it useful to eat well?"

"Are you stupid? Acid rain is nothing. It is much easier to resist acid rain than to resist natural disasters. Give me a military shovel. I will do nothing for six days, just dig holes!"

"Dig a hole to hide in?"

"That's right, I'm hiding in a cave, what will the acid rain do to me!"

"Damn, bro, you're right, I'm going to buy a military shovel right now, isn't there a big mountain in the east of our region, dig a cave!"

"Don't worry, you don't have to dig a cave, maybe there is a cave on that mountain?"


Yan Hao really didn't observe the surrounding environment carefully before, he only cared about admiring the beauty and magnificence of the sea.

In addition, these people also provided Yan Hao with an idea.

To avoid the natural disaster of acid rain, you can indeed find a cave to avoid it.

Moreover, another resource in the 888 region was also found by Yan Hao.

There should be a lot of sweet potatoes underground in this place.

In the past, Yan Hao would probably get out of the car with a shovel and dig some sweet potatoes, but now that he is rich and powerful, he still thinks it is better to go to the mountains to the east to find caves.

"Up, north, south, left, west, right, east. I hope it's not wrong."

Yan Hao didn't know how others got the east side, and he wasn't stupid enough to go to the regional channel to ask.

Yan Hao could only look at the car map, and then follow the most common method of distinguishing directions on Blue Star to find what he thought was the East.

Hope nothing wrong.

In this way, Yan Hao has been driving towards the east he thought, but generally speaking, it is biased towards the southeast.

Because if Yan Hao is used as the benchmark, the sea is to the north of him, and he will probably drive into the sea when he drives northeast.

If you drive due east, the chances of finding Dashan are not high.

Then the only option is to go southeast.

Some small animals on the road scurried from time to time from the rainforest.

The most is Compsognathus.

This kind of small dinosaur less than one meter long is very widely distributed in the inner world of the earth, and the number is also very large.

Yan Hao has seen it several times, and every time he sees groups of Compsognathus.

Some creatures are not threatening because they are small.

Compsognathus is still a great threat to survival humans. If Yan Hao is not on the Doomsday Chariot, hordes of Compsognathus may pounce on him directly.

As he continued to go deeper into the rainforest, Yan Hao saw the biodiversity in the inner world for the first time.

Different plants, all kinds of small animals.

A herbivorous dinosaur that occasionally walks by the creek.

The biological information on the glass panel keeps refreshing, and every time you advance one meter, the biological information in front of you is brand new.

All kinds of plants that Yan Hao has never heard of, let him see enough next time.

"Good place."

There are no particularly threatening creatures in this kind of place. There is a lot of food and the air is humid. It is quite suitable for survival humans to live here.

Gradually, Yan Hao discovered that the doomsday chariot began to drive upwards, and the road surface was gradually sloping upwards.

From the looks of it, the mountains that humans talk about in the 888 region have arrived.

With so many plants blocking Yan Hao's sight, he couldn't see the whole picture of the mountain clearly.

However, through the change of terrain, it can still be clearly distinguished.

The higher you go, the less dense the vegetation becomes.

When he was halfway up the mountain, Yan Hao could see the dense rainforest that he had left behind through the gaps between the plants.

(End of this chapter)

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